• LStraub
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I'm a very new in all the salesforce business

i'm trying to make a new button in the account that will open me a new task with some data in the fields



Someone can help me ?






Looking for help with a validation rule that makes sure the Close Date on an opportunity where the stage is any value 1 thru 9 is within the current month or a future month.  I have the following rule with works but, it breaks when we get to January of the next year. 


(MONTH(CloseDate) < MONTH(Today())) &&
(ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"1" )) ||
(ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"2" )) ||
(ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"3" )) ||
(ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"4" )) ||
(ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"5" )) ||
(ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"6" )) ||
(ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"7" )) ||
(ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"8" )) ||
(ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"9" ))



 I almost need 3 tests. 

1 - if YEAR(CloseDate) < YEAR(TODAY()) then check for StageName 1-9

2 - If YEAR(CloseDate) > YEAR (TODAY()) then skip test, no error 

3 - If YEAR(CloseDate) = YEAR(Today()) then run test on month and StageName. 


It seems totally doable but i can not figure it out and its making me crazy.  :)   Thanks for any help. 



Message Edited by LStraub on 05-19-2009 12:06 PM

I'm trying to create a formula field that returns the value true or a numeric value of 1 (either value would work) where a custom field that is a date/time datatype is greater than the current month


I was trying the following, but it is not correct:


After Month End (TEXT) = IF(End__c > THIS MONTH, 'true', 'false')


I just want to check if the date in the custom field end__c is past the current month and if so, set the value to true or 1.

