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Task to run Apex - like cron
Is it possible to create some sort of task to run my custom apex code? I have an app where I want to periodically run some outbound web requests, then possibly generate alerts based on my response.
I can do it by having the user click a link, but can this scheduled somehow to run every hour?
- February 27, 2009
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Help to remove underline in PDF
I am generating PDF using Visualforce for costom object. My custom object contains many lookup fields.
I have a page which has one or more lookup fields of the object. I am using outputField tag of apex to display the value of the lookup fields. The page is getting rendered with values in PDF but the hyperlink is also rendered.
i need the help to supress the underline. But in HTML using stylesheet, I can supress underline but for PDF I am not able to supress. Is there any way to remove the underline for Lookup fields in PDF?
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know your thoughts.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- October 21, 2009
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Log Details could not figure out
I have the Log file here for workflow run. I could not figure out the line which are mentioned in red color. Since my SOQL are queried through Account and Opportunity objects. But I am not going to query on any User Object. But still log shows about user. I wonder how it could be possible.Also I am getting SOQL limit exception and my workflow will remove from Queue. Please have a look and suggest me the solution if any.
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:ConnectCom__Workflow__c
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 5 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:ConnectCom__Rule__c
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 2 rows finished in 4 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:Account
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:User
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 2 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:User
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 2 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:User
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 2 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 2 rows finished in 4 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:Account
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:User
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 2 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:User
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 2 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:User
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 1 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 5 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:Opportunity
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 0 rows finished in 9 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:Account
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 2 rows finished in 13 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:Account
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:User
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 3 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:User
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 1 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:User
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 2 ms
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SelectLoop:LIST:SOBJECT:User
20090710115046.088:(ConnectCom): SOQL query with 1 row finished in 1 ms
Please let me know the details if any one knows about this SOQL problem
Thanks inadvance.
- venkatesh
- July 10, 2009
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Exception in Webservice Call
Hi, I am making the webservice GET and POST to the database from Salesforce. Some of the time am getting "User Key Not specified." exception as a response for that POST call while posting XML data to the external database. Please inform me the details if any one facing the same issue.
Please tell me solution if any for this issue.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- June 27, 2009
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Issue in getting the value of apex page in controller class
HI.. I am unable get and set the values for a visualforce page in Controller class. I have the below visualforce code.
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!ords}" var="a" id="detailTable">
<apex:column headerValue="Item Name">
<apex:inputField id="itemId" value="{!a.Item__c}" onblur="setItemName();"/>
<apex:inputHidden id="itemNameId" value="{!itemNameId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Price">
<apex:inputField id="priceId" value="{!a.Price__c}" onblur="setItemPrice();"/>
<apex:inputHidden id="itemPrice" value="{!itemPrice}"/>
I am setting the values for itemNameId and itemPrice in javascript. Below is the code for that.
function setItemName(){
//alert('Before setting the setItemName');
for(i=0; i<100; i++) {
document.getElementById('soPage:theForm:blockId:detailTable:'+i+':itemNameId').value = document.getElementById('soPage:theForm:blockId:detailTable:'+i+':itemId').value;
function setItemPrice(){
for(i=0; i<100; i++) {
document.getElementById('soPage:theForm:blockId:detailTable:'+i+':itemPrice').value = document.getElementById('soPage:theForm:blockId:detailTable:'+i+':priceId').value;
Also am setting the values for these fields in Controller class like below.
public String itemNameId {get;set;}
public String itemPrice {get;set;}
But my problem is that unable to get the values for those fields in Controller.
Please let me know how I can achieve the same problem.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- June 25, 2009
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Problem in getting the values in Controller class
HI.. I am unable get and set the values for a visualforce page in Controller class. I have the below visualforce code.
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!ords}" var="a" id="detailTable"> <apex:column headerValue="Item Name"> <apex:inputField id="itemId" value="{!a.Item__c}" onblur="setItemName();"/> <apex:inputHidden id="itemNameId" value="{!itemNameId}"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Price"> <apex:inputField id="priceId" value="{!a.Price__c}" onblur="setItemPrice();"/> <apex:inputHidden id="itemPrice" value="{!itemPrice}"/> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable>
I am setting the values for itemNameId and itemPrice in javascript. Below is the code for that.
<script> function setItemName(){ //alert('Before setting the setItemName'); for(i=0; i<100; i++) { document.getElementById('soPage:theForm:blockId:detailTable:'+i+':itemNameId').value = document.getElementById('soPage:theForm:blockId:detailTable:'+i+':itemId').value; } } function setItemPrice(){ for(i=0; i<100; i++) { document.getElementById('soPage:theForm:blockId:detailTable:'+i+':itemPrice').value = document.getElementById('soPage:theForm:blockId:detailTable:'+i+':priceId').value; } } </script>
Also am setting the values for these fields in Controller class like below.
public String itemNameId {get;set;}
public String itemPrice {get;set;}
But my problem is that unable to get the values for those fields in Controller.
Please let me know how I can achieve the same problem.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- June 24, 2009
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Problem in passing list values to Javascript in Visualforce
I am newbie to Visualforce Development. I have written a controller for custom object say(SetUp__c) and written the Visualforce page for that controller. Controller class I have written the below method to select the values from another object and returning the list.
public List targetResp;
public List getAllResponseTime() {
List indexUS = [select Target__c, Response_Time__c from US_Mobile_Index__c];
for(US_Mobile_Index__c usIndex : indexUS) {
targetResp.add(usIndex.Target__c + ' : ' + usIndex.Response_Time__c);
return targetResp;
I wanted to access this returned List value in Javascript block of the Visualforce page and to display those values. Please let me know how I can get the list value especially in Javascript block.
Please help me to achieve the same.
- venkatesh
- June 03, 2009
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Graph display in Object Detail page
Hi, I am newbie to Visualforce development. Please help me anyone for my below scenario:
1) I have different objects with records in Salesforce Developer account.
2) Also I have one SetUp object to display the graph for records in above mentioned object in detail page. I have attached the JPG file
Please refer the above link.
3) Above JPG file contains custom visualforce layout with other fields.
Below are my requirements:
1) When Graph Type field(drop down list) contains value like EU Mobile Index(This value stands for object), I will have to display the dynamic graph for records present in that object.
2) When I click the Generate Graph button I would like to display the pie or bar graph.
How I can select the drop down list value in my controller class and same I will have to pass to Visualforce page. And also how I can display the dynamic graph for records present in the object.
I am waiting for some sort of code. This is very urgent. :smileymad: :smileymad:
Please help me any one who knows. Thanks
Please anyone can help me. I need this very urgent.
- venkatesh
- May 19, 2009
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Web service data upsert fail for successive scheduler.
I have scheduled my web service call to upsert the data to Salesforce at every 5 minuts interval. But I can't say when data will not upsert in that succesive period. Data will not upsert for some interval. After next run, again this will get corrected and data will be upserted.
How I can avoid this type of uncertainity? I am running 2-3 scheduler at a time to update for different objects. Is there any restriction in Salesforce to call 2 or more web services at a time?
Please provide me some informations if anyone knows the same.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- May 06, 2009
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Exception for association after successive shedule.
I am associating two custom objects with respective record id's and external id. I can successfully associate and upsert the records for two custom objects from external web service. When I have sheduled this job for successive run, association and upsert will fail after 3rd or 4th time scheduler runs for the same records. I have given DML exception which I got for the same mentioned below.
Dml Exception : Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, Attempting to update (as part of an upsert) parent field ConnectCompiere__Sales_Order__c with new value a0X40000000FWPAEA4, current value is a0X40000000FWP9EAO: [ConnectCompiere__Sales_Order__c]
Below I have attached the method written for associating two aobjects and upsert the same from external webservice.
public static void associateInvoiceLineWithInvoiceNew(InvoiceLine__c line, String setUpId) {
try {
//Query to select id of the parent object which are matching with child object.
Compiere_Invoice__c[] invId = [select id from Compiere_Invoice__c where C_Invoice_ID__c =: line.C_Invoice_ID__c];
for(Compiere_Invoice__c i : invId) {
//Association object between parent and child object.
InvoiceLineAssociation__c association = new InvoiceLineAssociation__c();
System.debug('Invoice Id ------>' + i.id);
association.Invoice__c = i.id;
System.debug('Invoice Line Id ----->' + line.id);
association.Invoice_Line__c = line.id;
System.debug('Invoice Line Id(External Id)---->' + line.C_InvoiceLine_ID__c);
association.Invoice_Line_Id__c = line.C_InvoiceLine_ID__c;
//Upsert assocociation object with external id.
upsert association Invoice_Line_Id__c;
} catch (DmlException e) {
System.debug('DML Exception in association---->' + e.getMessage());
errorMessage = errorMessage + ' Dml Exception : '+e.getMessage();
}catch(System.Exception exp){
System.debug('System Exception in association---->' + exp.getMessage());
errorMessage = errorMessage + ' Exception : '+exp.getMessage();
Please let me know anyone knows about detals of same exception which I got for above code.
Any help would be great for me to debug the same.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- May 02, 2009
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Exception for association made between two objects
I am associating two custom objects with respective record id's and external id. I can successfully associate and upsert the records for two custom objects from external web service. When I have sheduled this job for successive run, association and upsert will fail after 3rd or 4th time scheduler runs for the same records. I have given DML exception which I got for the same mentioned below.
Dml Exception : Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, Attempting to update (as part of an upsert) parent field ConnectCompiere__Sales_Order__c with new value a0X40000000FWPAEA4, current value is a0X40000000FWP9EAO: [ConnectCompiere__Sales_Order__c]
Below I have attached the method written for associating two aobjects and upsert the same from external webservice.
public static void associateInvoiceLineWithInvoiceNew(InvoiceLine__c line, String setUpId) { try {
//Query to select id of the parent object which are matching with child object.
Compiere_Invoice__c[] invId = [select id from Compiere_Invoice__c where C_Invoice_ID__c =: line.C_Invoice_ID__c]; for(Compiere_Invoice__c i : invId) {
//Association object between parent and child object.
InvoiceLineAssociation__c association = new InvoiceLineAssociation__c(); System.debug('Invoice Id ------>' + i.id); association.Invoice__c = i.id; System.debug('Invoice Line Id ----->' + line.id); association.Invoice_Line__c = line.id; System.debug('Invoice Line Id(External Id)---->' + line.C_InvoiceLine_ID__c); association.Invoice_Line_Id__c = line.C_InvoiceLine_ID__c;
//Upsert assocociation object with external id.
upsert association Invoice_Line_Id__c; } } catch (DmlException e) { System.debug('DML Exception in association---->' + e.getMessage()); errorMessage = errorMessage + ' Dml Exception : '+e.getMessage(); GenerateLog.logScheduleAssociation(errorMessage,setUpId); }catch(System.Exception exp){ System.debug('System Exception in association---->' + exp.getMessage()); errorMessage = errorMessage + ' Exception : '+exp.getMessage(); GenerateLog.logScheduleAssociation(errorMessage,setUpId); } }
Please let me know anyone knows about detals of same exception which I got for above code.
Please help me to debug the same.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- May 01, 2009
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Problem in tracking the installed application.
I heard that Adninistrator(one who developed amd deployed the application in AppExchange) can track the version of the application which will be installed by different clients. I would like to know how this feature can be implemented in Force.com platform or I would like to know whether I can find any feature within the salesforce to find the same. Please provide me the details, if someone knows about tracking or reporting of the Appexchange application.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- April 27, 2009
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Help needed for Approval Process
We have created a managed package of our Integration product. How we can get approved by Salesforce for our product? How we can proceed the Approval process?
Any kind of suggestion would be appreciated.
What are the Data sheet and checklist for the Salesforce to get approved by Salesforce for the product.
Please share the information for the above mentioned queries.
Thanks in advance!!!
- venkatesh
- April 22, 2009
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To Activate Workflow Rule
I have created a Managed package and deployed in new developer account for testing. This package does not contain Workflow rule because we can not include time based workflow rule in package. So I created the Workflow manually in account where I installed the package and activated the same workflow rule. But this workflow rule will not get activated.
Please let me know any suggetion to activate the workflow where I installed the Managed Package.
I am looking for a suggestion............
Please help me :smileymad:!!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance.
I also tried to install the package which contains workflow rule(workflow which does not contain time trigger can be uploaded to package). But still I could not activate the workflow.
Please let me know any one from Forum face the same issue.
- venkatesh
- April 15, 2009
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Help required to create a Package
I have created a classes and triggers and I have the plan to create a managed package which contains all the classes, objects and triggers.While creating the package I got the error message saying that class did not have
test methods.
Should those classes reqquired test methods? Is that test method is mandatory in Salesforce? How I can create the package without writing the test methods.
I have the project dead line tomorrow. I don't have time to spend writing in test methods for so many classes.
Please any one help me to create the package without writing the test methods.
I am waiting for reply...........
:smileysad: :smileysad:
- venkatesh
- April 12, 2009
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Help needed to parse the XML data
I would like to parse the xml data as like below:
I wanted to parse this type of xml using XML DOM parser and I have to get the value from <Info><![CDATA[GardenWorld]]></Info> and <Value><![CDATA[en_US]]></Value>.
Please suggest me to parse the same.
If anyone of you have other idea to parse the above said xml, please inform me as early as possible. This is my urgent requirement. I hope for the suggestion or some sample code.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- April 06, 2009
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Help required to associate.
I have written the trigger code to associate parent object with child object. This has been achieved by directly assigning a Id's to each master-detail fields of junction object. I have pasted my code.
trigger createAssociationWithAccounts on Sales_Order__c (before update, before insert) { Map<Id, Sales_Order__c> acctsUpdate = new Map<Id, Sales_Order__c>(); for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++) { acctsUpdate.put(Trigger.old[i].id, Trigger.new[i]); } for(Integer j = 0; j < acctsUpdate.size() ; j++){ AccountOrderAssociation__c accountOrderAssociation = new AccountOrderAssociation__c(); accountOrderAssociation.SalesOrder__c = 'a018000000LprTD'; accountOrderAssociation.Accounts__c = '0018000000PBqSq'; insert accountOrderAssociation; } }
In above code, Sales_Order__c is a child object and Account is a parent object. I have associated these two objects using junction object (AccountOrderAssociation__c). In junction object, I have created two master-detail fields like Accounts__c and SalesOrder__c. I have manually assign the Sales_Order__c's Id to Account and vice-versa. After inserting the junction object I will be able to associate between two objects.
Please let me know how I can put the Sales_Order__c's Id to Account and Account Id's to Sales_Order__c dynamically using Map.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- March 23, 2009
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Associating objects with Master-detail relationship
First, I will have to asscociate two objects and then I will have to update/insert master related child records to child object which are coming from Web Service call. Here I will explain about my work related to master-detail relationship with the Salesforce screenshots and what I did upto this. Please have a look into the details:
1) I have created new Sales_Order__c(custom object).
2) This object contains Name field as the required filed(ofcourse this field is Auto Number).
3) I have created new custom object(called AccountOrderAssociation__c as the API name) to relate the Account and Sales Oreder objects. This object contains two master-detail relationship custom fields. Here I have ralated one custom field with Account(field API name is Accounts__c)and another with Sales Order(field API name is SalesOrder__c).
4) After above setup, I went to page layout setup of the Account object. Because my intention is to associate the Sales Order(child object) with Account(parent object) as like in link1 and link2.
5) I have selected Sales Order fields such as Name(Required field for Sales Order), Document Number(custom field for Sales Order) from the Related List Properties-Sales Order Association popup window.This popup is available when we click Properties icon in the Sales Order associated block in Account page layout.
When I go to view in-detail of Account records in Account object, these Sales Order field details are displaying in seperate block.
6) This will finish up my requirement of relating between two default and custom objects.
7) Now my requirement is to code level inserting/updating/associating the records to Account and Sales Order objects.
8) To achieve the above scenario at present, I made web service call to external database. I am calling this web service Apex class within trigger of my sheduler(This is one of the seperate custom object) from which I can schedule to update the Account records at the specified intervals.
9) Now I can successfully insert the records to Account object using Apex upsert call.
10) As same like Account object, I will be getting records for Sales Order custom object related to Account records also(through web service call) from my external database.
11) I should have to insert/update(upsert API call) these Sales Order records to Sales Order object.
12) At present situation I don't have Apex class to call the sales order records from my databse through web service call.
13) So I tried for, when account records are upserted to Account object through web service call, it should create new Sales Order record or upsert to the same record in my Sales_Order__c object by taking one of the field values from the Account record. As same as below statement written in bold text:
//Loop through Sales Order
for(Sales_Order__c s: sales){
//Using the trigger.newMap, get the related Sales Oredr record to the specific Account record
// You need to pass in the AccountID into the get call rather than the Sales_Order__c's ID
Account a = Trigger.newMap.get(s.Name);
//Set the Sales Order related to Account field here....
s.DESCRIPTION__c = a.For_Testing__c;
14) To achieve above scenario, when account trigger occures(from web service call), these update/insert or upsert to Sales Order whatever operation should happen.
Please help me to achieve the above scenario. I hope I am getting good suggestion from one who achieve same kind of sitaution.
Thanks in advance......
- venkatesh
- March 19, 2009
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Web Service Calling
I referred the below link to make the Web Service connection. But I am not able to activate the same in Salesforce.
I did not got any error. The code will compile smoothly and it did not updated any object.
Please suggest me, if anyone knows the problem...
- venkatesh
- March 11, 2009
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Problem to resolve the Synchronization conflict resolution.
Anyone knows how we can write the Apex code for conflict resolution?
If 'SFDC wins' option is selected, I don't know what needs to be done(how to compare the Salesforce data with external web service data).
Please help me anyone regarding this.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- March 10, 2009
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Help needed to create Custom List view block for an object.
Anyone having idea about how to create the seperate custom list vew block for the custom object.
Please help me if anyone knows...........
Thanks in advance.
:smileymad: :smileymad:
- venkatesh
- March 09, 2009
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Exception in Webservice Call
Hi, I am making the webservice GET and POST to the database from Salesforce. Some of the time am getting "User Key Not specified." exception as a response for that POST call while posting XML data to the external database. Please inform me the details if any one facing the same issue.
Please tell me solution if any for this issue.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- June 27, 2009
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As i read all the stuffs regarding VF , so m sure that we can incoporate this functionality. How can i add . add row / delete row functionality in my visualforce page.....
1) i want to add multiple rows through JS or any other method please suggest.
2) i want to take all the row values in my custom controller..
3) i can't use Visualforce tags in my javascript. Please suggest with some sample code , i will be greatly appreciate...
- ScorpionKing
- June 09, 2009
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Problem in tracking the installed application.
I heard that Adninistrator(one who developed amd deployed the application in AppExchange) can track the version of the application which will be installed by different clients. I would like to know how this feature can be implemented in Force.com platform or I would like to know whether I can find any feature within the salesforce to find the same. Please provide me the details, if someone knows about tracking or reporting of the Appexchange application.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- April 27, 2009
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To Activate Workflow Rule
I have created a Managed package and deployed in new developer account for testing. This package does not contain Workflow rule because we can not include time based workflow rule in package. So I created the Workflow manually in account where I installed the package and activated the same workflow rule. But this workflow rule will not get activated.
Please let me know any suggetion to activate the workflow where I installed the Managed Package.
I am looking for a suggestion............
Please help me :smileymad:!!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance.
I also tried to install the package which contains workflow rule(workflow which does not contain time trigger can be uploaded to package). But still I could not activate the workflow.
Please let me know any one from Forum face the same issue.
- venkatesh
- April 15, 2009
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Problem to resolve the Synchronization conflict resolution.
Anyone knows how we can write the Apex code for conflict resolution?
If 'SFDC wins' option is selected, I don't know what needs to be done(how to compare the Salesforce data with external web service data).
Please help me anyone regarding this.
Thanks in advance.
- venkatesh
- March 10, 2009
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Associating one object with another object using Master-detail lookup
I will have to write the Apex class for associating master object with the chile object. How I can achieve this scenario.
Please help me........
Thanks in advance.
:smileymad: :smileymad:
- venkatesh
- March 06, 2009
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Mass delete problem
if ((purgeType == 'LAST_N_DAYS') && (nDays <= 365)) {
List<ConnectCompiere_Log__c> lastNDays = new List<ConnectCompiere_Log__c>([SELECT Id FROM ConnectCompiere_Log__c WHERE CreatedDate >: System.now().addDays(-nDays)]);
// for(ConnectCompiere_Log__c rec:lastNDays) {
// delete rec;
// }
System.debug('Selecting' + lastNDays.size() + ' log records');
delete lastNDays;
Im getting the below error for the above code.
Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger Purging caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Purging: execution of AfterInsert
caused by: System.Exception: Too many DML rows: 440:
Above code selecting 440 rows to delete from the object. While deleting I am getting above error.
Please help me to delete the mass records.
Thanks in advance.
Please Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smileysad:
- venkatesh
- March 03, 2009
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Object associaton from Parent to Child....
How I can relate Parent object with child object in salesforce UI?
I want this relationship for below concept/scenario:
1) I will be getting the data for Account object from external system by using Web Service connection.
2) When Account objects are upserted/inserted, related sales Order object details and invoice object details also should get updated.
3) The fields of the Sales Order and Invoice objects should be displayed as list view in Account object.
Please help me to achieve this scenario.
:smileysad: :smileysad:
- venkatesh
- March 02, 2009
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Xml writing!!!
Hi ,
I am writing a XML of the below mentuoned format ,
can anyone suggest anything like XMLDom parser to create XML documents easily.. thanx
- venkatesh
- March 02, 2009
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XML Parse Error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:
Using a partner application (Clicktools) that works through the API, I am attempting to create a new custom object and update fields within that object, from a custom form (built in Clicktools). I had set this up and it was all working fine. Now when I try to create the object Salesforce returns the following error message:
ERROR: Processing instance (Live) Loss Survey. Salesforce error: XML Parse Error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
at org.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.createSAXParseException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.fatalError(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLScanner.reportFatalError(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.endEntity(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentScannerImpl.endEntity(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.endEntity(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityScanner.load(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityScanner.peekChar(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanCDATASection(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at core.email.tools.XMLHandler.parse(XMLHandler.java:159)
at core.email.tools.XMLHandler.parse(XMLHandler.java:129)
at core.email.tools.BaseTempl
Within the custom object I am updating a number of custom fields. One of these is a date field. If I remove the date field from the object, or from the custom form information I’m passing through the API, everything works as it should. Adding a new date field causes the error again.
I have a similar problem when trying to update existing account information from a custom form – used to work, now it doesn’t. Again it seems to be a custom date field that’s causing the problem.
The Salesforce account I am working on has recently been upgraded from Professional to Enterprise edition.
Any ideas?
- Oli@clicktools
- August 28, 2008
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