• MSchumacher
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I have been trying to use a S-Control to update the ParentId of a Note attached to a custom object.  The update of the Title field is working ok, but when I update the ParentId nothing appears to happen. 
I was expecting the Note to now display with a different custom object.  I have included my code.  The sforceClient.Update is successful but the Note remains displayed under the original custom object.  (I have performed a refresh in IE7 to verify the Note did not move).
Any ideas?  I believe I am missing something simple at this point.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Transfer Notes</title>
<script language="javascript" src="https://www.salesforce.com/services/lib/ajax/beta3.3/sforceclient.js?browser=true" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function initPage()
sforceClient.init("{!API.Session_ID}", "{!API.Partner_Server_URL_70}",true);
window.setTimeout(";", 1000);
function queryNote() {
aResp = confirm("Are you sure you want to transfer the Notes?")
if (aResp == true) {
    sforceClient.debuglog.writeln("serialnum id: {!WEFSN__c.Id}");
    var qryStr = "Select Id,Title,ParentId From Note where ParentId = '{!WEFSN__c.Id}' ";
    sforceClient.debuglog.writeln("qryStr: " + qryStr);
   var queryResult = sforceClient.query(qryStr,xferNote);
    //sforceClient.debuglog.writeln("query size:" + queryResult.size);
    } // end if aResp == true
}   //end function queryNote
function xferNote(queryResult)
//var qrySN = "select Id,Name from WEFSN__c where Name = '{!WEFSN__c.Name}' "
var qrySN = "select Id,Name from WEFSN__c where Name = '08111' "
var queryResultSN = sforceClient.query(qrySN);
var recObject = new Sforce.Dynabean("Note");
if (queryResult.size > 0) {
 var dynaBean = queryResultSN.records[0];
 var SNId = dynaBean.get("Id") ;
  sforceClient.debuglog.writeln("SNId:" + SNId);
 for (i=0;i<queryResult.records.length;i++) {
     var dynaBean = queryResult.records[i];
     var NoteId = dynaBean.get("Id") ;
     sforceClient.debuglog.writeln("NoteId:" + NoteId);
     recObject.set("Title","test title");
     var updateResult = sforceClient.Update([recObject]);
     sforceClient.debuglog.writeln("record obj:" + recObject.toString());
 } // end for loop
} // end if > 0
} // end function xferNote
<body onload="initPage();">
I am trying to update a custom object after I have already queried it but receive the error 'object required' on my web page.  The error points to the line of code:  sobj.item("Id").value = "a0440000006d1DM"
I saw some information on the discussion boards related to updates in VBA but cannot get this to work in vbscript.  What I have missed?
 set binding = CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkit.SForceSession")
    binding.SessionId = sSessionId
 set sobj = binding.CreateObject("WEFSN__c")
 sobj.Item("Id").value = "a0440000006d1DM"
 sobj.Item("Item_Number__c").value = "MIKE"
Mike Schumacher
Looking through the message boards I noticed a link to http://www.pocketsoap.com/weblog/2005/10/1565.html how to enable compression but being new to Java concepts, I am having some difficulties.
I added the code below to my eclipse project:
 public class SforceService extends SforceServiceLocator {
  public Call createCall() throws ServiceException {
   Call call = super.createCall();
   call.setProperty(HTTPConstants.MC_ACCEPT_GZIP, Boolean.TRUE);
   call.setProperty(HTTPConstants.MC_GZIP_REQUEST, Boolean.TRUE);
   return call;
I have defined in my project:
 private Soap binding2 = null;
In the login routine I added:
    binding2 = new SforceService().getSoap();
    lr = binding2.login(userName, pwd); 
When I go to reset my url endpoint, I can't use _setproperty.  Of course when I attempt my first binding2.query(myQry) I receive the message

Destination URL not reset. The URL returned from login must be set in the SforceService

This makes sense.  Before I tried using compression, my code looked like the examples I downloaded:
    binding = (SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator()
    lr = binding.login(userName, pwd);
Simon Fells' web site also has a comment:
you have to configure axis to use the vastly superior CommonsHTTPSender class rather than the default HTTPSender class as its transport, this is done by changing the transport entry in the client-config.wsdd file from java:org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender to java:org.apache.axis.transport.http.CommonsHTTPSender
I don't understand how to do this in Eclipse.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.  If you need more information, let me know.
Mike Schumacher

When I use the Eclipse workbench and run my java application, I can log in to Salesforce.com, query records and update the records.

When I attempt to execute my java application at the DOS prompt, I receive the following:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field c
om.sforce.soap.enterprise.QueryResult.records from class com.weiler.UpdateFrontE
        at com.weiler.UpdateFrontEndTest.UpdateFrontEndTest.VerifyAccount(Update
        at com.weiler.UpdateFrontEndTest.UpdateFrontEndTest.<init>(UpdateFrontEn
        at com.weiler.UpdateFrontEndTest.UpdateFrontEndTest.main(UpdateFrontEndT

I am using Eclipse 3.0.1.  My java environment is - java version "1.4.2_04".

I noticed that when I create a new java project in Eclipse and I add the com.sforce.soap.enterprise package, to compile my application, I have to change the QueryResult.java to public.

The line that Eclipse is forcing me to change from private to public is:

   public com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.SObject[] records;

Any ideas is appreciated.



Mike Schumacher

I use the Eclipse deveopment environment and was testing a small java app to update a field in the Account object.  In the Eclipse enviornment the login is successful and the update to the Account object works.

I tried to run the app from a dos window using 'java' and I receive the message:

; nested exception is:

I checked my classpath and the paths looked ok.  I went back and tried the quickstart.class and it is now happening to quickstart as well.  The exception that is being processed is the RemoteException.

The login code is the code from the quickstart sample.  The login code is below.

  private void doLogin() {
  if (userName.length() == 0 || pwd.length() == 0)
  else {
   try {
    binding = (SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator()
   } catch (ServiceException ex1) {
   try {
    lr = binding.login(userName, pwd);
   } catch (UnexpectedErrorFault ex2) {
    System.out.println(ex2.getExceptionMessage() + "\nUnexpected\n");
   } catch (LoginFault ex2) {
    System.out.println(ex2.getExceptionMessage() + "\nloginfault\n");
   } catch (RemoteException ex2) {
    System.out.println(ex2.getMessage() + "\nremote\n");
   System.out.println("Login was successfull.");
   System.out.print("The returned session id is: ");
   System.out.print("Your logged in user id is: ");
   System.out.println(lr.getUserId() + " \n\n");

   //on a successful login, you should always set up your session id
   //and the url for subsequent calls

   //reset the url endpoint property, this will cause subsequent calls
   //to made to the serverURL from the login result

   //create a session head object
   _SessionHeader sh = new _SessionHeader();
   //set the sessionId property on the header object using
   //the value from the login result
   //add the header to the binding stub
                       String sforceURI = new SforceServiceLocator().getServiceName().getNamespaceURI();
   binding.setHeader(sforceURI, "SessionHeader", sh);

I thought maybe recompiling in the DOS window would work so I used 'javac' to recompile and still received the error.

What I don't understand is why the app runs correctly through the Eclipse environment but not in the DOS windows.

Any ideas?


I am testing a number of insert routines for a custom object using the APIs.  I noticed in the salesforce.com setup area, there does not appear to be a way to mass delete rows in a custom object.

Is there a recommended way to mass delete rows from a custom object?  I have been unable to find the right message in the various posts.

I want to delete the rows I added so I can retest as needed.  Do I need to create a separate program to select the rows by create date and delete each one.


Mike Schumacher

I just installed the quickstart and compiled my enterprise wsld.  I was able to run quickstart and login and get the accounts.

I wanted to try compiling quickstart but have been unsuccesful.  My classpath is:

set CLASSPATH=.;d:\temp\salesforce\quickstart.jar;d:\temp\salesforce\axis\lib\axis.jar;d:\temp\salesforce\axis\lib\axis-ant.jar;d:\temp\salesforce\axis\lib\commons-discovery.jar;d:\temp\salesforce\axis\lib\commons-logging.jar;d:\temp\salesforce\axis\lib\jaxrpc.jar;d:\temp\salesforce\axis\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar;d:\temp\salesforce\axis\lib\saaj.jar;d:\temp\salesforce\axis\lib\wsdl4j.jar;D:\Temp\Salesforce\com\sforce\soap\enterprise\sobject

when I issue the command:  "javac quickstart.java ", I receive pages of errors.  They are all similar to the following:


.\com\sforce\soap\enterprise\Field.java:684: cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : method setNillable (boolean)
location: class org.apache.axis.description.ElementDesc
.\com\sforce\soap\enterprise\DescribeLayout.java:166: cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : constructor TypeDesc (java.lang.Class,boolean)
location: class org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc
        new org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc(DescribeLayout.class, true);
.\com\sforce\soap\enterprise\RecordTypeMapping.java:229: cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : constructor TypeDesc (java.lang.Class,boolean)
location: class org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc
        new org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc(RecordTypeMapping.class, true);

.\com\sforce\soap\enterprise\RecordTypeMapping.java:258: cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : method setNillable (boolean)
location: class org.apache.axis.description.ElementDesc


I am extremely out of my element here but need any assistance that can be provided.

