• mahta
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I'm trying to update "Amount" field in "opportunity" object which is currency data type with partner wsdl. I'm getting an error related to xsd:double, I'm passing 4,000.00 which is double value.

I searched and I found in Enterprise wsdl there is a boolean field for each not string datatype, which we have to set  that flag to true.

Is there any similar way in partner wsdl, or I have to use string.Format and change the format to currency and then connvert it back to decimal and set the value for the field.


Thanks in advance for your help.



  • February 17, 2011
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Can we set an outbound message for users object? I didn't see this object in the list of available objects for outbound message.

The reason is: if user changes name,address,phone or anything else, we want to be able to sync it to our database and also vice versa.


Thanks in advance for your help.


  • January 20, 2011
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I have a question for multipicklist and picklist data type. Is there any id assigned to each value in the value list for picklist data type? and if it is how I can access to that internal id.




  • November 01, 2010
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When does the SF system decide that it needs to put multiple notifications in an Outbound Message?


Is that when multiple objects are effect within one (mass) update?


Thnks for the replies