• FromCRMWonderland
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Pass a date to visualforce method to get fiscal year and fiscal month in visualforce page.



When Showheader="false" in <apex:Page> i am loosing my tab style. i need the style simillar to home page, but now i am geeting black color.


can any one help on this



Hello,, I wanted to get a little feedback to see if this requirement would even possible.


Requirement: User navigates to Account, enters start and end dates, then hits a button that will display individual time card information for employees of that Account that have submitted time within that date range specified by the user.


There may be multiple employees that have submitted time within the specified date range, I'm just wondering if it's possible for the user to be able to press a button that would open the multiple PDF's of the different data from the employees. So, if there were 2 employees that submitted time within the specified time frame, then there would be 2 PDF pages.


I created a custom Time Card object, which is a Master/Detail to the Contact and contains a look up to the Account.  I found the print out of time cards to be easily done on the individual Contact object, but that would require our users to navigate to the individual Contact records to print out there time card for the date range specified.  But, this solution is not ideal as the users may not know who has submitted time cards as employees could change.


I'm trying to find out if it's possible for the user to navigate to the Account record, enter a time frame and be able to press a button that would list the employee and there time card data on individual print outs, and not have all the diifferent employees and there data on one big print out. 


Is this even possible?  Thanks!




I have a table on a visualforce page embedded in a standard view and I want to change the colour of its background dependent on the check box which is on the standard page.
I basically need to have a view open which when a check box is ticked a square turns red.
The only way i could think of doing it was as above but i cannot get the value of a custom field (the check box) to be read on the visualforce page. I can display a standard field values onto the page no problem with <apex:outputField value="{!Contact.name}"/> but not the custom fields.
If you have an easier way to achieve this effect please let me know or how to get the boolean value onto my page that will do just as well.

Thank you


A very new developer.


How do you archive text from a Rich Text Box automatically transfer to Notes and Attachments (related list).  


See problem:


Description Field: Account Update:











After line 25, text automatically, on weekly basis, to be transferred to "notes and attachments".


Any suggestions?



Here is my code:


I would only like to show those contacts which are associated to the account in the case object.  But for some reason my Contact name field appears read only (ie.cannot see text box, just the label).  Any idea as to what I might be doing wrong??  


<apex:page StandardController="Case">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:pageBlockSection >
                <apex:inputfield value="{!Case.AccountId"/>
                <apex:inputField value="{!Case.Contact.name}"/>


Please advise?


I want to use Apex Test Execution in my salesforce org, but it's not visible in my developer edition.

Can anyone suggest me how to enable that?




how to refresh  a list when we add or delete etc  and page through apexclass or visualforcepage




thank you






Trying to figure out how I can prevent roll-back on Apex Batches for a Scheduled Class and then capture the id's and messages for the records that fail in an update call and email that out to an admin.  Documentation doesn't seem clear on this.

I need to select all acounts that the current user is the owner or accounts where the current user is in the accountteammember.



This is the code that I am testing in ForceIDE


select a.id, a.ownerid, a.name from account a where a.ownerId  =  '0056000010dFwAAI' or  a.id in (select b.accountid from accountteammember b where b.userid = '00560000001188cAAA' )


Ideally this is what I want to use:

select a.id from accounts a where a.OwnerId = \''+UserInfo.getUserId()+'\' or  a.id in ( select accountID from accountteammember where  userid  =  \''+UserInfo.getUserId()+'\'


I receive the follwing error message "Malformed Query:  Semi join sub selects are not allowed with the 'or' operator.


I would appreciate any guidance.


Thank you.

Can anyone help me how to get country code form mobile number.



for example:


Mobile number on contact is 911234567890


The country code here as 91.


I need a code that can remove all the last 10 digits of a mobile number and

returns me remaining digits in the number i.e Country code..




Thanks in Advance.

is there same record limit with the retrieve() api method , if I am hitting this from a java application ?

Hi all


I have a scenario where I have a lookup between a custom object and opportunity. But in the search results when  search with opportunity name it should also display that custom object record which has the same name as that of Opportunity. It is not possible with standard search. I think it can achieved by visual force component. If anybody worked on a scenario like this and have a sample code please share.





I am trying to populate rates (custom table) based on product code into Account.  Rate have begin and end dates. I am writting a trigger to update rates. To get correct rates I need to covert contract_Start__c to current year like change 4/1/2008 ro 4/1/2011


How can I change any date mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/2011 ( current year)


Rate Table

Begin date - 1/1/2010       End date 12/31/2011     Rate: $114.56


Account field Contact start date sample data





Here is my query so far


public static void UpdateProductRates(Account [] accs){
  SELECT E_Rate__c, E2_Rate__c Rate_Table_ID__c, Id, Start_Date__c   FROM Product_Rate__c where Rate_Table_Id__c IN : accs.product_code__c) AND .... this where I am stuck



How can I change date in the list accs?  

My filter should look like       accs.contract_start__c > product_rate__c.start_date__c  and Contract_start__c < product_rate__c.end_date__c

Any pointers on how this can be done.  the tough part is to make my SOQL bulk 

Thanks for your time.


Hi All,

Any ETL tool which can integrate Salesforce with SAP.

My Customer is looking specifically for freeware.

Any suggestion please respond.




I have both IE and IDE login successful. but fail on trying dataloader.

The below formulas work seperately but I need to combine them and everytime I do I cannot get them to work together.  Can someone please help?


if(contains( Product2.Name ,"Front Load Recycle"),if( Price_Per_Yard__c >2.00,"A",if(Price_Per_Yard__c<2.00,"B","B")),Null)


if(contains( Product2.Name ,"Front Load Waste"),if( Price_Per_Yard__c >6.00,"A",if(Price_Per_Yard__c<5.00,"C","B")),Null)



We have 4 sales staff who need their own auto number. Every time one of them creates a case I need a unique number generated.  I cannot use just one auto number field as it is possible that each member has the same auto number (The unique field will be added in front of the generated number i.e.).


Bob - T10 - (Autonumber) 0000

Fred - T20 - (autonumber) 0000


I have tried using different record types but every new case I create updated all the auto number fields. I was thinking about using workflows but I cannot figure out a way to get the number to increment correctly, as it resets its self with every new record.


Has anyone come across this problem before? any help would be great!






are user ids unique across all salesforce.com prod orgs (with the exception of full sandbox copies)?


For example, if a new user is created in a sandbox, is the id of the new user unique across all users in salesforce.com production orgs?




Am unable to refresh any of the resources in the IDE from the server.

When am trying to refresh a page from the web, getting an Exception saying:



Unable to refresh resource 'MileaeExension.cls':
com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.Metadata$JaxbAccessorF_fullName cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor


Unable to refresh resource 'MileaeExension.cls':

com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.Metadata$JaxbAccessorF_fullName cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor


Please assist to rectify the issue. 


Thanks in advance,
