• Ilya Yefremov
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I created a button in an object. When I click the button, it will trigger a flow. I successfully tested it in Sandbox. However, when I pushed it to Prodcution, I received a messgae: The flow couldn't find the SO_Reocrd resource. SO_Record in this case is a SOBJECT VARAIABLE. Please note, I haven't received any errror messages through emails. It was diplayed on a new page. Any idea how to resolve the issue? 


Trying to complete the "HUNT YOUR PROSPECT" unit, getting the following error message when i try to complete the creation of the Opportunity:

"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The record was not created correctly"
Unless there are invisible steps in this Trailhead, I have completed them all.
Is it possible this trailhead has an error?