• Greg Adams 58
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Is there any way to query the "Approval History" related list on custom object ?
The fields I need to query are :"Actual Approver","Overall Status" and "Date".


Can you guys help on my simple trigger experiment please. What I am trying to do is to find the name of the UserID.
I have object (TestObject__c) and Fields (txtField__c, WhoUser__c).

My goal is to return the name of the UserID that is in the txtField under my TestObject. Say for example, my user is Bob and his user ID is 0053000000AtjAhAAJ.

So, if the txtField value is 0053000000AtjAhAAJ, the WhoUser field will return Bob when I save the Record.

I've tried experimenting on this but it seems my codes does not make any sense.. I'm always getting that "Unexpected Token" error when trying to query.. (I'm still learning the syntax though) :D

Thanks a lot!