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I am having rendering issues when I create a word doc from a visualforce page containing a Rich Text Area field.  The spaces after a period render as a  (capital A caret).  It seems this is some type of text encoding translation error.  Any idea how to fix this? 


I have tried using put outputField and outputText with escape="false".  It's a real annoyance to my users to have edit these out before they save the word doc.



This has been brought a hundred times before, but my problem must be unique.  I cannot see any of my visualforce pages in the Content drop down when I want to create a detail page custom button.  The page I am trying to select contains the standardcontroller of the SObject for which I am trying to create the button.


I can see my scontrols, but why can't I see my pages if they contain the correct standardcontroller?  Note, this is for a simple detail page button, not a list button.

I would like to create a custom field on the Account tab that calculates a customer's total expenditure. The only way I can think of doing this is to add all the Amounts for the Closed Won Opportunities related to the Account. When I try to create a formula in a custom field I only seem to be able to reference field on that tab (Accounts). Does anyone know how to made this work or suggest an alternaltive method?
We do not currently use Products so I would be interested to know if this gives us the functionality I'm after.
Thank you
I'm a total newbie to Salesforce.  My company is using the Scribe Sales Order plugin/ app and I have to create a field that is derived from the total price of all Sales Order Items (i.e. a sales order total).

Sales Order is one object, Sales Order Item is another, which has Sales Order as it's master.

I expected it to be a customer formula in Sales Order like this; {!LineItemAmount__c:SUM}
but this won't even validate.

{!LineItemAmount__c} validates OK - it is in the custom fields drop down but it comes out as 0  when it's applied, even though there are Sales Order Items, each with total prices, so I'm guess it is not the right one to use anyway.

The Sales Order Item has a custom field available for the amount I'm after, referenced like this

What I need to do is add up the {!TotalPrice__c} for all Sales Order Items in a particular Sales Order.  Does that make sense - if so, can I do it?

Thanks in advance


I am trying to generate a report that will average the number of days that an opportunity spends in certain stages of our sales process.  I have fields in each opportunity that calculate the number of days per stage, but the problem that I am running into when generating the report is that many of the opportunities have not reached the final stages.  When I average that column, the report totals the number of days for all opportunities and then divides by the total number of opportunities.  I need it to just divide by the number of opportunities for which there is a value present.  For example, if only two opportunities have reached the final stage and have values of 10 and 14, but there are 8 total opportunities in the report, the report returns an average of  3 instead of 12.  I currently have the fields setup so that they treat blank values as blanks.  Does anyone know if this possible, and if so, how would I do this?  Thanks.