• SFDC_0718
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I have installed/uninstalled/reinstalled Outlook Connect a number of times and still it doesn't show in Outlook.


I've researched this in these forums and tried everything that has been mentioned but nothing worked. 


The interesting thing is that I do this on two computers and one works fine and the other doesn't.  In looking at the Registry on the two systems the entry for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE are identical but for HKEY_CURRENT_USER they are significantly different.


In the one that does work I notice an entry Salesforce.com key called SM and it has two subdirectories called Toolbar and WhoWhatToolbar.  These keys do not show in the system where Connect is not working.  It's probably because one of the recommendations in this thread is to go in and delete this SM key, which I did.  I assumed it would get rebuilt if I started Outlook, which did not happen.


So, to summarize I did the following:


  • Found and moved msvcr71.dll and msvcp71.dll to the 03 folder
  • Did the procedure: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\salesforce.com\3rd Party\SfdcRm.dll"
  • Deleted the SM key from the Registry
  • Uninstalled and reinstalled Outlook Connect more times than I can imagine


I was able to go into the 03 directory and successfully run the ISUpgrade.ext utility which means I can log into SFDC from my desktop and it even performed a sync.


Why don't I have an SM key in the Registry and how can I get it in there?





Maybe there is someone who has had this problem before:

A user contacted me as their Connect for Outlook program mysteriously 'vanished' overnight. I verified that the user still has the component installed via the programs list. Additionally, I checked add/remove programs and connect was there. When we start outlook we see nothing. I've checked her toolbars, views - everything I could possibly think of and there is no trace of it in outlook.

I decided to do a clean install, so we removed the program. Restarted her computer. Ran the installer, and went through a restart. The results were the same - absolutely nothing is there, yet the program is visible in both all programs and the add/remove programs utility.

If there is anyone with a solution to this issue, please let me know! Thank you SFDC Community!

  • January 20, 2009
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I'm using Outlook 2007 and the add-in buttons disappeared.  I went to TOOLS | TRUST CENTER | ADD-INS | MANAGE COM ADD-INS.
I could see that "Salesforce.com Outlook Edition Enhanced" was unchecked.  It should have been as easy as putting a checkmark by it and clicking OK.  See attached screen shot.
It did not turn out to be that easy.  The plug-in did not begin working after taking the steps above.  Every time I go back to manage the com add-ins, the checkmark is gone even though I had just added it and clicked OK.
This has been really frustrating and did not get any meaningful help the first time I attempted to call basic support.  I have done a complete un-install and re-install.  The basic support person even had me remove some things first from the registry.  I still have the exact same problem.
Can anyone offer insight/suggestions on how to correct this issue?
  • September 22, 2008
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