• Víctor López
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I have one problem while trying to achieve one trailhead challenge.
I need to create a user with the User license Chatter Free, but this users license has dissapear from the drop list.
User-added image

What can I do to recover that user license?

I am working through the Business Administration Superbadge, but keep running into an error on step 3 that says "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Couldn't find a component with the title 'Account Distribution'.". However, I defintely have that component with the propoer name. I've tried recreating the component and cloning the whole dashboard, but no luck. Any ideas?User-added image
Trail:  Transform Your Business with Mobile
Unit: Salesforce1 Security and Compliance
Module: Monitor and Manage Salesforce1 Usage

I am unable to complete the Challenge in this module.  Either I'm doing something wrong, or there is a bug.  There are other forum posts about this issue, but no viable answers yet.  

The Challenge:
"End your current Salesforce1 session. To pass this challenge, block all users' access to the Salesforce1 for iOS app or the Salesforce1 for Android app."​

Steps that I took to complete challenge:
1. Create a new trailhead playground (for a fresh baseline)
2. Go to Connected Apps OAuth Usage (under Setup) and confirm no users connected via Salesforce1 iOS App
3. On iPhone, log in to Salesforce1 (successfully)
4. Back under Setup as an admin, refresh and confirm that 1 user connected via Salesforce1 iOS App 
5. Click "Block" next to iOS App and confirm the action, then confirm that 0 users are now connected to iOS App (so, should've killed me users session)
6. Confirm on mobile that I am kicked out of App (successful) 
7. Go back to Trailhead and click "Check Challenge"

It doesn't appear that you've blocked all users' access to either the Salesforce1 for iOS or Salesforce1 for Android app. Please check again.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong, or is this a bug? 

Thank you