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I have just experienced an issue when resetting an autonumber field.


An object was created with an autonumber field and was tested in a live org for final user acceptance testing where several test entries were created.


I then carried out the following:


- Deleted the test entries ; ran an export using dataloader to prove they were gone.

- Reset the field ; changing the type to text and then back to autonumber count starting at 1.


However the following resulted: 


The first live record was created fine at 1 but then the next records were created 14, 15 etc.


Should I have emptied the recycle bin?  Or can anyone else suggest why the autonumber seed seems to have gone wrong?


Best wishes






Is there an easy way to only display the Time of a DateTime object in VisualForce?


Also is there an easy way to display the Day-of-the-week like 'Friday' in VisualForce?


Currently, I'm using a switch statement taken from the pdf on Formulas, but am wondering if there is a better method:

{!CASE(MOD( TODAY() - DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7),0, "Sunday",1, "Monday",2, "Tuesday",3, "Wednesday",4, "Thursday",5, "Friday",6, "Saturday", "Error")}






Does anyone know if it's possible to configure Eclipse to edit and then deploy approval processes.

I can see various object schema within Eclipse (including workflows) but no access to the approval process code.

Just wondered if anyone has managed this?

Best wishes
Hi All,
     I declared a variable of date type and when i try to assign a value to that variable its throwing the error "Illegal assignment from Integer to Date". The value assigned is
       rp.JobStartDate= 11/20/2008; where JobStartDate is of type date.
Kindly clarify.