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Looking for SFDC Adminstrator in Duluth, GA with 5-6 years of SFDC Admin Experience.

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SFDC Admin Experince is a must

IT / Business Background

I am creating a custom like as a URL. When you click on it takes you to a different page outside of Salesforce.

The URL has a Username=XXXXXX and thats unique to each user.

In my Custom Link  I am puting in the URL={Field that has the XXXXXX} value that way it would combine it and make it a correct URL and take the user the location they need to be at. but its not working. I am not getting any syntax errors but when I got as a user and click on it its only taking the UrL not the Field with the value. How can I fix this?

On my accounts at this time  my sales users rate their accounts from 1 to 5 from a giving pick list.

What I want to do is instead of the numbers when selected I want it to show Starts . 1 start or two starts and so forth....


How can I do this?



I am trying to write a formula In my account page I have a field for # of years in Business. This number needs to change every year. Once my users put this number in once. I would like this number to change each year. To solve this problem I am asking my users to put in the year the business started and then I created a read only field for current year. Then I created a formual field that would calculate the number of year "Current Year - Year the business started" this would give me a number. but its not giving me this error Error: Incorrect parameter for operator '-'. Expected Number, Date, DateTime, received Text when I try to put the formual. Can you please help or have anyother ideas? Thank you, Manisha

When I look at a folder with list of reports I want to be able to see them all on the page. How can change the defualt number that is today.


I have a custom object named "Inventory" and then I have a custom field name "Invoice" which is a URL field.

What I want to do is post a link in that field that will go to the document that is attached to the inventory record.

I don't want my end users to see the link I want them to see just the name of the file. How can I do this?


Thank you for your help.



I am having trouble displaying a simple hyperlink.  I have a custom object called "someobject".  it has a field called "some_url" of type Formula.  The formula is below.



HYPERLINK('http://www.google.com', 'google' , '_blank')



the field outputs "Text".


So i have a custom controller/visualforce page for someobject.  It has a public member var with an instance of someobject that gets referenced all over the page with no problems.  I try to add this:



<apex:outputText value="{!someobject.some_url__c}" />

 hoping to see a hyperlink that says "google".  Instead I get nothing.


Can someone lead me on the path here?  Much thanks.