• IvanB@LM
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  • Member since 2011

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Hi, Experts - I need to know what field is used to store file name when a file is attached to a chatter comment. As in for posts - title field in object feeditem stores file attached to a post; thank you.

Hi, experts - 

Reletively new to SF, I got  a standard controller on contact and thru extension I am trying to save records to a custom

object. Records are retrived on a VF page. It is not saving. Snippet:


List<customobj__c> cp =
 [select id from customobj__c limit 1

public void save() {update cp; }

save is called as

<apex:commandButton id="update" action="{!save}" value="Save"


If it is an invalid design, how can I write to another object when controller is on contact object ?


Hi, Experts - 


Could some one please drop a few snippets on how it would look to have a after delete trigger, so when a row is deleted on the triggered object deleted row gets archived (inserted) into another custom object ?



Hi, All - I have a few apex:commandButton on the page and one apex:outputPanel where I want to display some text onClick action by toggling between those apex:commandButton; I created an extension controller. Question: How can I access value property of apex:outputText from Apex. I placed 1 apex:outputText for each apex:commandButton Please suggest, thank you.

We have a beta version of a functional equivalent of TRUNCATE SQL available on Sandbox organizations. Please open a case with support if you would like to try it out.  We will make a decision on when to GA based on adoption and feedback.



Truncating a custom object does the following:

  • Permanently disassociates ALL the object's data records from the object. You will not be able to operate on them using this object and they will not be recoverable from the Recycle Bin.
  • Recalculates values in Roll Up Summary Fields in parent objects that reference the object. You will not be able to recover the values that existed prior to the truncate. 
  • Creates a "shadow" custom object . This is a deleted custom object  associated with the truncated data records. Its name consists of the truncated object's name suffixed by "_trunc_n" where n is the number of times the object has been truncated. Like any deleted object, the shadow object will appear in the deleted objects list until you permanently erase the object and its data, or 45 days have passed. While it is in the deleted objects list  you can undelete the "shadow" and the data stored in it to create a new custom object. An undeleted  "shadow" custom object will not be a clone of the truncated table. It will not have any of the truncated object's :
      • relationships with other objects. Any foreign key fields will be converted to read-only text fields.
      • Autonumbers. AutoNumber fields  will be converted to read-only text fields
      • workflow rules or actions 
      • reports
      • formula fields
      • roll-up summary fields
      • validation rules or approval processes
      • Apex Code triggers
      • translations
      • field history