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My Lead object contains a custom field Sales_Development_Rep__c that should contain the name of one of the two people on our staff whose user role is Sales Development (as represented by a specific UserRoleID). Sometimes Leads are created by a Marketo flow, and sometimes they are created by the Sales Development staff.

I'm trying to create a trigger that will ensure that when a Lead is created by someone whose role is Sales Development *and* the Sales Development Rep field is blank, the record will autopopulate the Sales Development Rep field with the appropriate person's name (via their User.Id). I've tried several approaches, but I haven't been able to get the trigger to work. The latest version of my code is below. Can anyone help?

trigger FillBlankSDRField on Lead (before insert) { 

for (l : [Select l.Owner.UserRoleId, l.Owner.Username, l.OwnerId, l.Sales_Development_Rep__c, l.Id From Lead l) { if (l.Sales_Development_Rep__c != null) continue; if !(l.Owner.UserRoleId = '00E50000000kyI8') continue; l.Sales_Development_Rep__c = l.OwnerId; }




I'm trying to create a workflow to automatically update a "Client" checkbox on an account if there is an active contract (meaning the Contract expiration date is greater than today).  How would I accomplish this so that, going forward, if there is a new contract created for an account, it will make sure the checkbox is True? 


EndDate isn't appearing in my workflow options for fields to filter on.





I have created custom button on the event object and has also put that on the Page layout.However,when I click on the contact object and select record and then hit on create new button on the open activities related list I do not see custom button on the event page page.I only see default button's. What is that I am missing?

I have admin access so security will not be a problem.Can somebody please help or let me know the steps to create custom button ffor an event object.


I have the following code, which the IDE shows an error for, since it is a pick list field: accountUpdate.TRAINING_HISTORY_END_YEAR__c


if(accountUpdate.TRAINING_HISTORY_END_YEAR__c.equalsIgnoreCase('-- Please Choose --')){
			.....do something

 Is there any way I can set a value into the pick list field?

Hi guys,


i am working on an approval process for leave requests. When an employee requests a day off, it has to be approved by the manager. But in some cases, the central HR department enters the leave request, and it those cases it should automatically get approved (or better: not go into the approval process).


My solution is to check whether the record maker is member of a certain public group, for instance 'group central HR admin'. But i cannot define that in the approval process.


Any suggetions? Am i on the wrong track here?




Hi all,


I am currently implementing a system which has multiple types of contacts.  I want to have one contact object but have different views for each type ... any ideas?


