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I'm trying to create a trigger on Case Comments so that my Customer Portal users are not able to add comments to closed cases.



trigger CloseComment on CaseComment (before insert) {

for (CaseComment t: Trigger.new)
	Case c = new Case(Id = t.ParentId);
	c = [SELECT Status FROM Case WHERE Id = :c.Id];

	if(c.Status == 'Closed' && System.Userinfo.getUserType()!= 'Standard')
		t.addError('You cannot add comments to closed cases.');


but it fails with bulk import. any ideas?




I have a object Industry (with lookup on Accounts and some text fields). Then another object Results (also linked with Accounts) that is manually imported.


Can I create a trigger that every time I create a Results record would query the Industry object and would return some of it's text fields to be copied to the Results record?



Is CMS FORCE still available to download? I looked in APEXCHANGE and couldn't find it. Did it changed name or something? 

Is there a way to configure E2C to reopen closed cases when case email hits the case after its close?
Our business problem is as follows:
Sometimes team members are absent [sick, travel, etc]. During such absence, we have a need to know of email activity tied to that person's cases. This is not a problem for open cases since they are easily identified and transferred (ownership). My thought is if we could set a global rule where all case email triggers reopening a case if that case is closed, it would solve this problem.