• Bradford Mar
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  • Member since 2018

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I've been using DX for a while now but today when I went to pull down my changes with pull command I received odd errors about objects I don't recognise:
ERROR running force:source:pull:  Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.My_ProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.My_RecentProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.My_RecentShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.All_ProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.My_ShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.All_ShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity type 'Prompt' is not available in this api version

So I added the following to my forceignore file

this has removed most of the errors but I still get just this error:

ERROR running force:source:pull:  Entity type 'Prompt' is not available in this api version

We need "Field Service Dispatcher", "Field Service Mobile" and "Field Service Scheduling" license in scratch org in order to utilize the FSL managed package.

We have tried to install the FSL managed package in a scratch org, and set up FSL, but we are stopped when trying to create the permission sets for Dispatcher and Resource, as we are missing the Field Service Dispatcher and Resource licenses in the scratch orgs.

Is there any way to include these licenses in scratch orgs, for example through the "features"-property in the project-scratch-def.json file? When you add the feature FieldService you only get the Field Service Standard licens.