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Pairin MasonPairin Mason 

Adding New button into Standard Default Page


I created a new custom object called 'AccountAssetAssociation__c' and included the related list of the new custom object into Account object detail page. Under this related list, there is a 'New AccountAssetAssociation' button which will display the default page with default behaviour of creating new record for the custom object. (picture. 1)

User-added image

I would like to add a new button or link which will allow user create a new asset (inddition of selecting from the exisitng) into the default page. (picture 2)

User-added image

Is there any way to override the default page with visualforce page without rewrtiting the whole form in the default page?

Thank you   



SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
If you wish to add a new button to the standard page, it would not be possible as custom buttons/lins are available for a detail view page.

What you can do is override the new button for AccountAssetAssociation and create a VF page in its place such that you can have a new asset creation from that VF page.
Pairin MasonPairin Mason

Thank you Sonam.