• HannesE
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I want to create an S-control to add a picture as an attachment to the contact you are in, that will upload and automatically be assigned to the contact(in that the link to the picture is inserted into a custom field).

My idea is to pull the contact ID, Name and email from the contact, then insert an attachment, the picture you specify by browsing, and then calling it the user ID or email, or use one in the description. Then after saving the attachment. Search attachments for that User ID or email and insert the the link web address + the attachment ID into a custom field that controls where the picture source is coming from. And then refresh the page to show the change.

Does anybody see any floors in my plan. It my first time using SOAP and Java script but i think i will be able to hack something together. Any pointers or suggestions would be more then welcome. AJ

Message Edited by AJ yorkshire on 02-16-2006 07:46 AM