• ella rith
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Hello everyone. I know this question has been posted before but wanted to revisit with a fresh set of eyes. So as you know, admins need to search an ENTIRE org's metadata for various reasons. For my use case, I need to find every instance of where the word 'Loan' is being used... (i,e, picklist values, report filters, flows, everything.)

In the past, Eclipse was pretty decent at doing this but, the force.com IDE is no longer available and it is suggested to move to VS Code. Fighting with getting a solid metadata dump through vscode package.xml is making this not a decent solution for this task.(too many errors)

I know there are appexchange apps like Satrang's Metadata Search but, I find that is not finding everything either. OwnBackup seems like it might work too? I JUST NEED A SIMPLE WAY TO FIND MY NEEDLE IN THE METADATA HAYSTACK! Is this too much to ask? 

What are your experiences and tools that work reliably for you?