• Artabus
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Hey all,

I am trying to make a call to the Salesforce webservice using only Javascipt. Is it possible? Does anyone have any sample code? I just need to login, and create an object, thats all. Help? Ideas? References?



What are the limits on static resources?


  1. Max file size?   Is it 5Mb
  2. Is there a limit on the total number of files?  
  3. Is there a limit on the file size of all static resources? 



Is there any way to update an object's field when we are exporting data using Apex Data Loader? I mean can we write any trigger or workflow to update the object's field? Or a trigger gets executed only during inserts/updates??

Thank you.

just now.  *http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/BNF_FOR_SOQL)

I was hoping this line:


Indicated we could now do this:

    select id from object where x -  y > 0

as an alternative to

    select id from object where x > y

Is there an enhancement to SOQL that I've missed or that is in the works?




Can i enable Salesforce Answers on my developer org, as anyone done this before, if yes please let me know the process.

I'm working on an external app that retrieves data from Salesforce. Is there a way to retrieve the object icons like the following:



Is this possible? I want to  retrieve them so in case they change icons, the application I'm doing also changes.



Modern browsers are expecting the favicon to be in the root of the website.  In sites, it's implemented in the root of the "site" app folder, rather than the root of the <company>.force.com folder, which is the stock Salesforce favicon.  I'm presuming this was either an oversight, or based on the assumption that no one would want both favicon support and be required to use the *.force.com hostname. 


The only way favicon support will work in this implementation is if:

  1. You are using a custom domain
  2. Due to 1, you are also not using SSL


Please allow for the favicon support to be set at a company level instead of on a per-site level.  The use case for having separate favicons in the same business/company must be much smaller than the use case for needing it on separate sites for the same company (ie,SF org).



https://logmein.secure.force.com/favicon.ico = SF icon

https://logmein.secure.force.com/support/favicon.ico = our configured icon


I didn't bother posting this to the ideas site because apparently the use case for requiring SSL on all sites traffic is so small.  I figured posting to Ideas would be a waste of time.


Either way, it's a pretty large hole in the feature, and in the short term, it definitely needs to be documented.  Troubleshooting this was a pain due to the "it will take 24 hours to see your change due to caching" comment, which is also not completely accurate.  Instructions for implementing this and verifying it as successful merely involve visiting the URL for the favicon directly, so I don't see why that couldn't be added to the documentation as well.



I'm a newbie to salesforce have a little experience with javascript. I wanted to create an html with javascript to access the database from my salesforce account using the code below that i got from ajax synchronous example. I'm debugging using firefox error console and firebug. and after clicking the button it says "err.faultcode is undefined".

Can anyone help me please? 






<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.salesforce.com/services/lib/ajax/beta3.3/sforceclient.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/soap/ajax/17.0/connection.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function xtest(){
    sforceClient.init("{!API_Session_ID}", "{!API_Partner_Server_URL_70}");

    function test(){
            var username = "pabz.sarquilla@gmail.com";
            var password = "8KoJeKjRBYNLMxxUBUL1EzFky6NoQ4KQT7Wh8qb5r5aJ1";
            var result = sforce.connection.login( username, password );
                log("logged in with session id " + result.sessionId);
        }catch(error) {
            if (error.faultcode.indexOf("INVALID_LOGIN") != -1) {
                log("check your username and passwd, invalid login");
            } else {
    function log(message) {

    <input type="button" onclick="test()" value="test" />




-  Thanks in advance.


If i prompt end users of my web-application for their SalesForce username/password; is it enough for me to successfully use APIs to extract data from their accounts and present it to them.


Would i need some other information too from end users like - Their Security Token, Organization Id etc.?


The SalesForce Login API appears to need security token too (appended to the password).

Is this possible?

I have a webservice which will recieve some account data with orders and orderlines.  This data is coming from a webshop.


They have to process up to 2000 orders (calls to this webservice) each day.


Is there a limit on how many external calls you can  do to a sfdc webservice?

I think there must be a limit, but I 'm not finding it.


Thank you for the info.



Is there a way to select everything in SOQL like "SELECT *" in SQL? I have looked at the SOQL manual about SELECT statements but it didn't tell if I can do this or not.



Is it possible to delete a user record? I can't seem to find a way.



I have a bunch of validation rules on the account object> have avisual force page that saves some changes into the  account Object. In sthis special case I do not want the validation rules to fire.


I tried implementing this by

1) checking a custom check box from the Apex code before making the special update from the controller.

2) unchecking the check box after i have made my special update;


I look for this flag in my validation rule to skip that rule if it is checked.


But ths does not seeme to work as it seems like there are some commit issues. I am unable to by pass the validation rule. Any ideas on how to solve this?








Hi Please let me know how to import/export customizations (New fields added to entites etc.) from one account to another account. Thnaks in advance.
Tried to use PageReference to external web site and got this error-java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host. Where is problem?

In Apex class, we use System.UserInfo.getLanguage() to retrieve user's language.

But it doesn't work in the s-control.

How to get this information in s-control?

Thanks all!

I can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere.  I've got a related list with checkboxes for mutli-select, along with a custom button called Do Anything (see the image below).


I'm trying to understand how to recognize, in the coding of the button, which checkboxes were checked and which were not.  This seems trivial but I can't find any supporting documentation about this anywhere.









can u please tell me how to retrieve the User timezone in s-control?


var user = sforce.connection.getUserInfo();
alert("your timezone is: " + user.userTimeZone);


if i give like that i got the time zone like this America/Chicago.



but i want the complete time zone like


(GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time (America/Chicago)


Please help me how to get this.



I am retrieving the CreatedDate from Contact object in S-control. but i am getting only date from CreatedDate field. but in database Createddate is stored as in datetime format. but in S-control i am getting only date.


<script type="text/javascript">
function X()




<body onload="X();">


Please help me.