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Developer Console not reporting correct code coverage: problems.

Hi everyone,


I also replied here but I want to make sure this gets the attention it deserves as I believe more developers are struggling with this. Since Winter 2014 there has been a shift from using the apex classes tab for testing towards using the Developer Console. This is all well and nice but it is giving me the following issues. 


  1. Run all tests and go to the console.
  2. Individual tests show the code coverage for some classes and triggers for that particular test in "Class Code Coverage" window.
  3. "Overall Code Coverage" window however does not show some of these triggers and classes although I can see the the code coverage in the "Class Code Coverage" window.

This is really bad. As developers we need to be able to see full overall code coverage for all triggers and classes without having to calculate this ourselves by performing each individual test and checking what gives the highest coverage.


What we need:

  • Being able to see the overall code coverage for ALL classes and triggers.
  • Being able to see which classes have 0% code coverage in the same list as the those that have at least 1% code coverage.
  • Being able to export this list to Excel (by CSV format or whichever is convenient).

There must be more people having the same problem, and if so, how has this been solved ? Currently I do not feel confident I can even make a reliable report with the right test percentages.







Hi Neezan,


Everyone is in the same boat. We are all finding it hard to use the Developer console for a "OVERVIEW" of the complete package's code coverage. Vote up this idea and maybe the idiots at salesforce might just listen to the screaming community who just can't work becuase of this idiotic move to a developer console which is just not there yet.