• kathyani
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Hi all,
         I have two objects prac__c, Dept__c.
I wrote a trigger for prac__c which calls a method m1() in pracs_prac1.class when a record is created/updated in prac__c object
Apex class shown below:

public class pracs_prac1 {
    public static void m1(prac__c[] a1)
        Dept__c dpt=new Dept__c(Name='testing');
              insert dpt;
          catch(DMLException e)
               system.assert(false,'Error creating Calc:'+e.getDMLMessage(0));


This class is compiled successfully without any error.

But when i created a record in prac__c no record is inserted in Dept__c

Is there any createable property set to be true?

when i used the statement: Dept__c.createable=true; in the above class getting an error saying Save error: Variable does not exist: Dept__c.createable

then how can i set the createable property to true?
Is there any code i have to use apart from this? Please help me in this regard.

Thanks in advance,


I need to create a scheduled work flow which should fire a trigger and alert the user that something has happened. Also it should create a record in a table.

I searched for documentation but the steps are not clear. I vaguely understood the concept but what are the steps?  Can somebody send me an example and steps to accomplish this? What do I click sales force UI to create a scheduled workflow?



I created a table in Sales force and for one of the fields I chose Number as data type. When I view the table in eclipse the field is displaying double as its data type. I do not want that field to be declared as double just need to be an Integer.

I did say 0 for Decimal Places while creating the field in Sales force.

How can I solve this, quick help would be appreciated.


I created a table in SF and for one of the fields I chose Number as data type. When I view the table in eclipse the field is displaying double as its data type. I do not want that field to be declared as double just need to be an Integer.

How can I solve this, quick help would be appreciated.


I had EmployeeBefore and EmployeeAfter triggers. I deleted them from Eclipse but how do I get rid of it in SF. I created a new trigger called EmployeeTrigger. When I run tests it is still executing those two deleted triggers along with Employee Trigger. So for some reason I need to delete it from Salesforce. Under src, I right clicked on Triggers and said save to server but it is still executing both before and after triggers.

Quick help would be appreciated.

thanks in advance,
I am creating a unit test and I have insert employeeList which has a list of employees.

This is the error I am seeing:
.EmployeeTrigger: line 12, column 33: SOQL query with 49 rows finished in 4 ms
System.Exception: Too many query rows: 532

Trigger.EmployeeTrigger: line 12, column 33

 It is failing at this line [select d.Id, d.Name__c from Department__c d] in employeetrigger.

I am not clear with the line System.Exception: Too many query rows: 532. Where is it getting this number 532 from when there are only 49 rows being queried from the table.

Please let me know.

Any help/idea will be more than appreciated! I have a trigger that inserts a new opportunity record once stage is set to closedwon, it works fine until i try to set the newly inserted record to closewon. I get the following error message
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: Trigger.RenewalOpportunity: line 9, column 48
contract_length__c is a number field while contract_activation_date is a date field. below is the code I have so far
trigger RenewalOpportunity on Opportunity (after update) {
    for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++) {
       if (Trigger.new[i].isWon == true && Trigger.old[i].isWon == false && Trigger.new[i].RenewalOpportunity__c == null) {
            Opportunity renewalOpp = Trigger.new[i].clone(false);

            Double x = Trigger.old[i].Contract_Length__c;
            Integer y = x.intValue();
            renewalOpp.Name = 'Renewal - '+  Trigger.old[i].Name;
            renewalOpp.closedate = Trigger.old[i].Contract_Activation_Date__c.addmonths(y);
            renewalOpp.stagename = '0 - Very Early Stage';
            renewalOpp.probability = 0;
            renewalOpp.ForecastCategoryName = 'Pipeline';
            renewalOpp.Contract_Activation_Date__c = null;
            renewalOpp.Contract_Length__c = null;

            insert renewalOpp;
      if (Trigger.old[i].Name.startsWith('Renewal - ')) {
          renewalOpp.Name = Trigger.old[i].Name;
          update renewalOpp;

      if (Trigger.new[i].isWon == true && Trigger.old[i].isWon == false && Trigger.new[i].RenewalOpportunity__c == null) {
            Opportunity newOpp = [select ID from Opportunity where id = :Trigger.new[i].ID];
            newOpp.RenewalOpportunity__c = renewalOpp.ID;
            update newOpp;

Unit Test
public class CreateOpportunity {

    static testMethod void testCreateOpportunityRenewal(){
    // Test opportunities moving from isWon = false to isWon = true
    try {
        Double Contract_Length = 13;
        Double x = Contract_Length;
        Integer y = x.intValue();
        Date today = System.today();
        Date contract_activation_date = System.today();
        Date closeDate = contract_activation_date.addmonths(y);
        Opportunity opportunity = new Opportunity();
        opportunity.name = 'old opportunity name';
        opportunity.Contract_Length__c = 13;
        opportunity.contract_activation_date__c = today;
        opportunity.closedate = today;
        opportunity.stagename = 'Closed Lost';
        opportunity.probability = 1;
        opportunity.ForecastCategoryName = 'Closed';
        insert opportunity;
        System.assertEquals(opportunity.name, 'old opportunity name');

        opportunity.stagename = 'Closed Won';
        update opportunity;
        Opportunity updatedOpportunity = [select ID,RenewalOpportunity__c from Opportunity where id = :opportunity.ID];
        // go get new opportunity
        System.debug('opportunityId: ' + updatedOpportunity.RenewalOpportunity__c);
        Opportunity newOpportunity = [select ID, Name, Contract_Length__c, contract_activation_date__c, closedate, stagename, probability, forecastCategoryName from Opportunity where id = :updatedOpportunity.RenewalOpportunity__c];
        System.assertNotEquals(newOpportunity, null);
        System.assertEquals(newOpportunity.name, 'Renewal - old opportunity name');
        System.assertEquals(newOpportunity.Contract_Length__c, 12);        
        System.assertEquals(newOpportunity.contract_activation_date__c, today);
        System.assertEquals(newOpportunity.closedate, closeDate);
        System.assertEquals(newOpportunity.stagename, '0 - Very Early Stage');
        System.assertEquals(newOpportunity.probability, 0);
        System.assertEquals(newOpportunity.ForecastCategoryName, 'Pipeline');
        delete opportunity;
    catch (DmlException e) {

    // Test opportunities moving from isWon = false to isWon = false
    try {

        Double Contract_Length = 13;
        Double x = Contract_Length;
        Integer y = x.intValue();
        Date today = System.today();
        Date contract_activation_date = System.today();
        Date closeDate = contract_activation_date.addmonths(y);
        Opportunity opportunity = new Opportunity();
        opportunity.Contract_Length__c = 13;
        opportunity.contract_activation_date__c = today;
        opportunity.name = 'old opportunity name';
        opportunity.closedate = today;
        opportunity.stagename = 'Closed Lost';
        opportunity.probability = 1;
        opportunity.ForecastCategoryName = 'Closed';

        insert opportunity;
        System.assertEquals(opportunity.name, 'old opportunity name');
        opportunity.stagename = 'Final Steps';
        update opportunity;
        Opportunity updatedOpportunity = [select ID,RenewalOpportunity__c from Opportunity where id = :opportunity.ID];
            Opportunity newOpportunity = [select ID from Opportunity where id = :updatedOpportunity.RenewalOpportunity__c];
        catch (Exception e) {
        delete opportunity;
    catch (DmlException e) {

Thanks in adavance :)