• jim_lukens
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Im unable to create a new Force.com project in Eclipse Kepler Version: 4.3.0. 
I enter my username/password & security token but still no success.

Downloaded the connector and installed...now I get this error?



We deployed some changes recently and ended up with many of our previous page-layout assignments being lost, i.e.., set back to Unassigned.


Our deployment included a number of Profiles, Record Types, and Page Layouts for Opportunity.  For all the Profiles we deployed, only those layouts  and record types in the package retained their assignments. 


We have 48 record types and about 50 profiles profiles and 30-40 layouts.  We never want to deploy all of these at the same time. In the past, when we only deployed a subset, only what we deployed changed and what was already there remained unchanged.


Anyone know what would cause this?  Is there a change to metadata deployment in '10?



I'm trying to get started using the Migration Tool.  In order to do that, I need Ant working.  I have set up the Variable Environments but I can't seem to connect using the build.properties file.


I have tried both with the security token and without.  It's a developer account.  When I try the "ant test" command I get an error "build.xlm: 9 Invalid Username, password or security token"


I'm sure of the password and am not locked out.  Any help is greatly appreciated.



My file looks like the following:


 # build.properties



# Specify the login credentials for the desired Salesforce organization

sf.username = dev@***

sf.password = *****


#sf.pkgName = <Insert comma separated package names to be retrieved>

#sf.zipFile = <Insert path of the zipfile to be retrieved>

#sf.metadataType = <Insert metadata type name for which listMetadata or bulkRetrieve operations are to be performed>


# Use 'https://www.salesforce.com' for production or developer edition (the default if not specified).

# Use 'https://test.salesforce.com for sandbox.


sf.serverurl = https://www.salesforce.com


# If your network requires an HTTP proxy, see http://ant.apache.org/manual/proxy.html for configuration.


I picked up the following Tip during a SFDC presentation and it works great on the Contact record. It creates a button on the Contact object, which when clicked, creates an activity in the Contact record and sets up a reminder task in 2 days.

I need to modify it to do the same on a Case object. Can anyone help me modify the code so that it does the same in a Case, i.e. creates an activity that a VM was left, and creating a reminder task when clicked? 

Code is at the end of the next section.

Need: Track all activities to contacts within Salesforce and save time by having one click logging of left voicemails

Business Case: Sales reps can quickly log voicemail calls and receive a reminder task a few days later to follow up on the voicemail.

Business Value: Make more calls, improve productivity in high call volume type environments

Left Voicemail Custom button instructions

To set 1 custom buttons on the contact record – LVM

select Setup| Appsetup | Customize | Contacts | Custom Buttons and Links | select new custom button

Create a button label name (LVM) in the display type select the Detail page button option

select behavior type - Display in existing window without sidebar or header

select content source – URL


add the Code: (modify the code to fit your instance)

