• Brian Watts 21
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In general, I find that being able to retrieve standardValueSet metadata very tricky - and if you don't master it, you'll have your head scratching when it comes time to promote a very complex pathAssistant or recordType

This document seems at first glance to be exhaustive:
StandardValueSet Names and Standard Picklist Fields (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/standardvalueset_names.htm)

However, it ought to list additional standardValueSets.

For example, there are some you get when you begin using Field Service Lightning - and the VS Code "cloud explorer" add-in cannot find it.. but if I create this file, as an empty file.. but simply name it this: 


And then I right click and attempt to "Retrieve source".. BAM.. sure enough there is metadata there!

The issue is coming up while deploying the code from vscode to scratch org.Any idea how to rectify this.My network connection is good and there is no issues with network or such 
We need "Field Service Dispatcher", "Field Service Mobile" and "Field Service Scheduling" license in scratch org in order to utilize the FSL managed package.

We have tried to install the FSL managed package in a scratch org, and set up FSL, but we are stopped when trying to create the permission sets for Dispatcher and Resource, as we are missing the Field Service Dispatcher and Resource licenses in the scratch orgs.

Is there any way to include these licenses in scratch orgs, for example through the "features"-property in the project-scratch-def.json file? When you add the feature FieldService you only get the Field Service Standard licens.
Hi Folks,

I am building a LWC to load external JS script file in LWC. However whenever loadScript function is executing it is failing to load and there is not error received.

import { LightningElement, track  } from 'lwc';
import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
import BrandfolderJS from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/BrandfolderJS';

export default class brandFolderLink extends LightningElement {
    @track blnBrandfolderJSInitialized = false;
    renderedCallback() {

        if (this.blnBrandfolderJSInitialized) {
        this.blnBrandfolderJSInitialized = true;

        loadScript(this, BrandfolderJS)
        .then(() => {
        .catch(error => {

JS file from Static Resource - Brandfolder JS (https://cdn.brandfolder.com/bf.min.js)
I have created JS file as static resource (BrandfolderJS) and using it in LWC.

LWC is added to App Builder Page/Home Page and trying to load, however it is going to catch block in loadScript method without any error. Error variable is undefined.

Can you please help?

Thank you,
Jigar Lakhani

I'm trying to create a Salesforce Lightning Web Component to create a custom Quote PDF using jsPDF. I mastered to use the external chart.js library with uploading it as a static resource, but when I try to do the same with jsPDF.js I always get a security error "SecureElement does not allow access to charset" while calling jsPDF.
Has anyone an answer to that or an alternative solution to create PDFs with Lightning Web Components?
Thanks, Michael
The issue is coming up while deploying the code from vscode to scratch org.Any idea how to rectify this.My network connection is good and there is no issues with network or such 
Hi Folks,

I am building a LWC to load external JS script file in LWC. However whenever loadScript function is executing it is failing to load and there is not error received.

import { LightningElement, track  } from 'lwc';
import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
import BrandfolderJS from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/BrandfolderJS';

export default class brandFolderLink extends LightningElement {
    @track blnBrandfolderJSInitialized = false;
    renderedCallback() {

        if (this.blnBrandfolderJSInitialized) {
        this.blnBrandfolderJSInitialized = true;

        loadScript(this, BrandfolderJS)
        .then(() => {
        .catch(error => {

JS file from Static Resource - Brandfolder JS (https://cdn.brandfolder.com/bf.min.js)
I have created JS file as static resource (BrandfolderJS) and using it in LWC.

LWC is added to App Builder Page/Home Page and trying to load, however it is going to catch block in loadScript method without any error. Error variable is undefined.

Can you please help?

Thank you,
Jigar Lakhani