• AndreaT
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We'd like to set up a customer portal targeting a specific set of visitors of our website - a force.com site in this case.

We need to set a process where the visitors can fill in a form and get access to the portal, immediately. No action required on our side.

Visitors are likely people not in our Salesforce org.

Does anyone know how to achieve that?



I manage several sites and some visualforce page is shared.

Since in every site there's need for specific, targeted content, e.g.. the footers, I put some code like:


<c:EGHomepagetitle rendered="{!$Site.Name = 'Egitto'}" />
<c:LYHomepagetitle rendered="{!$Site.Name = 'Libia'}" />


<c:ABCfooter rendered="{!$Site.Name = 'ABC'}" />

 <c:DEFfooter rendered="{!$Site.Name = 'DEF'}" />


Thus, I've references to components.


In order to manage pieces of codes in the main body,  is there any way to achieve the same result without any external reference?


I'd like to have a std visualforce page where some text&image are shown only when the page is used under a specific site.


Any search engine-friendly way to move an existing website to force.com, I mean to handle the change of urls?










I've just noticed that with the starting of the scheduled Maintenance of EU0, a public Site has been set as 'down for maintenance', with the following url:



Did that happen by chance or actually the maintenance of the instance involves a stop of the sites?



Message Edited by AndreaT on 19-09-2009 08:52 PM


I'm experiencing some problem while trying to verify a force.com site in a Google webmaster tools account.

Google can not verify the meta tag and I assume there's no way to get the website verified via the uploaded html file, that should have an url like www.domain.com/verifile.html.

I get this sort of meta tag-related problem only with Google. Yahoo! and other tools are fines and they have the same process.

Any idea? Thanks 

Message Edited by AndreaT on 17-09-2009 03:21 PM


I receive an IS error message after clicking on Page Preview. Preview of any page, based on any template, including the CMS templates without changes.

I started receiving this error suddenly, after using the CMSforce for a while.

Does anyone get this sort of error? Reason for that? 


I'm trying to use the CMSForce and Sites.
With CMSForce, I've created some PageTemplates, and then some Pages based on PageTemplates.
Now, none of those Pages are Available Visualforce Pages and so I can't add any of them to the list of Enabled Visualforce Pages for the Site.
I can see only the PageTemplates listed as Available Visualforce Pages.
Please, can you help me on this? What I'm missing?
Message Edited by AndreaT on 27-08-2009 09:30 AM