• Marilyne P
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  • Member since 2018

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I have this warnng message while cloning "Tous produit..."

User-added image

I waned to replace this error message.
I treid to search in the eclipse, but was unable to fnd it.

Is there a way to get it ?

Thank you for sugestion !


A user has assigned a delegated approved..he has choosed the option, i am the approver or i am the delegatged approver.

When i check on internet, the delegated approver should receive the email, but she doesnt receive any email.

but she has possibility to accept or reject ..when i send the link manually..

I also see that, when the approval process is created, the deleagated approver check box should be ticked..how can i verify that now ?

Thank you for suggestions

I have a approval process . The approver was replaced by someone, how can i change the requests waoiting for ex eplyee to new emplyee

thank you for suggesstion 

I am using a Conga composer.

When i try to send email and when i click on "TO" to get the list of users in Saleforce, it is alwys blank.

No lead, contacts or users are retrieved.

What is the reason?
Thank you for suggestions !

I am activating "Enhanced email" option on my org.
There is a line on the link:

Review custom business logic that incorporates tasks and emails. We recommend that you:
-> Recreate any custom Task object fields on the EmailMessage object.
-> Migrate any Task object triggers to the EmailMessage object.

I want to know, of someone has activated the enhanced email option in org and faced any challenges later

Thank you

I wanted to activate the Ehanced email feature in my prod.

What are impacts i can expect, positive and negative ?

Thank you for suggestions