• Naveen Poojary
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when i wrote query in query editor.

select id from user where profile='system administator'
[object Object]: select id from user where profile='system administator' ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:27 No such column 'profile' on entity 'User'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

below question

fetch all the account Records from Account  which are owned by the user whose profile is System Admin and re-assign to User whose profile is manager how can i achive

I want list of public groups in my org but as I am quering [select id , group.name from group] it's giving me a list  with some other records as well as I've created only one group it should show only one record but it's showing  queues record, public group records, and some other records.

Please help.
hi all,

     I need to create a way to capture when the first response. I then need to measure how long time between when the Case was opened and       when it was first responded. 

I created two fields: 

I need to capture the first response and measure the time to first response in a trigger . 

First Response is defined as when the case owner user makes any edit to the case or logs an activity against the case. 

Time to First Response Calculation: 
I need to NOT include when office is closed (nights, weekends, holidays) in calculation. 
Hi Guyz,
Trailhead requirement for validation:
Create a validation rule to check that a contact is in the zip code of its account.
To complete this challenge, add a validation rule which will block the saving of a new or updated contact if the contact is related to an account and has a mailing postal code (which has the API Name MailingPostalCode) different from the account's shipping postal code (which has the API Name ShippingPostalCode).
Name the validation rule Contact must be in Account ZIP Code
A contact with a MailingPostalCode that has an account and does not match the associated Account ShippingPostalCode should return with a validation error and not be saved
The validation rule should ONLY apply to contact records with an associated account. Contact records with no associated parent account can be added with any MailingPostalCode value. (Hint: you can use the ISBLANK function for this check)

Every time I'm getting the same error as ---  Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The validation rule failed to enforce the business logic

My validation formaula is :
1) AND( NOT( ISBLANK( AccountId ) ), MailingPostalCode <> Account.ShippingPostalCode )

2) AND( NOT(ISBLANK( Account.Id)), MailingPostalCode  <>  Account.ShippingPostalCode )

3) IF(ISBLANK( Account.Id ), false, (IF(MailingPostalCode  <>  Account.ShippingPostalCode, true, false)))
4) AND( NOT( ISBLANK( AccountId ) ), MailingPostalCode__c <> Account.ShippingPostalCode )

My challengfe is not passing in for any case but its firing from frontend.
Hi All,
Recently, we had a requirement for Integrating Salesforce and Marketo with Gigya (Customer Identity Mangement tool).
Could anyone please share something on this and how it can be achieved. 

I have a field enddate__c on child object Job__c and parent object is Driver__c, when enddate__c completes I want to update Picklist field on Driver__c Object.so,i have written a scheduled Actions after enddate__c completes update the parent object field.my process builder fires when i will created a new record and process builder doesn't when I update the old record?

Hi all,

We have a requirement for achieving the Article management in lightning. Is this possible through VF page or creating object or Lightning component? Anyone, please help me to achieve this scenario.

User-added image

Thank you,  

I need to show my status bar which depends on status.  My Case Status are : New, Opened, Finalized, Closed
I need to shows as a status track when I change the particular status from New -> Opened -> Finalized like Below Image,
It just to show easy visibility for the salesforce user. Please assist me to achieve this
User-added image

Component Code
<lightning:fileUpload label="Upload Multiple files" 
                              accept=".pdf, .png, .jpg"
                             onuploadfinished="{!c.handleUploadFinished}" />

    handleUploadFinished: function (component, event, helper) {
        // Get the list of uploaded files
        var uploadedFiles = event.getParam("files");
alert("Files uploaded length  : " + uploadedFiles.length);

After the Alert How do we retrieve the files uploaded and send it to Apex class ?
Also on the APEX class what is the input parameter type we use for receiving the file sent from the above JS
After creating the dashboard in lightning experience I cannot click on the "Subscribe Option" to select John Wiseman to view the dashboard. I cannot find the share option either, under the down arrow.

User-added image
In the "Input Data Using Forms", I am getting NULL pointer error when I call "campingListItem" LIghtning component and I can't seem to figure out why.  In the loop below, I am able to successfully view the values of the "item" right before passing it into the campingListItem component.  

The error I get is the following:

<aura:component controller="CampingListController">

    <aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.doInit}" value="{!this}"/>
    <aura:attribute name="items" type="Camping_Item__c[]"/>
........removed code showing form to enter new items as NewItem......
    <lightning:card title="Camping Items">
        <p class="slds-p-horizontal--small">
            <aura:iteration items="{!v.items}" var="item">
				{!item.Name}, {!item.Quantity__c}, {!item.Price__c} 
                <c:campingListItem item="{!item}"/>

campingListItem.cmp - I significantly simplified the code here already for debugging.
<aura:component >
    <aura:attribute name="item" type="Camping_Item__c"/>
        <td><ui:outputText value="{!item.Name}"/></td>

Is there a limititaion of Process Builder processes on Professional Edition? I read somewhere SF allows only 5 Process builders for PE.

Please help, thanks! 

I'm creating a lightning component that has input fields(name firstname,lastname, phone, email etc.) 

I have it so that it runs a sosl query on change for any of those fields. (runs a sosl on change of the input field) 

My question is - What do you consider the best practice on this? It seems to me that running a query on every keystroke can be very expensive in terms of api calls. I looked at google.com and saw they have a time delay. What do you guys suggest? I'll put a few code snippets below:



<lightning:input onchange="{!c.inputChange}" aura:id="fname"  label="First Name" value="{!v.SelectedCustomer.FirstName}" />

inputChange: function(component, event, helper) {
   var action = component.get('c.suggestAccountsContacts');
    'name' : component.get('v.SelectedCustomer').Name,
    'fName': component.get('v.SelectedCustomer').FirstName,
    'lName': component.get('v.SelectedCustomer').LastName,
    'phone': component.get('v.SelectedCustomer').Phone,
    'email': component.get('v.SelectedCustomer').PersonEmail
   action.setCallback(this, function(response) {

    var state = response.getState();
    if (component.isValid() && state === 'SUCCESS') {
        component.set('v.Customers', response.getReturnValue());
    } else {
        console.log('Failed with state: ' + state);
public static Object ... {
//Build filter string 

Return [FIND :filter  IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Contact(Id, RecordTypeId, IsPersonAccount, AccountId, Name, Firstname, LastName, Email, Phone), ACCOUNT(ID, IsPersonAccount, RecordTypeId, Name, FirstName, LastName, PersonEmail ,PHONE)];


When I create a new Opportunity in Lightning, I would like to be able to click Save and navigate to that newly created record. Currently the "New Opportunity" window pops up and then just goes away when you click Save and takes leaves you on the Contact, Account that you were on. Is this possible? Perhaps as a new button called "Save and Navigate."
I have created a lightning component form to insert Contact record which is having Account Name, First Name, Last Name, Email and all the necessary form fields.

I've overridden the Contact object "New" button with this lightning component.

Consider am currently on the Account Detail page, and scrolling down to click on New button of the contact related list. Now, when the lightning component form is loading, the account name from which I redirected should be populated automatically.

This can be easily done in button if the content type is URL. But how do we achieve the same in lightning component content type?

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!.
I have a new quick action custom button. Based on a value on in the record, i want to go to either url A or url B. I want to be able to achieve it with a click on the quick action button, NOT with a "onclick" button in the modal box. Is there any way to do this?
Hii Everyone!! I have the requirement of, i need to create a custom checkbox field, formula field and another checkbox field. in formula field, I need to calculate for business days. for example, today i'm creating a case, so the formula field should have the formula to calculate the 5 to 11 business days from case created or updated date. If the first checkbox is false and date field is between 5 and 11 business days, i should write the trigger to make the 2nd checkbox to true. if all these three fields satisfies the condition, an email should be triggered using workflow. help me!!
You are not authorized to access this page. Please contact your salesforce.com administrator for more information or raise a support case at help.salesforce.com, providing the following identifier for further investigation: 57c64c75-4ba6-4c9d-974c-1e7d6f1e4bd5.
Salesforce new lightning UI is displaying hidden tabs configured in profile. If the profile has viewAll permission the tab is displayed irrespective of Tab permission.

Can anyone guide me on this.. 
