• eddie
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I'm trying to figure out how to do an upsert to an object setting it's parent using a foreign key to it's parent's external ID using the partner WSDL.  The example in the 8.0 docs only shows this being done using the enterprise WSDL, is this possible?
When using Internet Explorer, I am seeing 3 UI problems in sControls that link to /dCSS/Theme2/default/common.css. I don't see any of these issues on these controls when using the FireFox browser or if I link to the Theme1 sheets.
1) Controls of class 'requiredInput' do not initially render to the right location, they render to the top of the control. Stranger still they move to the proper location if the page is resized.
2) I don't get the nice rounded corner of the lower right hand corner of my tables. It shows up as a disconnected line.
3) I see an underscore or similar char preceding the icon used with the datapicker (image of calss = 'datePickerIcon')
Any Ideas?


Does anyone know if the Login History data records get purged at all? We have clients that with the number of users and the number of processes that login can have about 70,000 entries a week in their Login History. This can easily escalate to 300,000 records in a month. Even though they download that data to excel and filter out automated process logins, the download and filtering out is a huge process due to so many records. Is there a way to purge these or do they get deleted automatically.

Thanks in advance,


Any one know of a way to keep Exchange and SF.com in sync automatically. (not using a manualy triggered Intellisync).


Field Salesforce with GPRS enabled outlook devices (Blackberry's, XDA and other).

Want to make sure they are notified when someone else books them for an appointment and when they book an appointment. For various reasons just using Exchange or just using SF.com will not work.

Does anyone know of 3rd party synchronisation tool?

