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Create New Trigger
I want to create an opprtunity trigger but wheni go to Customze| Opportunities|Triggers
I don't see a new or create button
Am i blind??
- Spunky
- July 28, 2009
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Convert VF/Apex AWS S3 Uploader to LWC
I'm trying to convert a working VF/Apex AWS S3 Uploader to a LWC and I need to translate the Apex code to JS.
On the Apex side I'm using
On the JS side, i've tried
What is the proper way to encode the policy?
On the Apex side I'm using
String EncodedPolicy = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(Policy));
On the JS side, i've tried
let EncodedPolicy = btoa(Policy);and given the same Policy, I don't get the same result.
What is the proper way to encode the policy?
- ethanone
- June 02, 2020
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Removing unwanted Feed items
I have a custom object Requests__c and each time the request status changes, i have a process builder that creates a custom related object called Request_Activity__c. The purpose of which is to capture the activity on the request (and generate reports, metrics, etc).
Whenever the Request Activity is created, a Feed item is created on the Request. I do not want a feed item for Request Activities, however I cannot turn off related feed tracking because i need it for notes and other related items.
To solve this, I created a Flow, that deletes the Request Activity Feed Item record, by selecting the Feed Item by the parent Id (Request Activity). Unfortunately it only runs for me. I cannot get it to run for other users. I get the error "FeedItem requires a filter by Id." How can I resolve this?
Whenever the Request Activity is created, a Feed item is created on the Request. I do not want a feed item for Request Activities, however I cannot turn off related feed tracking because i need it for notes and other related items.
To solve this, I created a Flow, that deletes the Request Activity Feed Item record, by selecting the Feed Item by the parent Id (Request Activity). Unfortunately it only runs for me. I cannot get it to run for other users. I get the error "FeedItem requires a filter by Id." How can I resolve this?
- ethanone
- June 01, 2020
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Delete certain feed items automatically
I have a custom object Request__c ("Request") and a custom child object Request_Activity__c ("Request Activity"). A Request Activity is created via autolaunched Flow whenever the Request status is updated (with the goal of logging all the status changes).
Each time a Request Activity is created, a Feed Items is created by the system. These feed items are noise - I don't need or want them, but I do want other feed items created for other related records such as Notes, so I can't just turn off related feed tracking.
I created a second flow that deletes the Request Activity Feed Item as soon as its created (platform event). I'm finding this Request Activity Feed Item using the parent id and the Request Activity Id.
This works for me as the administrator, but not for other users and it causes a Flow error "FeedItem requires a filter by Id" (even when run in system context). How can I resolve this error or how can I delete these Request Activity feed items some other way?
Each time a Request Activity is created, a Feed Items is created by the system. These feed items are noise - I don't need or want them, but I do want other feed items created for other related records such as Notes, so I can't just turn off related feed tracking.
I created a second flow that deletes the Request Activity Feed Item as soon as its created (platform event). I'm finding this Request Activity Feed Item using the parent id and the Request Activity Id.
This works for me as the administrator, but not for other users and it causes a Flow error "FeedItem requires a filter by Id" (even when run in system context). How can I resolve this error or how can I delete these Request Activity feed items some other way?
- ethanone
- May 29, 2020
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Apply CSS to LWC
I've got a simple LWC for a rich text box. The default size is only a few lines and I'd like to make it bigger.
Here is the HTML for lwc:
Here is the HTML for lwc:
<template> <lightning-input-rich-text value={rtval} onchange={handleChange}> </lightning-input-rich-text> </template>How do I make the text box have height:14em?
- ethanone
- April 17, 2020
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lwc action buttons to open modal
I've got a custom request object and I'd like to create an action button with LWC that prompts the user to add a note and a file then posts the note and file to the chatter feed and changes the status of the record. I do not want to use Aura if possible. I'm not sure how to open a modal from an action button (something like the below)
Lastly, I'm not sure how to modify the record without using the lightning-record-form. Is Apex method the only option?
<lightning-button label="Submit" slot="actions" onclick={handleSubmitClick}></lightning-button>I'm not sure how to add an entry to the feed. Is this even possible with LWC?
Lastly, I'm not sure how to modify the record without using the lightning-record-form. Is Apex method the only option?
- ethanone
- August 27, 2019
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LWC with files/attachments
How can I create a LWC that displays all the associated attachments/files for a given record?
- ethanone
- August 27, 2019
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LWC display related account fields
How do I display the fields from a person account related to an opportunity (mine happens to be custom)?
Simple code example below. How do I display fields from the related person account based on the AccountId__c? Do I need a separate component? if so, how do I connect them?
Simple code example below. How do I display fields from the related person account based on the AccountId__c? Do I need a separate component? if so, how do I connect them?
import { LightningElement, api } from "lwc"; import NAME_FIELD from "@salesforce/schema/lda_Opportunity__c.Name"; import ACCOUNT_FIELD from "@salesforce/schema/lda_Opportunity__c.AccountId__c"; export default class SimpleDeal extends LightningElement { @api recordId; @api objectApiName; objectApiName = "lda_Opportunity__c"; fields = [NAME_FIELD, ACCOUNT_FIELD]; }Corresponding html:
<template> <lightning-card title="Deal Info" icon-name="custom:custom14"> <lightning-record-form record-id={recordId} object-api-name={objectApiName} fields={fields}> </lightning-record-form> </lightning-card> </template>Thanks in advance.
- ethanone
- July 31, 2019
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Create and Delete Records based on checboxes
I'm trying to create child records when a user checks a checkbox widget (and delte when unchecked). I've tried to put a createRecord() and deleteRecord() in the change handler for the checkbox, but i get "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'dispatchEvent' of undefined"
I've also tried to put the createRecord in a separate button, which will create the record, but will also create duplicates and requires looking for multiple changes rather than reacting to each click like I might in the checkbox handler.
Below is the checkbox change handler. I'm getting errors on the dispatch event (misusing the this. perhaps?) removing this.dispatchEvent() eliminates the error, but records are neither created nor deleted and I don't know why. Please help me better understand creating and deleteing records. Thanks in advance.
I've also tried to put the createRecord in a separate button, which will create the record, but will also create duplicates and requires looking for multiple changes rather than reacting to each click like I might in the checkbox handler.
Below is the checkbox change handler. I'm getting errors on the dispatch event (misusing the this. perhaps?) removing this.dispatchEvent() eliminates the error, but records are neither created nor deleted and I don't know why. Please help me better understand creating and deleteing records. Thanks in advance.
handleChange(e) { const beforeChangeList = this.selectedOptions; const afterChangelist = e.detail.value; const aRecId = this.recordId; this.selectedOptions = e.detail.value; console.log("before >>>> " + beforeChangeList); console.log("after >>>> " + afterChangelist); // Compare list for adds afterChangelist.forEach(function(element) { if (beforeChangeList.includes(element)) { console.log(">>>>, do nothing for " + element); } else { console.log(">>>>, add " + aRecId + " - " + element); const fields = { DealID: aRecId, Agent_Order__c: 1, Agent__c: element }; const recordInput = { apiName: COMMISSION_OBJECT.objectApiName, fields }; console.log(">>>> add " + JSON.stringify(recordInput)); createRecord(recordInput) .then(lda_commission__c => { this.dispatchEvent( new ShowToastEvent({ title: "Success", message: "Commission added", variant: "success" }) ); console.log(">>>> record created"); }) .catch(error => { this.dispatchEvent( new ShowToastEvent({ title: "Error creating record", message: reduceErrors(error).join(", "), variant: "error" }) ); console.log(">>>> record not created." + reduceErrors(error).join(", ")); }); } }); // Compare list for deletes beforeChangeList.forEach(function(element) { if (afterChangelist.includes(element)) { console.log(">>>>, do nothing for " + element); } else { console.log(">>>>, drop " + element); deleteRecord(element) .then(() => { this.dispatchEvent( new ShowToastEvent({ title: "Success", message: "Commission is deleted", variant: "success" }) ); console.log(">>>> comm deleted"); }) .catch(error => { this.dispatchEvent( new ShowToastEvent({ title: "Error while deleting commission", message: error.message, variant: "error" }) ); console.log(">>>> com not deleted." + error.message); }); } }); }
- ethanone
- July 29, 2019
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How to dynamically populate lightning checkbox group?
I’m trying to build a LWC that displays a checkbox group created from the list of active users in the same sales market as the current user.
Html file (based on component reference):
2) How do I take the results of my getCommissions Apex function and format it for the checkbox group value parameter?
Html file (based on component reference):
<template> <lightning-checkbox-group name="Checkbox Group" label="Select a User" options={comms} value={value} onchange={handleChange}> </lightning-checkbox-group> <p>Selected Values are: {selectedValues}</p> </template>js file:
import { LightningElement, api, track, wire } from "lwc"; import getMktUsers from "@salesforce/apex/Top100.getMktUsers"; import getCommissions from "@salesforce/apex/Top100.getCommissions"; import Id from "@salesforce/user/Id"; let url_string = window.location.href; let url = new URL(url_string); let rid = url.searchParams.get("Id"); export default class Top100 extends LightningElement { @api recordId; @api objectApiName; @api userId; @track value = ["Option1"]; userId = Id; recordId = rid; @wire(getMktUsers, { usrId: "$userId" }) MktUsers; @wire(getCommissions, { rid: "$recordId" }) selectedVals; objectApiName = "lda_Opportunity__c"; get comms() { return [{ label: "Ross", value: "Option1" }, { label: "Rachel", value: "Option2" }]; } get selectedValues() { return this.value.join(","); } handleChange(e) { this.value = e.detail.value; } }Apex file:
public with sharing class Top100 { @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static List<Account> getMktUsers(Id usrId) { User ThisUser = [SELECT Id, Name, Office__c FROM User WHERE Id = :usrId LIMIT 1]; List<User> MarketUsers = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Office__c = :ThisUser.Office__c and IsActive = True]; //Users have matching Person accounts because some opportunities involve external sales people. return [SELECT Id, Name, FirstName, LastName FROM Account WHERE UserLookup__c IN :MarketUsers]; } @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static List<String> getCommissions(Id rid){ List<String> values = new List<String>(); for (lda_Commission__c comm : [SELECT Agent__c, Agent__r.Name FROM lda_Commission__c WHERE DealId__c = :rid]){ values.add(comm.Agent__c); } System.debug('Values: ' + values); return values; } }1) How do I take the results of my Apex function and format it for the checkbox group options parameter?
2) How do I take the results of my getCommissions Apex function and format it for the checkbox group value parameter?
- ethanone
- July 16, 2019
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LWC/Apex returning user list with parameters
I'm trying to display the list of acitve users in the same branch office as the logged in user in a LWC.
I have an apex class that looks like this:
I have an apex class that looks like this:
@AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static List<User> getMktUsers(String usrId) { User ThisUser = [SELECT Id, Name, Office__c FROM User WHERE Id = :usrId LIMIT 1]; return [SELECT Id, Name FROM User WHERE Office__c = :ThisUser.Office__c and IsActive = True]; }I have refer to it in my LWC js file like this:
import { LightningElement, api, track, wire } from "lwc"; import getMktUsers from "@salesforce/apex/Top100.getMktUsers"; import Id from "@salesforce/user/Id"; export default class Top100 extends LightningElement { @wire(getMktUsers, { usrId: { Id } }) wiredUsers; }I call it in my html file like this:
<ul class="slds-list_ordered"> <template for:each={wiredUsers.data} for:item="wuser"> <li key={wuser.Id}> {wuser.Name} </li> </template> </ul>I'm able to get lists of users to appear if I hard code the office name, but when I try to pass in the Id to determie the current user's office, i get nothing appearing. I do not know how to debug this. Can anyone help?
- ethanone
- July 03, 2019
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With LWC open-sourced, can you use LWC on Classic VF pages?
I'm trying to rewrite some older visualforce pages that will work for both my lightning and classic users. I'd prefer using LWC since it is the recommended approach to new projects and much less complicated. However it does not work with Lightning out. Now that LWC is open-sourced, could I write an opensource LWC component and present it on both a lighting record page for lightning users as well as a VF page for classic users?
- ethanone
- June 09, 2019
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Basic Lightning Out example
I'm trying to create a proof of concept of a lightning component running in a lightning out page not on the SFDC platform. I've got a basic component called test.cmp:
Thanks in advance.
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome, force:hasRecordId" > <aura:attribute name="recordId" type="String" /> <lightning:card title="Display, Create, or Edit Records"> <lightning:recordForm recordId="{!v.recordId}" objectApiName="Account" fields="Name" /> </lightning:card> </aura:component>A basic lightning app called ltngOutTest.app:
<aura:application access="GLOBAL" extends="ltng:outApp"> <aura:dependency resource="c:test" /> </aura:application>and web page on my server called ltngOut2.html:
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Lightning Out Example</title> </head> <body> <script src="https:/myDomain.my.salesforce.com/lightning/lightning.out.js"></script> <div id="cmpGoesHere"/> <script> $Lightning.use("c:ltngOutTest", // name of the Lightning app function() { // Callback once framework and app loaded $Lightning.createComponent( "c:test", // top-level component of your app { }, // attributes to set on the component when created "cmpGoesHere", // the DOM location to insert the component function(cmp) { // callback when component is created and active on the page } ); }, 'https://myDomain.lightning.force.com.lightning.force.com/' ); </script> </body> </html>I think I'm missing the OAuth component, but I don't know how to include it. What else am I missing?
Thanks in advance.
- ethanone
- May 16, 2019
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lightning runtime in flow in visualforce page
When running a flow in Classic, lightning runtime works great to allow uploading files. When the same flow is wrapped in a VisualForce page (so that you can use the button override), lightning runtime does not work. How can i either A) override a button with a flow NOT using Visualforce or B) enable lightning runtime on a flow wrapped in a VisualForce page?
- ethanone
- May 15, 2019
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How to pull code into vscode from sandbox?
I used to use the Eclipse Force IDE and I'm switching to VSCode/SFDX. When creating a project in Force IDE, you could specify retreiving "Apex, Lightning, and Visualforce (classes, triggers, test suites, LIghtinging component bundles, pages, Visualforce comonents, and static resources)"
It appears the -m option of sfdx force:sourc:retrieve could alow for grabbing these same items, but what -m options do I specify? What options are necessary to retrieve new development items (Aura, LWC, etc)?
It appears the -m option of sfdx force:sourc:retrieve could alow for grabbing these same items, but what -m options do I specify? What options are necessary to retrieve new development items (Aura, LWC, etc)?
- ethanone
- May 12, 2019
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Custom Highlights Panel Replacement
The Lightning Record Page Highlights Panel is too limited (only shows 7 fields).
What is the best method to make custom highlights panel that maintians the lightning look and feel? Would it be VF with SLDS? Would it be a Lightning Web Component? Would it be an Aura component?
I'd prefer to use the new best way (as of Winter '19). Is that LWC?
What is the best method to make custom highlights panel that maintians the lightning look and feel? Would it be VF with SLDS? Would it be a Lightning Web Component? Would it be an Aura component?
I'd prefer to use the new best way (as of Winter '19). Is that LWC?
- ethanone
- April 09, 2019
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Iframe will display classic record detail, but not lightning record detail. How can I show lightning record detail?
I think I've whitelisted everything, but lightning won't display in iframe.
- ethanone
- April 04, 2019
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Remote Objects Update
I'm creating a ContentNote record from a form using remote objects, but if the user enters a quote or double quote on the form, the ContentNote record is not created. If I create a note in the feed on a standard page, quotes and double quotes do not cause issues. How can I encapsulate the form entry to allow for double quotes rather than strip them out?
- ethanone
- August 15, 2018
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Apex in Flow
I need to allow a user to find a record of a custom object by either the Name or an external ID. I'm trying to build a search/lookup using Flow and it seems that if want even a little fuzziness in the search (OR logic), i need to use SOQL meaning i need to use Apex. Below is a basic example looking up accounts. I've added it to my flow, but I'm unable to get the list of accounts back to the flow for output. In fact, the flow won't even let my choose an appropriate variable (either an sobject collection or a collection variable). How do I get these results back into my Flow?
Since Dynamic Record Choice won't allow me to search by Name or ID, Is there is another approach to allowing a user to look for and select a record?
global class lookUpAccount { @InvocableMethod public static List<Account> getAccts(List<String> srchPhrases){ List<Account> accts = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE :srchPhrases]; return accts; } }
Since Dynamic Record Choice won't allow me to search by Name or ID, Is there is another approach to allowing a user to look for and select a record?
- ethanone
- July 15, 2018
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InboundEmailHandler to Insert Attachment to custom object
I want to send an email and create a new record for a custom object, lda_Request__c. If there is an attachment on the email, i want it to be associated with the new record. The code below is 100% covered and tests appear to create the ContentVersion object, but when I send a real email with a real attachment, the new record is created, but there is no sign of the new ContentVersion record nor the ContentDocumentLink record and I get no errors. Can anyone please help?
global class ResearchRequestByEmail implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler { global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail(Messaging.inboundEmail email, Messaging.InboundEnvelope env){ // Create an InboundEmailResult object for returning the result of the Apex Email Service Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailResult(); String PTSubject = ''; PTSubject = email.subject; string myHTMLBody = ''; myHTMLBody = email.htmlBody; // Get User Id User Apprvr = [SELECT Id, Name FROM User WHERE Email = :email.fromAddress LIMIT 1]; // Create new Request lda_Request__c request = new lda_Request__c(); request.Approver__c = Apprvr.Id; request.Request_Subject__c = PTSubject; request.Request_Details__c = myHTMLBody; request.Via_Email__c = True; request.Status__c = 'New'; request.Property_Description_Method__c = 'Via Email'; insert request; // Attachments using Content Version if (email.binaryAttachments != null){ for (Messaging.InboundEmail.binaryAttachment binAttach :email.binaryAttachments){ ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(); cv.VersionData = binAttach.body; cv.Title = binAttach.fileName; cv.PathOnClient = binAttach.fileName; //cv.FirstPublishLocationId = request.Id; insert cv; cv = [select ContentDocumentId from ContentVersion where id = :cv.id limit 1]; ContentDocumentLink cdl = new ContentDocumentLink(); cdl.LinkedEntityId = request.Id; cdl.ContentDocumentId = cv.ContentDocumentId; cdl.ShareType = 'V'; insert cdl; } } result.success = true; // Return the result for the Apex Email Service return result; } }
- ethanone
- March 16, 2016
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Remove "CY" on year chart labels
Is there an easy way to remove the "CY" from year labels on charts? I'd rather not make a custom chart just to change labels. I just need it to say "2016" instead of "CY2016"
- ethanone
- February 02, 2016
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SFDC told me I need to log a case, but Help and Training says not allowed???
I recently got an email for some DE orgs saying:"If your DE org is locked and you would like to regain access, you can open a case with Customer Support via the Help & Training portal."
So, I managed to find the new place to log a case (not easy) to unlock my DE org and there is a message that says: "Developer support for standard customers and partners is supported directly through our community. If you have a developer support question, please click here."
Can the "community" unlock my DE org? What do I do?
So, I managed to find the new place to log a case (not easy) to unlock my DE org and there is a message that says: "Developer support for standard customers and partners is supported directly through our community. If you have a developer support question, please click here."
Can the "community" unlock my DE org? What do I do?
- ethanone
- January 07, 2016
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Dynamic fieldname with trigger.new and trigger.old
I need to look for changes in a list of fields in a record using a trigger. How can I reference the list of fields and append it to the trigger.new and the trigger.old references?
Below is code I've tried to use, but my variable "s" is not recognized. Thanks for any help you can provide.
Below is code I've tried to use, but my variable "s" is not recognized. Thanks for any help you can provide.
Map<Id, lda_Opportunity__c> MPPMap = new Map<Id, lda_Opportunity__c>(); list<Schema.SObjectField> FieldList = new list<Schema.SObjectField>(); FieldList.add(lda_Opportunity__c.Location__c); // Many more fields to add for (integer i=0; i < trigger.new.size(); i++){ for (Schema.SObjectField s : FieldList){ if (trigger.new[i].s != trigger.old[i].s){ MPPMap.put(trigger.new[i].Id, trigger.new[i]); } } }
- ethanone
- April 24, 2015
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Edit multiple records with a list controller extension
I'm trying to edit multiple records with a list controller extension. I want to use the standard controller {!Save} action, so I only need to use the extension to limit the records I want to show up in my list. The problem is that when I include the list controller extension in my VF page, my edits are not saved. Below is my code for page and extension respectively. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong. If I need to write a custom {!Save} action, please help guide me on how to do that. Thanks for your help!
Visualforce page (called customCommissionEdit):
The lda_Commission__c object that I'm trying to edit is a child to another object, so I just want the user to edit the related child lda_Commission__c.
Visualforce page (called customCommissionEdit):
<apex:page standardController="lda_Commission__c" recordSetVar="TheseCommissions" extensions="extCustomCommissionList"> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages> <apex:pageBlockButtons > <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/> <apex:commandButton value="quicksave" action="{!quicksave}"/> <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!TheseCommissions}" var="comm"> <apex:column value="{!comm.name}"/> <apex:column value="{!comm.Agent_Order__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!comm.Agent__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!comm.Comm_Dollars__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!comm.Comm_Pct__c}"/> <apex:column headerValue="Commission Percent"> <apex:inputField value="{!comm.Comm_Pct__c}"/> </apex:column> <apex:column value="{!comm.LAO_Agent__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!comm.Role__c}"/> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>Controller extension (called extCustomCommissionList):
public with sharing class extCustomCommissionList { public extCustomCommissionList(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) { } public list<lda_Commission__c> getTheseCommissions() { return [SELECT DealID__c, Name, Agent__c, LAO_Agent__c, Agent_Order__c, Comm_Dollars__c, Comm_Pct__c, Fiduciary__c, Role__c FROM lda_Commission__c WHERE DealID__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')]; } }
The lda_Commission__c object that I'm trying to edit is a child to another object, so I just want the user to edit the related child lda_Commission__c.
- ethanone
- December 30, 2015
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Removing unwanted Feed items
I have a custom object Requests__c and each time the request status changes, i have a process builder that creates a custom related object called Request_Activity__c. The purpose of which is to capture the activity on the request (and generate reports, metrics, etc).
Whenever the Request Activity is created, a Feed item is created on the Request. I do not want a feed item for Request Activities, however I cannot turn off related feed tracking because i need it for notes and other related items.
To solve this, I created a Flow, that deletes the Request Activity Feed Item record, by selecting the Feed Item by the parent Id (Request Activity). Unfortunately it only runs for me. I cannot get it to run for other users. I get the error "FeedItem requires a filter by Id." How can I resolve this?
Whenever the Request Activity is created, a Feed item is created on the Request. I do not want a feed item for Request Activities, however I cannot turn off related feed tracking because i need it for notes and other related items.
To solve this, I created a Flow, that deletes the Request Activity Feed Item record, by selecting the Feed Item by the parent Id (Request Activity). Unfortunately it only runs for me. I cannot get it to run for other users. I get the error "FeedItem requires a filter by Id." How can I resolve this?
- ethanone
- June 01, 2020
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Apply CSS to LWC
I've got a simple LWC for a rich text box. The default size is only a few lines and I'd like to make it bigger.
Here is the HTML for lwc:
Here is the HTML for lwc:
<template> <lightning-input-rich-text value={rtval} onchange={handleChange}> </lightning-input-rich-text> </template>How do I make the text box have height:14em?
- ethanone
- April 17, 2020
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Create and Delete Records based on checboxes
I'm trying to create child records when a user checks a checkbox widget (and delte when unchecked). I've tried to put a createRecord() and deleteRecord() in the change handler for the checkbox, but i get "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'dispatchEvent' of undefined"
I've also tried to put the createRecord in a separate button, which will create the record, but will also create duplicates and requires looking for multiple changes rather than reacting to each click like I might in the checkbox handler.
Below is the checkbox change handler. I'm getting errors on the dispatch event (misusing the this. perhaps?) removing this.dispatchEvent() eliminates the error, but records are neither created nor deleted and I don't know why. Please help me better understand creating and deleteing records. Thanks in advance.
I've also tried to put the createRecord in a separate button, which will create the record, but will also create duplicates and requires looking for multiple changes rather than reacting to each click like I might in the checkbox handler.
Below is the checkbox change handler. I'm getting errors on the dispatch event (misusing the this. perhaps?) removing this.dispatchEvent() eliminates the error, but records are neither created nor deleted and I don't know why. Please help me better understand creating and deleteing records. Thanks in advance.
handleChange(e) { const beforeChangeList = this.selectedOptions; const afterChangelist = e.detail.value; const aRecId = this.recordId; this.selectedOptions = e.detail.value; console.log("before >>>> " + beforeChangeList); console.log("after >>>> " + afterChangelist); // Compare list for adds afterChangelist.forEach(function(element) { if (beforeChangeList.includes(element)) { console.log(">>>>, do nothing for " + element); } else { console.log(">>>>, add " + aRecId + " - " + element); const fields = { DealID: aRecId, Agent_Order__c: 1, Agent__c: element }; const recordInput = { apiName: COMMISSION_OBJECT.objectApiName, fields }; console.log(">>>> add " + JSON.stringify(recordInput)); createRecord(recordInput) .then(lda_commission__c => { this.dispatchEvent( new ShowToastEvent({ title: "Success", message: "Commission added", variant: "success" }) ); console.log(">>>> record created"); }) .catch(error => { this.dispatchEvent( new ShowToastEvent({ title: "Error creating record", message: reduceErrors(error).join(", "), variant: "error" }) ); console.log(">>>> record not created." + reduceErrors(error).join(", ")); }); } }); // Compare list for deletes beforeChangeList.forEach(function(element) { if (afterChangelist.includes(element)) { console.log(">>>>, do nothing for " + element); } else { console.log(">>>>, drop " + element); deleteRecord(element) .then(() => { this.dispatchEvent( new ShowToastEvent({ title: "Success", message: "Commission is deleted", variant: "success" }) ); console.log(">>>> comm deleted"); }) .catch(error => { this.dispatchEvent( new ShowToastEvent({ title: "Error while deleting commission", message: error.message, variant: "error" }) ); console.log(">>>> com not deleted." + error.message); }); } }); }
- ethanone
- July 29, 2019
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How to dynamically populate lightning checkbox group?
I’m trying to build a LWC that displays a checkbox group created from the list of active users in the same sales market as the current user.
Html file (based on component reference):
2) How do I take the results of my getCommissions Apex function and format it for the checkbox group value parameter?
Html file (based on component reference):
<template> <lightning-checkbox-group name="Checkbox Group" label="Select a User" options={comms} value={value} onchange={handleChange}> </lightning-checkbox-group> <p>Selected Values are: {selectedValues}</p> </template>js file:
import { LightningElement, api, track, wire } from "lwc"; import getMktUsers from "@salesforce/apex/Top100.getMktUsers"; import getCommissions from "@salesforce/apex/Top100.getCommissions"; import Id from "@salesforce/user/Id"; let url_string = window.location.href; let url = new URL(url_string); let rid = url.searchParams.get("Id"); export default class Top100 extends LightningElement { @api recordId; @api objectApiName; @api userId; @track value = ["Option1"]; userId = Id; recordId = rid; @wire(getMktUsers, { usrId: "$userId" }) MktUsers; @wire(getCommissions, { rid: "$recordId" }) selectedVals; objectApiName = "lda_Opportunity__c"; get comms() { return [{ label: "Ross", value: "Option1" }, { label: "Rachel", value: "Option2" }]; } get selectedValues() { return this.value.join(","); } handleChange(e) { this.value = e.detail.value; } }Apex file:
public with sharing class Top100 { @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static List<Account> getMktUsers(Id usrId) { User ThisUser = [SELECT Id, Name, Office__c FROM User WHERE Id = :usrId LIMIT 1]; List<User> MarketUsers = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Office__c = :ThisUser.Office__c and IsActive = True]; //Users have matching Person accounts because some opportunities involve external sales people. return [SELECT Id, Name, FirstName, LastName FROM Account WHERE UserLookup__c IN :MarketUsers]; } @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static List<String> getCommissions(Id rid){ List<String> values = new List<String>(); for (lda_Commission__c comm : [SELECT Agent__c, Agent__r.Name FROM lda_Commission__c WHERE DealId__c = :rid]){ values.add(comm.Agent__c); } System.debug('Values: ' + values); return values; } }1) How do I take the results of my Apex function and format it for the checkbox group options parameter?
2) How do I take the results of my getCommissions Apex function and format it for the checkbox group value parameter?
- ethanone
- July 16, 2019
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LWC/Apex returning user list with parameters
I'm trying to display the list of acitve users in the same branch office as the logged in user in a LWC.
I have an apex class that looks like this:
I have an apex class that looks like this:
@AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static List<User> getMktUsers(String usrId) { User ThisUser = [SELECT Id, Name, Office__c FROM User WHERE Id = :usrId LIMIT 1]; return [SELECT Id, Name FROM User WHERE Office__c = :ThisUser.Office__c and IsActive = True]; }I have refer to it in my LWC js file like this:
import { LightningElement, api, track, wire } from "lwc"; import getMktUsers from "@salesforce/apex/Top100.getMktUsers"; import Id from "@salesforce/user/Id"; export default class Top100 extends LightningElement { @wire(getMktUsers, { usrId: { Id } }) wiredUsers; }I call it in my html file like this:
<ul class="slds-list_ordered"> <template for:each={wiredUsers.data} for:item="wuser"> <li key={wuser.Id}> {wuser.Name} </li> </template> </ul>I'm able to get lists of users to appear if I hard code the office name, but when I try to pass in the Id to determie the current user's office, i get nothing appearing. I do not know how to debug this. Can anyone help?
- ethanone
- July 03, 2019
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With LWC open-sourced, can you use LWC on Classic VF pages?
I'm trying to rewrite some older visualforce pages that will work for both my lightning and classic users. I'd prefer using LWC since it is the recommended approach to new projects and much less complicated. However it does not work with Lightning out. Now that LWC is open-sourced, could I write an opensource LWC component and present it on both a lighting record page for lightning users as well as a VF page for classic users?
- ethanone
- June 09, 2019
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Flow file:upload component not working when called from VFP in Lightning
I have a flow called from a VFP that needs to utilize the Upload Files component in the flow. Since this component only works if the flow runs in Lightning Runtime, this has been enabled in our org. It turns out though, that any flow called from a VFP will by default render in Classic, EVEN IF Lightning Runtime is enabled.
I followed the directions in this document (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.pages.meta/pages/pages_flows_lightningruntime.htm) to create a Lightning Component extending Lightning Out with a dependency on lighting:flow. Then I updated the VFP to call this component and launch the flow.
This did result in the flow seemingly to run in Lightning Runtime vs Classic (at least visually it did). Unfortunately, the upload file component still does not work, even with this solution in place.
Does anyone have any idea how I can get this file upload component to function to work when called from a VFP in Lightning Runtime? I'm stumped.
Code as its implemented now is below - I haven't set any of the finish behavior or outputs yet.
I followed the directions in this document (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.pages.meta/pages/pages_flows_lightningruntime.htm) to create a Lightning Component extending Lightning Out with a dependency on lighting:flow. Then I updated the VFP to call this component and launch the flow.
This did result in the flow seemingly to run in Lightning Runtime vs Classic (at least visually it did). Unfortunately, the upload file component still does not work, even with this solution in place.
Does anyone have any idea how I can get this file upload component to function to work when called from a VFP in Lightning Runtime? I'm stumped.
Code as its implemented now is below - I haven't set any of the finish behavior or outputs yet.
<aura:application access="global" extends="ltng:outApp" > <aura:dependency resource="lightning:flow"/> </aura:application>
<apex:page standardController="Stipulations__c" recordSetVar="stipulations"> <html> <head> <apex:includeLightning /> </head> <body class="slds-scope"> <div id="flowContainer" /> <script> var statusChange = function (event) { if(event.getParam("status") === "FINISHED") { // Control what happens when the interview finishes var outputVariables = event.getParam("outputVariables"); var key; for(key in outputVariables) { if(outputVariables[key].name === "myOutput") { // Do something with an output variable } } } }; $Lightning.use("c:LightningRuntime", function() { // Create the flow component and set the onstatuschange attribute $Lightning.createComponent("lightning:flow", {"onstatuschange":statusChange}, "flowContainer", function (component) { // Set the input variables var inputVariables = [ { name : 'inputOpptyId', type : 'String', value : "{!$CurrentPage.parameters.Id}" } ]; // Start an interview in the flowContainer div, and // initializes the input variables. component.startFlow("Stipulations_Submit_Documentation", inputVariables); } ); }); </script> </body> </html> </apex:page>
- AliaBurdick
- May 15, 2019
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How to pull code into vscode from sandbox?
I used to use the Eclipse Force IDE and I'm switching to VSCode/SFDX. When creating a project in Force IDE, you could specify retreiving "Apex, Lightning, and Visualforce (classes, triggers, test suites, LIghtinging component bundles, pages, Visualforce comonents, and static resources)"
It appears the -m option of sfdx force:sourc:retrieve could alow for grabbing these same items, but what -m options do I specify? What options are necessary to retrieve new development items (Aura, LWC, etc)?
It appears the -m option of sfdx force:sourc:retrieve could alow for grabbing these same items, but what -m options do I specify? What options are necessary to retrieve new development items (Aura, LWC, etc)?
- ethanone
- May 12, 2019
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