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Best way to get started with Saleforces

Recently It has been requested by my manager to begin handling all Salesforce development requests in order to not have to hire outside help from consultants, so he told me to begin doing research for some courses so I will be able to handle these requests more effectively.

I know this question is subjective and I would actually like to hear your experiences and opinions. It looks like I will primarily be working with more of the "back-end" aspect of Sales force and won't need to have a great deal of requests for Visual force yet. So as long as admins don't have an issue with subjective and opinionated answers, I would like to hear what you guys have to say.

So to sum it up, How do I get started?
In my opinion the Workbooks are the best place to start.
They give a soft introduction to most of the aspects of Salesforce.
You're right I do like those workbooks, but hes actually looking to put some money into me to go to courses.  Opinions?