• Shyam Sundar 84
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326:  offer__Share offerShare=new offer__Share();     327:offerShare.userorgroupid =[Select id from user where id=:userinfo.getuserid()].id;  
   328: offerShare.AccessLevel = 'Edit';    
    329: insert offershare; 
check box and text field must be dependent, after checking the check box only you can fill the text field. Need 3 possible approaches

trigger AccountTrigger on Account (after insert, after update) {

    for(Account acc : Trigger.new){

accountShare as1=[SELECT id, AccountaccessLevel,RowCause,userorgroupid from accountShare where accountid=:acc.id and rowcause='Rule'];

        AccountShare accountShare = new AccountShare();
     //   userorgroupid =''
        accountShare.AccountAccessLevel = 'All';
        update accountshare; 



how to assign parent role ID based on hierarchy when ever the record created on contact. (i.e) The owner ID should be the superior level role 
how to update a lookup field in an custom object based on the picklist field on opportunity both are related??
how do i create multiple opportunity for products selected from lead and on lead conversion
how to assign parent role ID based on hierarchy when ever the record created on contact. (i.e) The owner ID should be the superior level role 
how do i create multiple opportunity for products selected from lead and on lead conversion