• Renee Kroon
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  • Member since 2021

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I want to create an Email Alert and cannot get the workflow logic right.
I now have this:
AND (ISCHANGED(AVTRRT__Bill_Rate__c),(Source_Candidate__c  = 'Qualogy'))
But I get the following message:
Error: Function ISCHANGED may not be used in this type of formula

Hope you can help to get it right.
I have this formula: 

IF(ISBLANK(AVTRRT__End_Date__c ), (AVTRRT__Start_Date__c <= TODAY()) , (AVTRRT__Start_Date__c <= TODAY() && AVTRRT__End_Date__c >= TODAY()))

But the problem is that any placement with a date in the future is not included.
How do I change the formula to get startdates in the futurealso included?
I need a checkbox to be checked automatically if the startdate_c is filled.
What would be the checkbox formula?

I need some help for the following formula.

If date field (DATE_c) is filled AND Picklist value (Picklist_c) is NOT equal to "Inactive". 

If so, than picklistvalue must be set to Inactive.

Thanks for your help! :-)

I need some help with the creation of a formula for a validation rule.

When a certain date field (DATEFIELD_c) is filled AND a Pickval field (PICKVALFIELD_c) is Empty, show message that PICKVALFIELD-c must be filled by user.

Thank you for your help.
I have this formula: 

IF(ISBLANK(AVTRRT__End_Date__c ), (AVTRRT__Start_Date__c <= TODAY()) , (AVTRRT__Start_Date__c <= TODAY() && AVTRRT__End_Date__c >= TODAY()))

But the problem is that any placement with a date in the future is not included.
How do I change the formula to get startdates in the futurealso included?
I need a checkbox to be checked automatically if the startdate_c is filled.
What would be the checkbox formula?