• RituSharma
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I have Account, Opportunity and Application Object.
Application is child to account, Application has picklist field status__c
if, Application Statas__c ='inProgress' , Account and Opportunity records should get locked, 
if status=='InProgress' records should get unlock.
I am trying to fetch PublicGroups having '(single quote) in its name using query : select Id from Group where (Name = 'AMER SDR's Group') AND Group.Type='Regular'
but query gets failed on soap ui as well as developer console with error :
from Group where (Name = 'AMER SDR's Group') AND Group.Type='Regular'
^ERROR at Row:1:Column:45
expecting a right parentheses, found 's'

Escaping ' with ' not worked 
I need to create a field for a salesforce object that holds multiple date/time stamps. Each time an event happens, a date/time stamp will be added to the field. So this field is effectively a list of objects. I am unclear on how to do this. Any suggestions on workflow and specifically what data type this field would be are appreciated.

I'm trying to upgrade a lookup to Lead from a custom object to Master-detail, but the option is not there.
  • This is a custom object
  • There are records already
  • Every record has Lead populated

JUser-added imageUser-added image
Hi All,

I am receiving above error in below code
global class RetrieveMedicalInquiryStatusBatchMVN implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful, Schedulable {

    String query = 'SELECT Id,Account_vod__c, Status_vod__c, MA_Response_AZ__c ' +
                    // Query Closing
                    'FROM Medical_Inquiry_vod__c ' +
                    'WHERE Sent_to_GMIP_MVN__c = TRUE ' +
                    'AND Id IN :Ids';

    List <String> statuses;
    List<String> Ids = new List<String>('a0tU000000784Gbdue' , 'a0tU00000090WERThc') ;

Can you please help me in sorting this out

Hi Team,

When the date is changed or added in the field, Process the Approval process. In Approval process i want to perform the Approval Request, Approval Accepted ,Approval Denied.

how it can be achieved. If it is achieve through Wokflow, please let me know the possible cases.
I have developed a custom Gantt Chart, which i'm displaying in a <table> tag. Now I want to download the Image of the Gantt chart. Is there a way to render it as an image?
I have a requirement to upsert Policy records using JSON response obtained from external system.

below is my apex code:
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
  req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + '<bearer token>');
  Http http = new Http();
  HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
  String response = res.getBody();
JsonParser jsondes = (JsonParser) JSON.deserialize(response, JsonParser.class);

I have a JSON Parser class and it is as follows:
public class JSONParser{
    public Integer code;
    public cls_value value;
    public class cls_value {
        public cls_data[] data;
        public String message;
        public Integer code;    
    public class cls_data {
        public String agencyName;
        public String agentID;  
        public string id;   

Now, from the above code peice, ID is unique and if the id matches with existing Policy__c's Unique_ID__c field value, the record should be updated. Else, the record should be inserted.

Can anyone please let me know on how to do so.


Can anyone help me with the below requirement?

I need to add a condition for updating the records when country value is equal to Singapore of Philippines or if the country value changes then the record should get updated 
I want to find specific contact using on the basis of email or phone number

Hey Admins! How do i add myself to a sandbox?
New Admin here. i cannot refresh a Sandbox and old Admin is gone, any way to get myself into Sandbox without refreshing?
I have a couple questions regarding filtered lookups and LWC. I have a lightning component wrapped in a LWC. On a create page I have a couple filtered lookup fields that are filtered based on values selected on the lightning component create page. I read that filtered lookups are not supported in lightning components and you need a custom lookup component.

So My first question is can I use something like this to resolve my issue: https://sfcure.com/2019/07/06/showing-a-lookup-field-which-respects-with-lookup-filters/

Second. Do I need a separate custom lookup component for each filtered lookup field?

Need a query that basically says

(ExposeCase = true OR CreatedByID = UserInfo.getUserId()) AND isClosed = false

which would be in the following syntax and sort of a combination of these:

soql += ' Where CreatedById = \'' + UserInfo.getUserId() + '\' OR Expose_Case__c = true';

soql += ' Where Expose_Case__c = true AND isClosed = false';

I am unable to figure out the syntax. I've tried the following 

soql += ' Where CreatedById = \'' + UserInfo.getUserId() + '\' OR Expose_Case__c = true' + 'AND isClosed = false';

We receive from an external system different records that have a field called Serial__C that contains the same value for certain records. 

For example:

Record A: Serial__c = 12345
Record B: Serial__c = 12345

I would liek to create a query that group in a list all the Sobject that have the same value in the Serial__c.


I've been having some issues getting emails to send when inserting a CaseComment. I'm currently using the nForce npm module as my program is written for use with nodejs.

Some sample code 

const casecoment = nforce.createSObject('CaseComment', {
	CommentBody: 'API-based nForce test for a comment',
	ParentId: cParentId,

	sobject: casecoment,
}, (err, resp) => {
	if (err) {
		console.log("Could post to case comment");
	else {
		console.log('posting comment worked!');

What I'm wondering is what else I may need to do in order to get emails for case updates to the contact sent out. I'm able to get emails as the case owner without any issues. On the CaseComment sObject page, I saw that "IsNotificationSelected" is a column I can read, but isn't something I can create as I just receive an error when adding it to my code above.

Is there a way to programmatically have the notification email sent out like the "Send Customer Notification" in the website interface?

We have multiple action buttons (images) on a page based on formula fields  . Click on any action button should check whether the current user has edit access to the record . If current user has read only access, display error message, otherwise proceed with existing action button functioanlity . There are several action buttons in a page and same logic should be applied for all . What is the best way to implement this ?