• BPeddle
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I suspect I am over looking something simple.  I am trying to insert a Link into a Feed Post and can't seem to do it.  Example:



FeedPost post = new FeedPost();
post.Body = 'Hey  now! <a href="http://google.com">Google</a>';
post.parentid = UserInfo.getUserId();
insert post;


FeedPost post = new FeedPost();

post.Body = 'Hey  now! <a href="http://google.com">Google</a>';

post.parentid = UserInfo.getUserId();

insert post;


Is this possible?



Can somebody confirm this: if I create a new Custom Setting and set its type to Hierarchy then I should be able to modify what's in there after it gets wrapped inside a Managed Package and released? Can this be done with List types too?



Looking at this diagram http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api/Content/sforce_api_om_outboundmessaging.htm


I have an outbound message setup, the external web service receives it no issues and returns the success message.  Looking at the above link it appears I can also send a sessions id and at a later date, say maybe a day later have the external service send a message back to Salesforce with some update maybe.


Trying to figure out how this later return works.


Do they just hit the regular API to update what they need to and the session id will authenticate them without the api username and password .. or ... do I setup a webservice to listen in Salesforce for a later response? 


I have been looking for docs on this Optional Call back stuff but no seeing it.


