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How to automate or schedule territory assignment rules
we have territory assignment rules to run manually by clicking 'Run Assignment Rules' buttom under territory model.
is there a way to automate this or schedule this so that no need to click the button manually?
please give your suggestions.
Thanks in Advance!
- Anuj Thakur 4
- August 24, 2020
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Getting Exception while INserting PartnerNetworkRecordConnection object records in system
When i am editing the opportunity then one Opp Trigger is trigrred. we have written code in that trigger which is trying to save the PartnerNetworkRecordConnection object record in system. we are passign ConnectionID and Opportunity ID in PartnerNetworkRecordConnection object. but while inserting the record we are getting "System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_PARTNER_NETWORK_STATUS, invalid status for partner network operation: []" exception.
Also, if user is trying to edit then on the same line in code he is getting "
INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY, insufficient access rights on cross-reference"
we have checked all the access for user profile and sharing setting as well but nothing is work out. can anyone please help here.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- January 08, 2020
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Your company's authentication service is currently down. User is not able to login to org.
User is not able to login to salesforce org. We have single sign on implemented. So first user has lost the access through SSO means user is not able to login through SSO. so as alternatively, user tried to login using "login.salesforce.com" url and user logged in successfully.
but after some days, suddenly user is not able to login using "login.salesforce.com" also. Now user cant login to org.
But other user from the same profiles are able to login to org. so we have checked profiles, permission etc but everything looks fine. We have checked the login history as well there we get "Your company's authentication service is currently down." error. could some one pls suggest what could be the issue.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- November 13, 2019
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how to retrieve self lookup relationship
I have a custom field Contact_Self_relationship__c on contact object which is a self lookup to contact itslef.
I have 2 contacts Alen and Josh. In both contact, Contact_Self_relationship__c field have value as Ana (which is also a contact). Means Ana is parent contact for both Alen and Josh.
Now I am tryning to fetch the Alen and Josh contact record based on the Ana. I tried parent to child and child to parent combinations but I am not getting the list of child contacts. can anyone help me here?
- Anuj Thakur 4
- June 14, 2019
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is it possible to create grand child record using process builder
1.we can create child record using process builder but is it possible to create grand child record using process builder?
2. System.enqueueJob() is getting called from Batch class execute method and one more System.enqueueJob() is calling from trigger in same transaction then we get the error that multiple queueable not allowed in one transaction. But You can add up to 50 jobs to the queue with System.enqueueJob in a single transaction then why we get the error.
Any response is appriciated!!
- Anuj Thakur 4
- June 11, 2019
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I have to process 10k records via batch as per below scenario, need help on this
I have a scenario where I have to process lets assume 10000 records through Batch class. lets say in first time only 5k records has been processed and 5k has been failed. now 2nd time i processed 5k records among those 2 k failed and 3k succeed. in the same manner I have to process all records in 5 times.
I have below approche to solve this.
1. we can use counter variable and run the batch five times based on counter variable untill the records processed.
2. we can use Database.saveResult and keep the failed records in a list and process those failed records again.
But the person who asked me this question he said there is something else you can do here. Is there any salesforce built in functioanlirty or any API to handle this type of scenario.
can you please explain if anyone aware of it.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- June 11, 2019
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we know that we can not call a future from a batch or from another future but why?
1. we know that we can not call a future from a batch or from another future because both are asynchronous. But we can call a batch from another batch even batchs also asynchronous. I googled it but did not get any proper answer. could you please suggest your views ont his.
2. we can call a batch from another batch only from start or finish method but not from execute method, why?
Any response would be appriciated.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- December 17, 2018
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System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 This record was already anonymized in accordance to GDPR.
we are getting below error while data is coming from external system. Data is not updating properly in our salesforce system. we have checked all the code properly there is no change in code since a long time and we have checked all the aspects but no clue. finally we got the below error while debugging this issue.
System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id
This record was already anonymized in accordance to GDPR.
Fields that might hold personal data are no longer editable.: [] .
It seems some violation of GDPR. could someone help on this if faced that type of issues.
Any response would be highly appriciated.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- October 29, 2018
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how to fetch the governor limits in current org
Need one quick help. is there any way to fetch the AsyncApex limits from org. As we know that we are having 250000 AsyncApex jobs limits for every 24 hour. after increasing it by salesforce can we verify that limit has been increased from 2.5 Lcs to some other number.
sop can we fetched that limits details by any way?
Any response will be appriciated.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- October 09, 2018
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Displaying records in VF page
I am trying to display the Account records on Visual Force Page where Phone and fax fields values are equal.
I have written a Controller and design a VF page. But when I am clicking on "Display records" Button then I am getting below error.
Visualforce Error
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Error is in expression '{!display}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page displayrecords: Class.DispalyMatchingRecords.display: line 9, column 1
Class.DispalyMatchingRecords.display: line 9, column 1
I tried to debug this, Actually while adding the value in "acc" list its throwing the error.
Could anyone help me out here. Actually I am not having much knowledge of VF pages so not sure where I am doing wrong.
VF Page:-
<apex:page controller="DispalyMatchingRecords" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!acc}" var="a">
<apex:column value= "{!a.Id}"/>
<apex:column value= "{!a.Name}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Display Records" action="{!display}"/>
public class DispalyMatchingRecords {
public List<Account> acc {get;set;}
public void display(){
List<Account> ac =[Select Id, Name, Phone,Fax from Account];
for(Account a: ac){
if(a.Phone != null && a.Fax != null){
if(a.Phone == a.Fax){
- Anuj Thakur 4
- October 04, 2018
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i have one status field which is picklist type.
I have a picklist field called Status. Picklist values are [A,B,C,D,E]. lets suppose status picklist value is "A".Now if user can select only
B means user always can select A to B, B to C, C to D etc. they can not select A to C or C to E. so how we can implement it using triggers?
Also, the solution should work if any new value is deleted or added to Status field in future like "F" or G etc
Any suggestion is highly appriciated!!
Thanks in Advance.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- September 20, 2018
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how to give edit access on Account Name in quote
I am uploading the bulk of Quote data using data loader. But while d ooing mapping I am not able to find the Account in mapping. when I have checked the Edit access on Account Name field on Quote its not there. and that Edit aceess is not enabled only. how to add the edit access for that.
Any suggestion would be appriciated. Please suggest this is urgent.
Thanks in Advance.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- April 06, 2018
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Account is not created using VF page
I have created a VF page. I am trying to create a new Account with the help of my VF page. its running successfully but not saving the data i salesforce.
after entering the values in input text box and saving, I checked but account is not created.
caould someone help meon this. why Account is not created.
This is my VF page:
<apex:page standardController="Account">
<apex:form >
Name: <apex:inputText value="{!account.Name}"/><br/>
Phone:<apex:inputText value="{!account.Phone}"/><br/>
<apex:commandButton value="Create New account" action="{!Save}"/>
- Anuj Thakur 4
- March 24, 2018
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we are invoking a method by Queueable Apex. but while executing this method, no debug statements are printing.
I am 2 question here Please provide your views on below questions.
we are invoking a method by Queueable Apex. but while executing this method, no debug statements are printing. Is there any feature of Queueable that if we will execute any method from queueable, Debug statements can be printed or not as this is Asynchronous Apex?
There is a variable called "VariableSetting". but its not defined anywhere in code. Also, its using in code like VariableSetting.SOMEVARIABLENAME which returns Boolean values. But if i am trying to print on "VariableSetting" it says error: "variable does not exist". Could someone suggest on this.
Any suggestion will be appriciated.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- March 22, 2018
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Developer console has been stopped working
Suddenly my developer console stopped to opening. It was opening and working fine, suddenly it stopped.
I am using chrome, but I tried in mozila as well but if I am trying to open it, It is started loading and suddenly it will minimize to small window and then will not open at all.
Please give suggestions if anybody come across to related problem.
Thanks in advance..
- Anuj Thakur 4
- June 14, 2017
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Locker Service affecting the full application
This is very urgent. can somebody help on this.
We are facing the issue regarding Locker Services. As per the salesforce, Locker services will affect the component which has having the API version 40.
We have activated the Locker Services in our Sandbox and API version is less than 40. But its affecting the whole functionality in application.
All the components are affecting in application. Can you please explain or give your suggestion, why it is happening?
Thanks in Advance.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- June 08, 2017
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Your company's authentication service is currently down. User is not able to login to org.
User is not able to login to salesforce org. We have single sign on implemented. So first user has lost the access through SSO means user is not able to login through SSO. so as alternatively, user tried to login using "login.salesforce.com" url and user logged in successfully.
but after some days, suddenly user is not able to login using "login.salesforce.com" also. Now user cant login to org.
But other user from the same profiles are able to login to org. so we have checked profiles, permission etc but everything looks fine. We have checked the login history as well there we get "Your company's authentication service is currently down." error. could some one pls suggest what could be the issue.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- November 13, 2019
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how to retrieve self lookup relationship
I have a custom field Contact_Self_relationship__c on contact object which is a self lookup to contact itslef.
I have 2 contacts Alen and Josh. In both contact, Contact_Self_relationship__c field have value as Ana (which is also a contact). Means Ana is parent contact for both Alen and Josh.
Now I am tryning to fetch the Alen and Josh contact record based on the Ana. I tried parent to child and child to parent combinations but I am not getting the list of child contacts. can anyone help me here?
- Anuj Thakur 4
- June 14, 2019
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is it possible to create grand child record using process builder
1.we can create child record using process builder but is it possible to create grand child record using process builder?
2. System.enqueueJob() is getting called from Batch class execute method and one more System.enqueueJob() is calling from trigger in same transaction then we get the error that multiple queueable not allowed in one transaction. But You can add up to 50 jobs to the queue with System.enqueueJob in a single transaction then why we get the error.
Any response is appriciated!!
- Anuj Thakur 4
- June 11, 2019
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we know that we can not call a future from a batch or from another future but why?
1. we know that we can not call a future from a batch or from another future because both are asynchronous. But we can call a batch from another batch even batchs also asynchronous. I googled it but did not get any proper answer. could you please suggest your views ont his.
2. we can call a batch from another batch only from start or finish method but not from execute method, why?
Any response would be appriciated.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- December 17, 2018
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System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 This record was already anonymized in accordance to GDPR.
we are getting below error while data is coming from external system. Data is not updating properly in our salesforce system. we have checked all the code properly there is no change in code since a long time and we have checked all the aspects but no clue. finally we got the below error while debugging this issue.
System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id
This record was already anonymized in accordance to GDPR.
Fields that might hold personal data are no longer editable.: [] .
It seems some violation of GDPR. could someone help on this if faced that type of issues.
Any response would be highly appriciated.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- October 29, 2018
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how to fetch the governor limits in current org
Need one quick help. is there any way to fetch the AsyncApex limits from org. As we know that we are having 250000 AsyncApex jobs limits for every 24 hour. after increasing it by salesforce can we verify that limit has been increased from 2.5 Lcs to some other number.
sop can we fetched that limits details by any way?
Any response will be appriciated.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- October 09, 2018
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Displaying records in VF page
I am trying to display the Account records on Visual Force Page where Phone and fax fields values are equal.
I have written a Controller and design a VF page. But when I am clicking on "Display records" Button then I am getting below error.
Visualforce Error
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Error is in expression '{!display}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page displayrecords: Class.DispalyMatchingRecords.display: line 9, column 1
Class.DispalyMatchingRecords.display: line 9, column 1
I tried to debug this, Actually while adding the value in "acc" list its throwing the error.
Could anyone help me out here. Actually I am not having much knowledge of VF pages so not sure where I am doing wrong.
VF Page:-
<apex:page controller="DispalyMatchingRecords" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!acc}" var="a">
<apex:column value= "{!a.Id}"/>
<apex:column value= "{!a.Name}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Display Records" action="{!display}"/>
public class DispalyMatchingRecords {
public List<Account> acc {get;set;}
public void display(){
List<Account> ac =[Select Id, Name, Phone,Fax from Account];
for(Account a: ac){
if(a.Phone != null && a.Fax != null){
if(a.Phone == a.Fax){
- Anuj Thakur 4
- October 04, 2018
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how to give edit access on Account Name in quote
I am uploading the bulk of Quote data using data loader. But while d ooing mapping I am not able to find the Account in mapping. when I have checked the Edit access on Account Name field on Quote its not there. and that Edit aceess is not enabled only. how to add the edit access for that.
Any suggestion would be appriciated. Please suggest this is urgent.
Thanks in Advance.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- April 06, 2018
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Account is not created using VF page
I have created a VF page. I am trying to create a new Account with the help of my VF page. its running successfully but not saving the data i salesforce.
after entering the values in input text box and saving, I checked but account is not created.
caould someone help meon this. why Account is not created.
This is my VF page:
<apex:page standardController="Account">
<apex:form >
Name: <apex:inputText value="{!account.Name}"/><br/>
Phone:<apex:inputText value="{!account.Phone}"/><br/>
<apex:commandButton value="Create New account" action="{!Save}"/>
- Anuj Thakur 4
- March 24, 2018
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we are invoking a method by Queueable Apex. but while executing this method, no debug statements are printing.
I am 2 question here Please provide your views on below questions.
we are invoking a method by Queueable Apex. but while executing this method, no debug statements are printing. Is there any feature of Queueable that if we will execute any method from queueable, Debug statements can be printed or not as this is Asynchronous Apex?
There is a variable called "VariableSetting". but its not defined anywhere in code. Also, its using in code like VariableSetting.SOMEVARIABLENAME which returns Boolean values. But if i am trying to print on "VariableSetting" it says error: "variable does not exist". Could someone suggest on this.
Any suggestion will be appriciated.
- Anuj Thakur 4
- March 22, 2018
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