• Craig Coulter
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Hi All,

We want to log certain field values from an opportunity, some of those fields are formula fields, so we can see what those field values were over time and have them time stamped. I was going to try and achieve this by creating a custom object (Daily Performance for example) and create a new record daily if one of those fields values change, so the new record will hold the previous values and we have a reportable historical log.

Would this be the best way to achieve this, or is there a better, more efficient way to do this?


Hi All,

We have a number formula field which holds a Case function and the current compiled size is 9,788 characters and to add anyting else to it, we have to delete existing values. We need to continue to add to this, so what is the best way to do that?


Hi all,

I have a custom object under opportunity and I want to prevent new records from being created if 1 already exists, this is what I have so far:

AND(ISNEW(), Opportunity__r.Of_Campaign_Reviews__c >= 1,
OR(Opportunity__r.Performance_Status__c <> "Amber",Opportunity__r.Performance_Status__c <> "Under"), OR(Opportunity__r.Days_Since_Last_Campaign_Review__c = NULL, Opportunity__r.Days_Since_Last_Campaign_Review__c <= 7), OR(Performance_percentage_on_creation__c >= 0.80, Opportunity__r.Performance_Percentage__c >= 0.80))

The first rule works fine if the record is not marked as completed, but the others don't seem to work as new records can be created within 7 days of the last one, or the performance status is notunder or amber etc.

What do I need to do to fix it?


Hi all,

I have a number field on the User object that I want to update daily/in real time which counts how many Closed Won opportunities that specific user has and that the value in a picklist seletion on User matches the picklist value on the Opportunity.

So if User A specialises in Industry B, I want to count how many active opportunities that user has based on those conditions and update the Live Campaigns number field on User and for that user to be able to see their numbers, not anyone elses.

Is this possible using Flows or Roolup summeries?



We have a custom object (Campaign Reviews) that sits under Opportunity and I need to check that no Campaign Review record already exists against that Opportunity with the the dropdown status of Review Required (on the Campaign Review record), a formula field that does not equal Under or Amber (on the opportunity record) and that a record hasn't been created within the last 7 days. I want to do this via a flow, is it possible? Any guidance is much appriciated.


I want to restrict a lead from being saved if certain premium phone number codes are entered into the mobilephone or phone fields and prompt the user to enter a non premium phone number. Can this be achieved through a validation rule under the Lead object?


Can an IF statement be created on a VF page that will display a different snippet of HTML dependant on what option is selected on a pick list within the lead object? This VF page will show on a section within the lead object as well.

I want to display a different visualforce page within the lead object based on what option is selected on a pick list within that lead. The visualforce pages have an iFrame with different maps and I want the map to show fully in the section, just like it would adding the VF page to the section via Page Layouts.

I have created a text formular tgat will display a link the the relavent VF page, but is there a way of showing the page instead of the link?
Hi All,

We want to log certain field values from an opportunity, some of those fields are formula fields, so we can see what those field values were over time and have them time stamped. I was going to try and achieve this by creating a custom object (Daily Performance for example) and create a new record daily if one of those fields values change, so the new record will hold the previous values and we have a reportable historical log.

Would this be the best way to achieve this, or is there a better, more efficient way to do this?


Hi all,

I have a custom object under opportunity and I want to prevent new records from being created if 1 already exists, this is what I have so far:

AND(ISNEW(), Opportunity__r.Of_Campaign_Reviews__c >= 1,
OR(Opportunity__r.Performance_Status__c <> "Amber",Opportunity__r.Performance_Status__c <> "Under"), OR(Opportunity__r.Days_Since_Last_Campaign_Review__c = NULL, Opportunity__r.Days_Since_Last_Campaign_Review__c <= 7), OR(Performance_percentage_on_creation__c >= 0.80, Opportunity__r.Performance_Percentage__c >= 0.80))

The first rule works fine if the record is not marked as completed, but the others don't seem to work as new records can be created within 7 days of the last one, or the performance status is notunder or amber etc.

What do I need to do to fix it?


Hi all,

I have a number field on the User object that I want to update daily/in real time which counts how many Closed Won opportunities that specific user has and that the value in a picklist seletion on User matches the picklist value on the Opportunity.

So if User A specialises in Industry B, I want to count how many active opportunities that user has based on those conditions and update the Live Campaigns number field on User and for that user to be able to see their numbers, not anyone elses.

Is this possible using Flows or Roolup summeries?



We have a custom object (Campaign Reviews) that sits under Opportunity and I need to check that no Campaign Review record already exists against that Opportunity with the the dropdown status of Review Required (on the Campaign Review record), a formula field that does not equal Under or Amber (on the opportunity record) and that a record hasn't been created within the last 7 days. I want to do this via a flow, is it possible? Any guidance is much appriciated.


I want to restrict a lead from being saved if certain premium phone number codes are entered into the mobilephone or phone fields and prompt the user to enter a non premium phone number. Can this be achieved through a validation rule under the Lead object?


Can an IF statement be created on a VF page that will display a different snippet of HTML dependant on what option is selected on a pick list within the lead object? This VF page will show on a section within the lead object as well.
