• B. Wade Lovell
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  • Member since 2017
  • CyberSETA

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Stuck on this. I'm assuming it's referring to the field filter on Volunteer Organization on the Volunteer Activity object (which restricts a new Volunteer Activity record to being associated only with any Volunteer Organizations that are Accepting Activities).

I currently have the filter set to 
Volunteer Organization: Volunteer Organization StatusEQUALSAccepting Activities. This seems right to me. Anybody else see this and have any suggestions?
I'm getting an error, 

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'IsShiftVolunteer' field formula on the 'Volunteer Shift Workers' is not resulting in a check box when the logged in user is the volunteer, and unchecked when they are not.

I did check with two users and two volunteer shift worker records, and it works as expected. 

I entered the forumla as 
!ISBLANK(Volunteer__r.Id) && $User.Id = Volunteer__r.Id
I'm not sure what I'm missing here.
I have the following very simple VF page to display two dependent picklists (3 tiers total) using a custom controller. When I attempt to save the VF page, I get the error message above.
In the developer console, I see two Problems at Line 0. 1) ABS_Services_Input, Unknown property 'String.Services__c and 2) "Duplicate value found: duplicates value on record with id:" (Yes, literally. No id # given.)

<apex:page controller="ABSServicesController">
    <apex:messages style="color:red"></apex:messages>  
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock title="Dependent Picklist Entry">
            <apex:repeat value="{!serviceList}" var="svcItem">
                <apex:pageBlockSection title="{!svcItem.Services__c}" columns="1">
                    <apex:pageBlockSection title="{!svcItem.Capabilities__c}" columns="1">
                        <apex:pageBlockSection title="{!svcItem.Sub_Capabilities__c}" columns="1">

This is my Custom Controller code:

public with sharing class ABCServicesController{

    public String serviceList { get; set; }
    public List<ServiceOffered__c> servicesList{get;set;}
    public Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> serviceMap{get;set;}
    public ABCservicesController(){
        serviceMap = new Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>>();
        servicesList = [Select ID, Services__c, Capabilities__c, Sub_Capabilities__c From ServiceOffered__c];
        for(ServiceOffered__c svcItem : servicesList) {
            if(serviceMap.containsKey(svcItem.Services__c)) {
                if(serviceMap.get(svcItem.Services__c).containsKey(svcItem.Capabilities__c)) {
                } else {                    
                    serviceMap.get(svcItem.Services__c).put(svcItem.Capabilities__c, new List<String>{svcItem.Sub_Capabilities__c});
            } else {
                Map<String, List<String>> m = new Map<String, List<String>>();
                m.put(svcItem.Capabilities__c, new List<String>{svcItem.Sub_Capabilities__c});
                serviceMap.put(svcItem.Services__c, m);
                //new Map<String, List<String>>{svcItem.Capabilities__c : new List<String>{svcItem.Capabilities__c}}

I do not know if it is relevant but earlier I was getting an unknow property error serviceList related to the line "Public List<ServiceOffered__c> serviceList{get;set;}".  
My path toward resolution, besides asking all of you great folks, is to figure out why the variable svcItem was expected to be something other than a string when every service being pulled into the List is a string.
Thanks in advance,
Hello everyone!

I have a trigger (below) that is excluding the User Role 'Research' so that role can perform bulk updates on that object. The triggers works fine when you update individual records and up to 100 records for bulk updates. If we exceed 100 records for our bulk updates we receive the following error:

 System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101

Any assistance with this trigger is greatly appreciated!!
trigger SurveyHandling on Relationship_to_Initiative_Research__c (after insert,after delete,after update) {

list<Id> rlist4=new list<Id> ();
list<Initiatives__c > rlsit5=new list<Initiatives__c >();

//////////// insert and update operation

if(trigger.isinsert || trigger.isupdate){
for(Relationship_to_Initiative_Research__c i : trigger.new)


List<String> exemptedRoles = new List<String>();

list<UserRole> IsItExemptedRole=[select id,name from UserRole where name in :exemptedRoles and id=:UserInfo.getUserRoleId()];



rlist4.add(i.Initiative_Title__c );     

Initiatives__c ini=[select id,Action_ItemsRICHTEXT__c,Progress__c,Timeframe__c,Owner__c from Initiatives__c where id in:rlist4];

for(Relationship_to_Initiative_Research__c rr:trigger.new){

ini.Action_ItemsRICHTEXT__c=rr.Action_Item_ScriptRICHTEXT__c ;
ini.Progress__c=rr.Progress__c ;
ini.Timeframe__c=rr.Timeframe__c ;
ini.Owner__c=rr.Owner__c ;

} update rlsit5; 


/////////////// Delete operation start   

for(Relationship_to_Initiative_Research__c ii : trigger.old)


rlist4.add(ii.Initiative_Title__c );     

Initiatives__c ini=[select id,Action_ItemsRICHTEXT__c,Progress__c,Timeframe__c,Owner__c  from Initiatives__c where id in:rlist4];

for(Relationship_to_Initiative_Research__c rr:trigger.old){

ini.Action_ItemsRICHTEXT__c=rr.Action_Item_ScriptRICHTEXT__c ;
ini.Progress__c=rr.Progress__c ;
ini.Timeframe__c=rr.Timeframe__c ;
ini.Owner__c=rr.Owner__c ;
} update rlsit5; 




Hi all,


I am trying to construct a <selectOption> dynamically by reading the values from a custom object which will be displayed in VF page.


Here is my code:



public List<SelectOption> getZipList () { List<SelectOption> zipList = new List<SelectOption>(); List<Zip_List__c> zipListObj= new List<Zip_List__c>(); zipListObj = [Select Name From Zip_List__c]; for (integer i=0;i<zipListObj.size;i++) { zipList.add(new SelectOption(zipListObj[i],zipListObj[i])); } }

 When I try to save the controller, it throws:


 Error: Compile Error: Constructor not defined: [System.SelectOption].<Constructor>(SOBJECT:Zip_List__c, SOBJECT:Zip_List__c)


If I hardcode the values in " zipList.add(new SelectOption(zipListObj[i],zipListObj[i])); ", it is working fine for me,


Please advice. 


Thanks in Advance