• Rama Gaikwad 1
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  • Member since 2019

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Hello guys,I

I have created 3 active users in my Salesforce org.
1 admin 2 standard user.

All objects are OWD read only.
By mistake I assigned 'Control by parent' right to a custom object, uncheck grant hierarchy checkbox option.
Now standard user are not able to view that object, and I am not able to edit OWD permission for that particular object.

Object permission for that object are non editable through profile level permission.
Tried to extend right by permission set but no luck.

Can anyone help how can I make that custom object visible to standard user.
Hello Guys,

I have created the below validation rule on a custom object certification__c.
If stage__c selected value is Done or Certification In-process and
prior value of stage__c is Rejected.

A warning message will be shown, but it is not working.

Thank you in advance.
AND(  OR( ISPICKVAL(Stage__c, "Done"), ISPICKVAL(Stage__c, "Certification In-process") ), CONTAINS(PRIORVALUE(Stage__c),"Rejected"))
The requirement is when I insert  records,if  they meets the criteria records should gets updated else they should be inserted.
I have written a trigger on before insert event but what is happening is I am able to update the records but I am not able to stop them from being inserted. Means with update they are also getting inserted. But on update criteria I only want to update the records that are already in Salesforce.
My requirement is to create a contact , by clicking a button on the account detail page. Button click will open a new vf page with contact fields onto it.Account name field on new vf page must be auto popuated, where as rest of the contact fields can be typed in.
How do I achieve this?

Hi All, 
Can you  help me to solve this error .

select  Project__c, count(Id),Project__r.Billable_Hours__c, Project__r.Non_Billable_Hours__c,Project__r.Estimated_Hours__c from Case GROUP BY Project__c,Project__r.Billable_Hours__c, Project__r.Non_Billable_Hours__c,Project__r.Estimated_Hours__c

Error Occured In This Query is : 

from Case GROUP BY Project__c,Project__r.Billable_Hours__c, Project__r.Non_Billable_Hours__c
ERROR at Row:1:Column:154
field 'Billable_Hours__c' can not be grouped in a query call.

Thank you in advanced  :)

HI Everyone,

I have a confusion about Helper and Handler classes.
Can some please explain briefly what are those?

Thanks in advance

The code below creates this error:

Error: Attribute value in <apex:inputField> must contain only a formula expression that resolves to a single controller variable or method in accountDetail at line 5 column 44


<apex:page standardController="Account">
Change Account Name: <p>
<apex:inputField Value="{ !Account.Name}"/> <p/>
<apex:commandButton action="{ !save}" value="Save New Account" />
<apex:detail relatedList="false"/>
<apex:relatedList list="Contacts" />
<apex:relatedList list="Opportunities"/>


Since 'Name' clearly exists as a field, is there something wrong with the syntax of that line?


Also, how can you have a list of all the field names or variable names for a specific object in a window while coding, instead of navigating to the 'Customize' menu?


HI all,


        In visualforce we can write like this.

<apex:inputField value="{!CreateAnEvent.Event_title__c}" style="width:250px" id="Eventinfo_title"/>.


Is it possible to concatenate another variable which is defined in apex class to the value attribute in <apex:inputField>. Its a very urgent requirement.Please help me. 


My requirement is, I will select few field names randomly  of an Object in apex class.I need to display these fields dynamically in visualforce page. How can I achieve this.


If you need any other information please let me know.



Naresh B