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Need help with an empty SObject List
Hello Everyone,
I need some help with a bit of apex code. I am creating a query list that I need to check to see if it is empty.
Here is my code:
if (oldPhoneName != null){ List<Transportation_Services__c> oldRecord = [Select Name, Pickup_Time__c, Client__r.Last_Name__c, Pickup_Location__r.Name, Drop_Off_Location__r.Name, Phone_Name__c, Notes_Transportation__c from Transportation_Services__c WHERE Pickup_Time__c = TODAY AND Phone_Name__c = :oldPhoneName AND Name != :valueTwo Order by Pickup_Time__c]; if(oldRecord.isEmpty){ createXML(record, oldPhoneName, true); }else{ createXML(oldRecord, oldphoneName, false); } }
Apex does not like my 'records.isEmpty'. I get this error on compile:
Save error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Transportation_Services__c>
Does anyone know of a way that I can check if a SOQL generated list came back with no records (empty)?
- DevilJ
- April 21, 2011
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Need help with selectlist and onchange request.
I am needing help on a bit of code. I am trying to make a call to a controller method from a apex:selectList drop down menu. I want the code to send the value chosen in the dropdown menu (parameter) to the method on a "onchange" event. I read a blog that showed how to make a call to an apex:actionFunction and then there forward the parameter to the controller method. This works fine if I pas a test string, however, I have no idea on how to capture my dropdown selectionlist item into a variable and send it to the function. If anyone could help, it would be appreciated. Here is my code:
<apex:page tabstyle="Transportation_Services__c" controller="goGetScheduleQuery"> <apex:form > <apex:actionFunction name="update" action="{!updateSchedule}" rerender="jsvalues"> <apex:param name="phone" value="" /> </apex:actionFunction> <apex:pageblock > <apex:pageBlockButtons > <apex:commandButton value="Schedule A Pickup" action="{!schedulePickup}"/> <apex:commandButton value="View the Map" action="{!mapPage}"/> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:pageblocktable value="{!schedule}" var="event" columnsWidth="75px,75px,75px,75px,75px,300px"> <apex:column value="{!event.Pickup_Time__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!event.Client__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!event.Pickup_Location__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!event.Drop_off_Location__c}"/> <apex:column headerValue="Phone"> <apex:selectList id="phoneChoice" value="{!event.Phone_Name__c}" size="1" title="Phones" onchange="update('test selection')"> <apex:selectOptions value="{!phones}" ></apex:selectOptions> </apex:selectList> </apex:column> <apex:column value="{!event.Notes_Transportation__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!event.Name}" rendered="no"/> </apex:pageblocktable> <apex:outputPanel id="jsvalues"> <apex:outputText value="Value one: {!valueOne}" /><br/> <apex:outputText value="Value two: {!valueTwo}" /><br /> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:pageblock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
- DevilJ
- April 01, 2011
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Need help with cancel() Method
I have created a wizard for a custom client object. Following the example in the Visualforce guide, I created this method to cancel the edit:
public PageReference cancel() { PageReference clientPage = new ApexPages.StandardController(client).view(); clientPage.setRedirect(true); return clientPage; }
I created a similar method for the save() method and it works great.
The problem I am having is when I hit cancel, my page throws errors for all the fields that require validation. Is their a way to do a cancel from a custom controller that would just cancel much like the standardcontroller {!cancel} method?
- DevilJ
- November 22, 2010
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Create Group Event with invitees in APEX
I am trying to create a trigger that will create an event that is assigned to two users. The event is recurring. I have read that the you cannot manually create EventAttendee records. Does anyone know of a way to create an even in Apex that will automatically create a group event with more than one attendee?
- DevilJ
- October 25, 2010
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Trigger to set 'Related To' field in an event
I am a newbie to force.com. I am building an app that will help schedule disability services for a college and I have a few questions. I have created an object that would assign an interpreter to a certain student at a certain time (class). I have decided to use a custom object called interpreter service to record each assignment but I would like to use the event object so I can use the built in calendar features in force.com. I see that the event object has a related to field which I can set to the interpreter service. In essence, the records in the interpreter service entity will have a one to one relation with records in the event entity. I have created a trigger that creates a corresponding event when an interpreting service is created. I have two problems. One, is there a way to set the 'related to' field in an event so it is connected to its corresponding Interpreting service record. And second, is their a way to make the event record a dependent child of the corresponding interpreter service record, allowing cascading deletes?
- DevilJ
- October 02, 2010
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Need help with an empty SObject List
Hello Everyone,
I need some help with a bit of apex code. I am creating a query list that I need to check to see if it is empty.
Here is my code:
if (oldPhoneName != null){ List<Transportation_Services__c> oldRecord = [Select Name, Pickup_Time__c, Client__r.Last_Name__c, Pickup_Location__r.Name, Drop_Off_Location__r.Name, Phone_Name__c, Notes_Transportation__c from Transportation_Services__c WHERE Pickup_Time__c = TODAY AND Phone_Name__c = :oldPhoneName AND Name != :valueTwo Order by Pickup_Time__c]; if(oldRecord.isEmpty){ createXML(record, oldPhoneName, true); }else{ createXML(oldRecord, oldphoneName, false); } }
Apex does not like my 'records.isEmpty'. I get this error on compile:
Save error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Transportation_Services__c>
Does anyone know of a way that I can check if a SOQL generated list came back with no records (empty)?
- DevilJ
- April 21, 2011
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Need help with selectlist and onchange request.
I am needing help on a bit of code. I am trying to make a call to a controller method from a apex:selectList drop down menu. I want the code to send the value chosen in the dropdown menu (parameter) to the method on a "onchange" event. I read a blog that showed how to make a call to an apex:actionFunction and then there forward the parameter to the controller method. This works fine if I pas a test string, however, I have no idea on how to capture my dropdown selectionlist item into a variable and send it to the function. If anyone could help, it would be appreciated. Here is my code:
<apex:page tabstyle="Transportation_Services__c" controller="goGetScheduleQuery"> <apex:form > <apex:actionFunction name="update" action="{!updateSchedule}" rerender="jsvalues"> <apex:param name="phone" value="" /> </apex:actionFunction> <apex:pageblock > <apex:pageBlockButtons > <apex:commandButton value="Schedule A Pickup" action="{!schedulePickup}"/> <apex:commandButton value="View the Map" action="{!mapPage}"/> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:pageblocktable value="{!schedule}" var="event" columnsWidth="75px,75px,75px,75px,75px,300px"> <apex:column value="{!event.Pickup_Time__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!event.Client__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!event.Pickup_Location__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!event.Drop_off_Location__c}"/> <apex:column headerValue="Phone"> <apex:selectList id="phoneChoice" value="{!event.Phone_Name__c}" size="1" title="Phones" onchange="update('test selection')"> <apex:selectOptions value="{!phones}" ></apex:selectOptions> </apex:selectList> </apex:column> <apex:column value="{!event.Notes_Transportation__c}"/> <apex:column value="{!event.Name}" rendered="no"/> </apex:pageblocktable> <apex:outputPanel id="jsvalues"> <apex:outputText value="Value one: {!valueOne}" /><br/> <apex:outputText value="Value two: {!valueTwo}" /><br /> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:pageblock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
- DevilJ
- April 01, 2011
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Need help with cancel() Method
I have created a wizard for a custom client object. Following the example in the Visualforce guide, I created this method to cancel the edit:
public PageReference cancel() { PageReference clientPage = new ApexPages.StandardController(client).view(); clientPage.setRedirect(true); return clientPage; }
I created a similar method for the save() method and it works great.
The problem I am having is when I hit cancel, my page throws errors for all the fields that require validation. Is their a way to do a cancel from a custom controller that would just cancel much like the standardcontroller {!cancel} method?
- DevilJ
- November 22, 2010
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Trigger to set 'Related To' field in an event
I am a newbie to force.com. I am building an app that will help schedule disability services for a college and I have a few questions. I have created an object that would assign an interpreter to a certain student at a certain time (class). I have decided to use a custom object called interpreter service to record each assignment but I would like to use the event object so I can use the built in calendar features in force.com. I see that the event object has a related to field which I can set to the interpreter service. In essence, the records in the interpreter service entity will have a one to one relation with records in the event entity. I have created a trigger that creates a corresponding event when an interpreting service is created. I have two problems. One, is there a way to set the 'related to' field in an event so it is connected to its corresponding Interpreting service record. And second, is their a way to make the event record a dependent child of the corresponding interpreter service record, allowing cascading deletes?
- DevilJ
- October 02, 2010
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