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Dropzone reRender javascript issue IE.?
I am using dropzone multi-upload Drag and Drop upload into salesforce.Its working fine on all browsers except IE.
Also on IE as well its not working in only 1 scenario..when i have reRender on the page..If i remove reRender it works.Please help i am stuck on this for 2 weeks.
Script starts like below.
Also on IE as well its not working in only 1 scenario..when i have reRender on the page..If i remove reRender it works.Please help i am stuck on this for 2 weeks.
Script starts like below.
<script> // j$ = jQuery.noConflict(); var myChatterDropzone; dz_jQuery(function(){ var recordId; // Try to find the Id of the record we are looking at, if any. var documentText = dz_jQuery('html').html(); var tokenStart = documentText.indexOf("ResponseRequestedURL=") ; var documentEnd = documentText.substr(tokenStart,documentText.length); var tokenEndIndex = documentEnd.indexOf("');"); //recordId = documentEnd.substr(tokenEndIndex-15,15); recordId='{!snagId}'; <apex:form > <apex:outputPanel id="test1" rendered="false" > <apex:commandButton value="tesr" rendered="false" reRender="none"/> </apex:form>If i just remove reRender from above command button it works perfectly. The above command is not linked at all with upload functionality but just removing it from page works for me. :(
Can you please let me know how I can upload image using dropzone. When I tried to upload then it gives error regarding BODY is missing.
Thanks in advance
Sohan Raj Gupta