• Shohrat Muhamov
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  • Member since 2016

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I need to pass user input from javascript in visualforce button to Apex controller, to add it to field. Can anyone hep me with it please?

I have created visualforce page button with standard Lead controller and custom extension controller. I am trying to populate a field on lead record that are not owned by running user. Salesforce returns insufficient privileges error when i try to use that button as a regular user. My extension class is in System mode and I have given the edit access on profile. But I am still getting same error message. Can anyone help me with it please?
Is it possible to create field dependency in Visualforce page for two unrelated picklists from different objects without hardcoding in custom controller? (with javascript or any other alternative)
Can someone help with this issue please?
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Trying to finish app customization specialist step 3 challenge, getting error message. Can someone help ?
Hey All,

hoping someone can help... ive checked everything 3-4 times and even tried in a diff org. Can someone see if they can explian what im doing wrong ?

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Hi there, 

I got following error on step 3.

A Volunteer Shift Worker record created for another user is not in their approval queue, or it does not have the correct status automatically assigned.

Anyone passed this step?

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
A Volunteer Shift Worker record created for the logged in user is not automatically being assigned the correct status.

Created Approval Process and Called it in Process builder still getting errors
I am new in sfdc plz help me
How can I create "next button" in a case to show me next case? Depending on whether the state field is equal to one will be displayed or hidden the button.
I'm doing the simple lightning components challenge and have hit this problem in my existing trailhead org and a brand new dev org that I've just created:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: QVWBQHAG
Hi All,
I have an issue with a custom button that executes Javascript.  On the opportunity object, on button click it checks to see if there is a value in a custom field on the account object.   Works fine if the user is the owner of the account and the opportunity, but if another user owns the account the javascript appears to not be able to grab the value that is being evaluated from the account object.  I created a custom sharing rule on both  opportunity and account  for all internal users read/write access, still not working evaulating Javascript correctly.  Any input is greatly appreciated!

Is there any to pass to parameters from a javascript to a actionFunction?

For eg  I have a var 'x' in javascript set to some value. On some condition I need to call a actionFunction which calls a controller. I need to pass the value of x to the controller. I can pass using param tag of actionFunction to controller but how to pass x to the actionFunctio?