• Jim Bedford-Roberts 11
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I have a Flow Action Email where the sender address indicated is a Org Wide Email Address. However when testing the flow, the email comes from the current user who is running the flow (default).

I've also tested by adding the Org Wide Email address under Sender Type but the following error message returns "Error Occured: Invalid Sender Type."

How can an email be sent from an Org Wide Email address with flow directly with the "Send Email" core action? 

Sender Address indicated is set up as Org Wide Email, but unable to send by this email.

I have the following code:
<lightning:select aura:id="requestTypeSelect" 
                           label="I'd like to: " 
The font size of the label "I'd like to:" is small and I'd like to increase it.  Changing the font in any way via a class, like "font" above, only changes the font within the select menu, not the label itself.

Is this possible?


I have a quote visualforce page that is rendering as a PDF.  Our offices in Germany and the UK would like to start using the quoting functions, but one of the requirements is that the currency fields display properly.  Here is an example of the code from the Visualforce page:


 <apex:column headerValue="Price Extension">
                <apex:outputText value="{0, number, £###.###.##0,00}">
                    <apex:param value="{!item.TotalPrice}"/>

 The only problem is my Quote "Total Price"  does not format properly.  The output is £42,900.00 when it should be £42.900,00 - Note the position of the comma and period.  Is there any way to get this to work for Europe?  If the Java Message Format will not work, how would i go about getting the price fields to be formatted properly?


Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.