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We have periodic email newsletters that we send out to subscribed contacts and leads. Each newsletter has a checkbox associated with it that determines whether a contact/lead receives the newsletter. We use the HTML Email tool to send the newsletters out based on a query that finds all subscribers with the proper box checked (and the Email Opt-out box not checked)

We're looking for a way to add functions on our client portal and website that would allow us to manage newsletter subscriptions. Subscribe / Unsubscribe / Unsubscribe All, etc. Ideally, we would do a lookup based on the email address and mark the appropriate boxes within salesforce.com. On new subscriptions requested through the website, we need to send a confirmation email out before the box gets checked. Ideally, this email would be associated as an activity (either to the lead or the contact). Once they press a button in the email, they are subscribed for real.

Has anyone done something similar? Does anyone have some sample code that can help me get started on this?

  • May 12, 2004
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We're contemplating options for a Partner Management solution and are considering using SForce to extend Salesforce.com to fit our needs.  Basically we need the ability to manage channels, measure success and automate as much of the administration as possible.  Has anyone attempted any such extensions of Salesforce.com in the past or have ideas for implementing such a solution?

Thanks in advance!


  • October 03, 2003
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How can I automate the process of periodically reporting or automatic e-mail the excel page produced from SalesForce Report ?



  • June 04, 2004
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