• Alvaro Mattos
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I'm just learning the basics of Apex, and I could use a little help writing a test class for a basic trigger I have that prevents users from deleting tasks. I've been at this for over a week now, and I've just hit a wall with it.

Could anyone help me out with a test class for this? I'll be sure to make it best answer :)

Thanks in advance.
trigger NoDeleteOnTask on Task (before delete)
        Set<Id> allowedProfileIds = new Set<Id>();
        for(Profile p :[SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE (Name = 'System Administrator' )]){

        for (Task a : Trigger.old){
                a.addError('Task\'s can\'t be deleted. Please contact the system administrator if you require further assistance.');

Anyone facing trouble with Module Service Cloud Macros - Create and Run Macros?

I can't see Email Action on page layout. I got the same error of this link: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=Why-do-I-receive-an-error-running-the-Macro-saying-that-the-action-is-not-available&type=1&language=en_US

I found users claiming about similar question that seems to be the same issue on this link: https://success.salesforce.com/ideaView?id=08730000000l1tPAAQ&sort=2
Trailhead keeps requesting to log in and writes that there is no connection to developers edition, even though it was connected before
A) Activity Timeline
B) Datepicker 
C) Menu
D) Pill