• ZitizonX
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We are trying to prove  a concept.
We have a e-commerce website, and we want to integrate it with SalesForce via Apex platform.
Basically, some of our customers are existing sales force customer, they will create new web tab pointing to our web site, and once they log in sale forces, we want him/her automatically log in our website. Does Apex provides such possibility?
I do not feel it is possible, since no way to pass information (user credential) through.
I am new to this, so any feedback are appreciated.
Hi All,
I need to capture user information based on customers id on the page. On each user info page, I will have a custom button where will trigger an email. On that email, I will show some user information such as Name and Address. Is there any API or sample code to do this? I would assume a custom web service will a good fit to do this. Thanks in advance. 
We are creating a simple survey pluggin to SF account. I have 3 custom objects as shown in the image below. And I have defined their relationships. If I have the Campaign ID in my development enviornment how can I create a Survey Custom Object programatically.
This is my code;

Campaign campaign = new Campaign();

campaign.Id = "701500000009731";

campaign.Name = "BreakFast Event";

campaign.surverys__r <------ [HOW CAN I CREATE the custom object here and add values]

Here is my DSD.


I have a web application that coverts a lead into an account then creates an agreement and adds an attachment to the agreement. My problem is I can't make salesforce send the agreements out for signature. I can change the status of the agreement to "out for signature" but I never receive an email with the docs or see them in echosign. My question is how can I duplicate the custom s-control "send for signature" functionality in my web application? Is there a way to trigger the s-control from my web application? Any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Can anyone advise me on what methods are available to integrate the Salesforce Customer Portal functionality into an external website, in particular:
1. We would like to customers to log in once to our corporate web site, and then when accessing our support area auomatically have access to Salesforce to log new calls or view existing calls?
2. I have seen how some users have incorporated the Customer Portal pages directly into their site using an IFRAME, is this the only way? Reason I'm not happy with this solution is the invitable scroll bars and the need for sub menus. Ideally I would OUR interface to have tabs for New Call, View Calls etc...
Any help of advise appreciated.
When I try to install this application it says, Application Version Mismatch. I never experienced this problem before. Is this an erros in SF side or application vendor side?
this is the link for the app.

I am not a programmer, so please excuse my ignorance.


We have a custom build .net application that we use for running parts of our business.  We are using sfdc for CRM but there is no connection to our .net system.


In sfdc I came across the option to create a custom button that would insert a contact’s account number into a URL or Java script, then open a page (within sfdc).  I was wondering how we could use this with our .net application.


I want to “paste” some of our existing .net pages into the sfdc window with the sfdc sidebar and header remaining.


I know we need to go back to our .net developer for help, but I was hoping to get a 2 minute primer on what I’m actually asking for.


  1. Does my question make sense?
  2. What specifically can sfdc “pass” to our .net application and how (what programming langue is required) to “launch” an existing .net page with sfdc?


Would somebody PLEASE give me a paragraph or two of explanation in tech speak of what I am looking for, so that our .net developer will not look at me like I’m a complete moron.


THANKS in advance,


I'm very new to this and I have a problem getting started. I'm going through the guide and have gotten to the part of walking through the sample code. However, I can't get it to recognize the web reference and I keep getting the error:
The type or namespace 'sforce' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
See screenshot:
I saw a few posts with people having the same problem but no real resolution to it. If anyone can help me get the first part of the sample code working, that'd be great!
Hi all,
Where can I find information about "xtma_Individual_Email_Result__c" object/Table? I couldnt find any info in the API related docs or SF search.
I've been tasked to build a .NET web application (VB) that will connect with our SalesForce.com data and allow our salespeople to select an in-house email template for mass mailings through our own in-house mail servers. I have everything setup in Visual Studio 2005, the WSDL is in place, and I have some initial code running that allows me to successfully log into the API and retrieve some basic information (user name, company, etc.). So far, all is going well.
Now, I want to create a dropdown menu that contains any and all contact "views" established by the user. In SalesForce.com, I can create a new view and assign specific contacts to that view, allowing me to manage different groups of folks to potentially email. However, I can't seem to find any reference to these views in the Apex API. I presume there is some sort of mechanism I can use to capture what views have been created by a particular user, so in turn I can capture the appropriate contacts for that view.
Can anyone point me in the right direction here?

I get error today login to sforce. Error message = "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship with remote server." This is only happen to ASP.NET, but if I copy and use the same code as VB.NET (desktop application), I can login successfully.
FYI: OS = Windows XP SP2, VS 2003, sforce API 9.
Please help....


I am getting this error when I try to run the code below. Please help.


System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderException was unhandled
  Message="A duplicate value was specified for field 'Id' in object 'Opportunity', duplicate value '00650000008ov0VAAQ' prior value '00650000008ov0VAAQ'"




sObject[] myOppties;

myOppties = sfdc.retrieve("Id, AccountId", "Opportunity", new String[] { "00650000008ov0VAAQ", "00650000008mpS4AAI", "00650000008m20QAAQ" });

for (int i = 0; i < myOppties.Length;i++)


if (myOppties[i].Any[0].InnerText == "00650000008m20QAAQ")


myOppties[i].Any[1].InnerText = "0015000000IRt4nAAD";


System.Console.WriteLine(myOppties[i].Any[0].InnerText + " " + myOppties[i].Any[1].InnerText);


SaveResult[] mySaveResult = sfdc.update(myOppties);

Ok, trying to integrate with the WSDL from a C# web app in VS2005. After fixing some simple mistakes in the example code such as "qr.recrods" etc, I'm still having issues. In the login method there is this line:

sfdc.GetUserInfoResult userInfo = lr.userInfo;

However, GetUserInfoResult is not a member of that object.
The closest I see in intellisense is getUserInfo but that does not work. Is there anotehr example that works? I apologize but I'm completely new to SalesForce and just trying to estimate a project to integrate some simple web forms on a client site to automatically push the data to their salesforce database. I've worked with WebServices before just not this API.

   Hello everyone,

I'm working on an integration for my company and have a question regarding logging in and persisting the Binding object. 

My main objective is to not have to login each time a call needs to be made to the Apex API.  I'd like to have an initial login to get the session information, and then have the session info and the binding information persist.  I'm creating a class library that will house the connectors and a generic wrapper, but have run into a problem with the binding object. 

I have a class that handles and session management with a public sub called Login():

Public Sub Login()
' login to salesforce.com to establish a session
_SforceLR = _binding.login(UserName, Password)

'Reset the SOAP endpoint to the returned server URL
_binding.Url = _SforceLR.serverUrl
_binding.SessionHeaderValue = New sforce.SessionHeader
_binding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = _SforceLR.sessionId

Binding = _binding

' write a new values for the session mgmt to the config file
ConfigSettings.WriteSetting("SessionID", _SforceLR.sessionId)
ConfigSettings.WriteSetting("SessionURL", _SforceLR.serverUrl)
ConfigSettings.WriteSetting("SessionLoginTime", GetTimeStamp.timestamp.ToString)

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
What you see there is that the login is done and then a public property is set to hold the information.  I then have a data object class for the API calls that will use this Binding property in lieu of having to login each to to get and set the object.  so I'm thinking about something like:

 Dim ret() As sforce.sObject

' ret = _binding.retrieve(cField, cTable, New String() {cID})
ret = Binding.retrieve("LastName", "Contact", New String() {"0035000000MtAPH"})

If Not ret Is Nothing Then
' Return something
' Return Nothing
End If
What I'm running into is an Internal 500 Server error from the API when trying to do the retrieve.  I think this is due to the public property not persisting across the classes and the property code being declared as:

 Public Property Binding() As SforceServiceCompressed
                Return _binding
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As SforceServiceCompressed)
                _binding = value
            End Set
        End Property
Any help at all would be great.  Since this is a .NET class library I don't have access to things like the Session and all of that, so I'm not sur how to pass the Binding object around.  For the session info I'm writing the strings out to an application config file to keep populated and updateable. 

I'm really stuck and am looking for a jump start.  It could just be that the property route is just bad, and I can live with that, but I'm not sure how to handle not having to login each time a call is made when there is a valid SFDC session already.



We've integrated our DNN (DotNetNuke) portal with Salesforce quite successfully using DBAmp. I import all my DNN users into SF, and update key fields and custom objects in SF with this info through stored procedures.
I'd love to use the Self Service within my DNN portal also, since we've started logging some of our web queries as SF cases, but am unsure how the password sharing would work. I want my users to have one login and password (their existing DNN username and password), and the Self Service portal lets them log in with their email address and a new password it creates.
Any suggestions for how I can set up Self Service to use my portal's login credentials, or integrate it with an existing security context?

Hi there,

We would like to run a local copy of the database to extend our report capabilities. Does Salesforce support any means of data replication?

We have MS SQL Server running locally. We would like to replicate the data to this server.

Thank you in advance.