• Medhanie Habte 37
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Greetings, I am wondering if there is a way to include two or more fields in an outputPanel tag, as shown below. My output is accounting for two fields, one within the object and the other in a related object (which is a child to the record), I get this message Unknown property 'VisualforceArrayList.Support_a_salad_bar__c'​ when I save. 
<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Test" recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Contact">
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >
<apex:repeat value="{!relatedTo.Member_Schools_Serviced__r}" var="lineItem">
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!lineItem.Term__c = '2017-2018'&& lineItem.School_Term_Progress_Reports_del__r.Support_a_salad_bar__c = FALSE}">

what is use of system.start(),system.stop() in  salesforce
Guys, In challenge 8, i was struck at the point of hyperlinking the CreatedBy to redirect to user detail page. How do we define hyperlinks in lightning. Can anyone share any info on this part.
I'm using Conga Composer (so Apex isn't an option here) and trying to create a query. It looks like this:
SELECT <fields>
FROM OpportunityLineItem
WHERE OpportunityId = <id>
AND OpportunityId IN (SELECT OpportunityId FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE ProductCode = <product_code_1>)
AND ProductCode = <product_code_2>
When I try the above with real values I get an error:
The inner and outer selects should not be on the same object type

I'm trying to recreate a report that shows fields from <product_2>, but only if the parent opportunity has products on it with <product_code_1>.
I can do this with a standard report, so I assume there must be a way to do it with SOQL. Here's a screenshot of what that looks like (Sales Price is an Opportunity Product field):
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I am working on the Lightning Component Superbadge and have gotten to step 4, I however, seem to be stuck on the FormSubmit event.
I've written it like this.
<aura:event type="COMPONENT"> <aura:attribute name="formsubmit" type="Boat__c[]"/> </aura:event>

But get this message.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The FormSubmit event isn't configured correctly. There is something missing or improperly configured in the FormSubmit.evt file.
Greetings all, I am working my way up to step 3 on the lightning component superbadge and seem to be on the BoatSeachResults apex class.

I am encountering this message, although my class is written as shown below.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We couldn't find a
getBoats() method with the boatTypeId parameter in the BoatSearchResults Apex controller. Make sure the getBoats() method uses the string data type so that you can pass empty values to it.
public with sharing class BoatSearchResults {
    public static String getBoats(Id boatTypeId) {
        BoatType__c boat = [SELECT Id FROM BoatType__c WHERE Id = :boatTypeId];
        return string.valueOf(boat); 

This unit is being pushed as intermediate even though it is missing critical steps towards making use of the material it is presenting, such as step-by-step information how to successfully push the metadata we create and make use of the permissions we are uploading.

As far as I can tell, I am successfully uploading the Customer_interaction_Big_Object.permissionSet through ForceIDE, as I get no errors after save to server, but then this permission set isn't available for me to assign to anyone when I look in the SFDC setup UI for permission sets.

And then I can't upload the data because the object isn't writable, presumably because I don't have permissions.

Morever, the sample "Apex" script isn't even valid Apex.  For examples:
* There shouldn't be any angle brackets in: <Customer_Interaction__b> bo = new Customer_Interaction__b();
* Strings should use single quotes, not double quotes: bo.Account__c = "001R000000302D3";
* Play_Duration__c was defined as a number, not text (and again, double quotes!): bo.Play_Duration__c = "25";

Doesn't anyone give these articles a test drive before publishing them to people who will rely on them?
Greetings, I've got a Gridbuddy visualforce page embedded on accounts, but when I enable the Clickjacking protecting on Visualforce pages, the accounts page displays an error and the entire account record does not. Are there any steps I can take to allow my VF page to appear and work when clickjacking is enabled.
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My code is as below.
<apex:page standardController="Account" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
    <GBLite:EmbedComponent baseGridUrl="{!$Page.GBLite__Grid}" />

    <iframe id="gridFrame" scrolling="auto" height="480" width="100%" frameborder="0" src="{!gridPage}gname=Moves Managed Tasks&id={!Account.Id}&sh=0&ssb=0&sbb=1&sfname=default"></iframe>

I'm struggling with the custom lightning component on this part. I don't have much background coding and am having trouble finding resources to help me achieve coding the lightning component. If someone could help give me some framework code to create a custom lightning component to hold a URL or direct me to a resource that help break this down I'd be very appreciative.
The call for service field description in the requirement is way different than what trailhead is actually validating.

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Greetings, I've created this trigger which creates a task each time an email message is sent. Now I understand that may result in a duplicate task as email messages create tasks, but we wanted to figure a workaround that will allow creating tasks that can be populated on some custom fields and reports we have specific to a business process.

I feel good about what we have, but am wondering if there is a way to bulify the trigger by moving the SOQL query into a list, so I don't have to query within the trigger?

trigger EmailToTask on EmailMessage (after insert) {

    for (EmailMessage e : Trigger.new) {
       if (e.RelatedToId != NULL) {
       Task t =  new Task();
       t.ActivityDate  = date.today();
       t.Description   = e.TextBody;
       t.Move_Type__c  = 'Personal Note/Email from Donor';
       t.Priority      = 'Normal';
       t.Status        = 'Completed';
       t.Subject       = e.Subject;
       t.WhatId        = e.RelatedToId;
       t.WhoId		   = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Email = :e.ToAddress OR npe01__WorkEmail__c = :e.ToAddress OR npe01__HomeEmail__c = :e.ToAddress].Id;
       insert t;
A Create a Record action for the Closed Won criteria node isn’t properly configured. Make sure that it creates a task and uses the same field settings as the ‘Follow up on new contract’ task action. Make sure that Due Date Only is set by using a formula.
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Hep me for this Problem!
Greetings all, I am adding a system.debug in my trigger and noticed that the values when running a debug are returing null.

My code is listed as 
 system.debug(mte.Service_Member__r.FirstName + ' and ' + mte.Lead_Supervisor__r.LastName + ' will be getting their member term evaluation on ' + mte.Date_of_Review__c.format() + 
                            ' for member term ' + mte.Member_Term__c);

The output appears as 

null and null will be getting their member term evaluation on 1/25/17 for member term a0Ig0000007iekyEAA

My goal is to get the output to appear as a value rather than null, the trigger works nicely no less, but still.

Hope it helps.

Joe and Jane will be getting their member term evaluation of 

Hi Everyone, i have had a work flow in place and used an apex. Over the weekend (i assume due to an upgrade) the apex option / command disappeared in the process builder. Anyone having a similar problem or solution for this?
Btw, I am on professional edition.