• Rajesh_SFG
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HI there,


I have a formula field that reads:


"John Smith"& BR()
&"Senior Services Associate"& BR()
&"p:718.111.22222"& BR()
&"e: jsmith@tester.com ",005A0000000456,
"Mary Smith"& BR() 
&"Director of Services"& BR() 
&"p: 718.111.3333"& BR() 
&"e: mary@tester.com", "No owner")

 this works for the email signature, according to the owner of the Lead. The formula displays the values just fine with the paragraphs correctly within salesforce pages. Now, when I use the field in an email template, the result is a lot os <BR> where there was supposed to be just another paragraph.



John Smith <BR> Senior Services Associate <br> p: 718.111.2222 <br> e: jophn@tester.com


Again, looking at the field in Salesforce, it displays just fine with the page breaks.






I have 3 record types:


1) Record Type A 

2) Record Type B

3) Record Type C


Depending on the record type, I'd like do a specific calculation: if record type A, then X*Y.  Exception: if X*Y > 100, then it should show 100, otherwise X*Y.


For record type B, the calculation should be X*Y > 80, then show 80, othewerwise X*Y (answer would be less than 80).


I have this as my current formula:


  ($RecordType.DeveloperName = "Record Type A"),
  IF(X*Y> 100, 100, X*Y)


However I keep getting an error.  I see where the error is coming from because it's not really calculating it with the AND expression.  I feel like this is a simple mistake I'm overlooking.  Can anyone help with the logic?  


Thank you x 100! 



   I need to create the image with dynamic change static resource name tag. 

<apex:image url="{!$Resource.LogoName}" width="650" height="70"/>


I want to change the LogoName dynamically from controller class. That mean queried the image name from Static Resource table then pass that value from controller class. how can i do..

Hi all,

  I need to create the validation rule from without relationship objects. i have created one custom object like "DPT_Configuration__c" in such object have 'Request_Quantity__c' field. In this field compare to another object of "Trial__c" field 'Quantity__c'. i have created validation rule on Trial__c custom object. like given below


$ObjectType.DPT_Configuration__c.Fields.Request_Quantity__c  <   Quantity__c  &&  Remarks__c  = null


but this throw the syntex error : Incorrect parameter for operator '<'. Expected Number, Date, DateTime, received Object


How to solve this..

Hi all,

     I want to create the picklist field under the particular object  dynamically.is it possible?

if possible any one can u please give me the sample code.


thanks in advance.


i have written this code in controller to appent date time 

string parentID ;
string year = String.valueOf(userInputAppointment.Appt_Date__c.year());
string month = String.valueOf(userInputAppointment.Appt_Date__c.month());
string day =  String.valueOf(userInputAppointment.Appt_Date__c.day());
string hour = userInputAppointment.Appt_24_From_Hour__c;
string minute =userInputAppointment.Appt_24_From_Min__c;
string second = '00';
string stringDate = year + '-' + month
 + '-' + day + ' ' + hour + ':' + 
minute + ':' + second;
Datetime startTime= 
test case i have written for it
Appointment__c app1 = new Appointment__c();
        app1.Appt_24_From_Min__c = '60';
         string year = String.valueOf(app1.Appt_Date__c.year());
string month = String.valueOf(app1.Appt_Date__c.month());
string day =  String.valueOf(app1.Appt_Date__c.day());
string hour = app1.Appt_24_From_Hour__c;
string minute =app1.Appt_24_From_Min__c;
string second = '01';
string stringDate = year + '-' + month
 + '-' + day + ' ' + hour + ':' + minute + ':' + second;

Datetime startTime= 
but i am getting this error 
System.TypeException: Invalid date/time: 2011-9-21 11:null:00
plz help me how to cover the test case for the date part in the controller



i have a pageblocktable and i have a list of custom objects Offers. I want to make a button where if u click on it. the current offer will be accepted, but the button doesnt work. Ive also tried commandLink and also it doesnt work. i have also used assignTo an that to doesnt work. can anybody help me on this.

<apex:PageBlockTable var="offer" value="{!Offers}">
  <apex:column >
       <apex:facet name="header">Accept</apex:facet>
         <apex:commandButton value ="Accept" action="{!AcceptOffer}">
<apex:param name="q" value="{!offer.Id}"/>

public class code{

public List<Offers__c> Offers {set;get}

public class AcceptOffer(){

String aOffer = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id')





This is my first attempt to write javascript for an action button.


I want to iterate through a list of Strings (generated by splitting a long comma separated string).

I want to process these Strings in batches equal to Quanta value.


Problem is that when I push the button I get this Error:


Unexpected token: ILLEGAL


This is my code:




var quota = {!$Setup.testtt__Gateway_Setting__c.testtt__Max_Quota__c};
var Id = '{!testtt__Micro_Campaign__c.Id}'
var recipients = {!testtt__Micro_Campaign__c.testtt__Distribution_List__c}.split(',');
var startSlice = 0;
var endSlice = quota;
var silices = 0;
var timeout;

function timedPublish(){
	var result;
	while(silices < quota){	
		result = executePublish(recipients.slice(startSlice, endSlice));
		if(result == 0){
			alert(" Messages are being processed and published. This might take time depending on the number of recipients");
			alert("Some error was found and publishing as stopped. please check the logs.");
		startSlice = endSlice++;
		if(endSlice <=  recipients.lenght)
			endSlice = i*quota;
			endslice = recipients.lenght;
		timeout = setTimeout("timedPublish()",2000);	
function executePublish(toNumbers){
	return result = sforce.apex.execute( 
					 "testtt/MicroCampaignAPI", // class 
					 "publishCampaign", // method 
					 {campaignID: Id, recipients: toNumbers});     //arguments 		


Any idea what am I doing wrong?


Many Thanks

I have a Master - Detail Relationship. I dont want duplicate records in Master field. I placed a trigger (insert, update) which doesn't allow duplicate entry into the database.

Now when i update the detail field the trigger on master gets executed and it prevents me to insert data displaying that the record that i am entering is duplicate. I inferred that the update trigger gets executed even when i am entering detail record values. I dont want this to happen.

Can anyone suggest a solution of how to prevent the trigger from executing when i am entering data in the detail field.


I've a custom "Existing_Industry__c" object which is a child object of Account (master-detail).
This object has a custom field which name is "Industry__c" which is a lookup field of another object. The value available for this field are :
- Industry 1,
- Industry 2,
- Industry 3.
I've created another custom object "Existing_Industry_Equipment__c" which is a child object of "Existing_Industry__c" (master-detail).
This object has a custom field which name is "Equipment__c" which is a lookup field of another object. The value available for this field are :
- Equipment 11 for Industry 1,
- Equipment 12 for Industry 1,
- Equipment 21 for Industry 2,
- Equipment 22 for Industry 2,
- ...
This is like dependent picklist ... 
For example, I add "Industry 1" on the related list "Existing Industry" to "Account 1" .
On "Industry 1" record I would like to add Equipment on the relatd list "Existing Industry Equipment" which only display "Equipment 11" and "Equipment 12".
I try to add a filter on the lookup "Equipment__c" (Existing_Industry_Equipment__c) but I can't filter on the "Industry__c" parent field (Existing_Industry__c).

Any ideas ???


I have a picklist status field ,the field contains postponed,scheduled ,canceled values . when i select postponed value ,the custom date field should be made activate ,in other cases it should be inactive.

Hi Frnds,


How can I change the standard color of Force.com Standard UI Header and Image?

Please help


