• KapilC
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Hi Everyone,
Plz tell me how to add child records in sequence.Here is the code.Suppose in 3 contact associated with account (Ex Contact name Contact0,Contact1,Contact2).On Account field Number of Location field value is 3.if i change to 6 then (Contact0, Contact1,Contact3 ) inserting again.I need to add Contact4,Contact5,Contact 6 while Updating.

Here is the code:-

trigger ContactCreation on Account (after insert,after update) {
    List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact>();
    Map<Id,decimal> mapAcc = new Map<Id,decimal>();
    for(Account a : trigger.new){
    if(mapAcc.size() > 0 && mapAcc != null){
        for(Account acc : trigger.new){
            for(Integer i=0;i<mapAcc.get(acc.id);i++){
                Contact con = new Contact();
                con.AccountId = acc.Id;
                con.LastName = 'Contact'+i;
    if(conList.size() > 0 && conList != null){
        insert conList;
    List<Contact> listcon = new List<Contact>([Select Id,Name From Contact]);
    for(Contact c : listCon){

Thanks in Advance !!

Hi there,

the apex:column component is calling a text area field. Is there a way to remove the hyperlinks or at least change the color of the links ? 
Thanks for your help guys. 

Greetings Sandra
I know that it's possible to exclude a block of code from being executed with creative use of the following method:
However, I was hoping someone knew of a strategy for excluding a block of code from certain unit tests while allowing it to run in others.  I have portions of a Trigger that I want to run for certain unit tests, but I'd prefer not to run the same portion of the trigger for other tests. Is there a common strategy for doing that?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Many thanks!
I have row values as dates in one object, i.e dates within a given year. I have a second object with field names as Day1__c, Day2__c and so on till Day366__c. I want to assign the dates to the fields in the 2nd object.
Example, if the date in the first object is 2018-01-01 I want to assign a value to field Day1__c in the second object and if the date is 2018-12-31 I want to assign a value to Day365__c.
Thanks for any help.
Hi All,

How to remove muliple occurences from a string?say for example if we give input as 'MISSISSIPPI' .I need to get output as 'MISP'.

can anyone please help on this.

Hi team,

I have designed a trigger to update date__c field of contact on account object Date__c . Now i want to modify code with help of trigger handler class . How can I acheive it ?
trigger LatestDateContact on Contact (after insert,after update,after delete) {    
    List<Account> updAcc = new List<Account>();  
    Map<id,account> mapacc = new Map<id,account>( [select id,name,Date__c,(select id,Date__c from contacts) from account]);
    if(Trigger.isDelete) {
        List<Contact> oldContatcs = Trigger.Old;
        for(Contact con: oldContatcs) {
            Id accID = con.AccountID;
            date latestdate = Date.newInstance(2008, 1, 1);
            Account acc = mapacc.get(accID);
            for(Contact c: acc.Contacts) {
                if(latestdate < c.Date__c ) {
                    latestdate = c.Date__c;
            acc.Date__c = latestdate;
        update updAcc;
    if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate) {
        List<Contact> newContacts = Trigger.New;
        for(Contact con: newContacts) {
            Id accID = con.AccountID;
            date latestdate = con.Date__c;
            if(latestdate == null) {
                latestdate = Date.newInstance(2008, 1, 1);
            Account acc = mapacc.get(accID);
            for(Contact c: acc.Contacts) {
                if(latestdate < c.Date__c ) {
                    latestdate = c.Date__c;
            acc.Date__c = latestdate;
        update updAcc;

Thanks for advance 

Hi Guro,
I have the above error. Please help!!!.

trigger OpportunityBillingSchedule on OpportunityLineItem (after insert) {
    list<Schedule__c> AddBS = new list<Schedule__c>();
    for( OpportunityLineItem olitems : Trigger.new)
        //populate the account
        List<opportunity> oppl = [Select Id, AccountId
                                 from Opportunity
                                 where Id =:olitems.OpportunityId] ;
        set<id> opAcc = new set<id>();
        for( Opportunity opp: oppl )
             opAcc.add( opp.AccountId);
         if (olitems.term__c)
            Schedule__c BS       = new Schedule__c();
             BS.name                   = olitems.name;
             BS.Account__c        = opAcc; 
             BS.opportunity__C    = olitems.opportunityid;
             BS.Billing_amount__c = olitems.unitprice;
             BS.Date__c           = Date.today();  // olitems.Maintenance_start_date__c;
             BS.Status__c         = 'Open';
       insert AddBS;   
i did try:     BS.Account__c        =  oppl[1].id ; 
but got another error upon saving : System.ListException: List index out of bounds: 1: Trigger.OpportunityBillingSchedule: line 25, column 1   ​

Thank in Advance.




I'm having some trouble with a trigger I've written.  This is intended to create a task based upon certain fields in a custom object.  The tasks are created as expected, except WhatID is not populated in the tasks, therefore they are not linked to the custom object record.

  This trigger checks if tax docs are received and/or scanned on
  Tax_Services__c object and assigns tasks accordingly.


trigger Tax_Docs on Tax_Services__c (before insert, before update) {
    // The sets used to store the IDs of the Accounts or Contacts/Leads within an event that need to get updated

    Set <Id> IdSet = new Set <Id> ();

    for(Tax_Services__c e : trigger.new)

    // Creates two maps in case whatId is not populated
    Map<ID, Tax_Services__c> serviceMap = new Map<ID, Tax_Services__c>([select Id,  
                                                                               from Tax_Services__c 
                                                                               Where Id in :IdSet]);
    List<Task> taskList = [select Id,  
                                  from Event 
                                  Where WhatId in :whatIdSet];

    // The actual Accounts to save
    List <Task> TasksToCreate = new List <Task> ();

    for(Tax_Services__c e : Trigger.new)
            Tax_Services__c oldService = Trigger.oldMap.get(e.ID);
            if(e.Tax_Docs_Received__c == TRUE && e.Tax_Docs_Scanned__c == TRUE)
                if(e.Tax_Docs_Received__c != oldService.Tax_Docs_Received__c || e.Tax_Docs_Scanned__c != oldService.Tax_Docs_Scanned__c)
                    TasksToCreate.add(new Task(OwnerID = e.Tax_Advisor__c,
                                               Subject = 'Tax Docs Received and Scanned',
                                               WhatID = e.Id,
                                               ActivityDate = date.today(),
                                               Status = 'Not Started',
                                               Priority = 'Normal',
                                               Hidden__c = 'Tax Docs Received & Scanned'));
            if(e.Tax_Docs_Received__c == TRUE && e.Tax_Docs_Scanned__c == FALSE)
                if(e.Tax_Docs_Received__c != oldService.Tax_Docs_Received__c || e.Tax_Docs_Scanned__c != oldService.Tax_Docs_Scanned__c)
                    TasksToCreate.add(new Task(OwnerID = e.Tax_Advisor__c,
                                               Subject = 'Scan Tax Docs',
                                               WhatID = e.Id,
                                               ActivityDate = date.today(),
                                               Status = 'Not Started',
                                               Priority = 'Normal',
                                               Hidden__c = 'Scan Tax Docs'));
            if(e.Tax_Docs_Received__c == TRUE && e.Tax_Docs_Scanned__c == TRUE)
                    TasksToCreate.add(new Task(OwnerID = e.Tax_Advisor__c,
                                               Subject = 'Tax Docs Received and Scanned',
                                               WhatID = e.Id,
                                               ActivityDate = date.today(),
                                               Status = 'Not Started',
                                               Priority = 'Normal',
                                               Hidden__c = 'Tax Docs Received & Scanned'));
            if(e.Tax_Docs_Received__c == TRUE && e.Tax_Docs_Scanned__c == FALSE)
                    TasksToCreate.add(new Task(OwnerID = e.Tax_Advisor__c,
                                               Subject = 'Scan Tax Docs',
                                               WhatID = e.Id,
                                               ActivityDate = date.today(),
                                               Status = 'Not Started',
                                               Priority = 'Normal',
                                               Hidden__c = 'Scan Tax Docs'));

  /*      if(e.WhatID != null && accountMap.containsKey(e.whatId))
                Insert TasksToCreate;
            catch (System.DmlException ex)
                System.Debug (ex);

Any thoughts on what may be happening here?

I have a requirement where in im using Fieldsets.Here using fieldsets i have constructed the query and the database.query(query) working (conRec in the given code) fine,Now i would want to know the data that is returned,(i.e.,the data in each field of the fieldset ).
Could someone help me here. My code is as follows:

Global class DataValidationNew{
    Webservice static boolean dataValidate(Id conId){
    String Query='SELECT ';
    List<Schema.FieldSetMember> fieldList=SObjectType.Contact.FieldSets.test_field_set.getFields();
     for(Schema.FieldSetMember f : fieldList) {
       Query = Query+f.getFieldPath() +','; 
        Query=Query+'Id from Contact where id=:conId';
        Contact conRec=Database.query(Query);
        System.debug('contact record'+conRec);
        return true;

Hi All,


Here is my scenario,


I have a list of records in a particular object "A".

I have to query these records and put them in another list(on a different object "B") wherefrom the same number of records will be auto generated.



Object - A

records: A1,A2,A3. (these will be queried in a list)


Object - B

('put' list)records created: B1(=A1),B2(=A2),B3(=A3)....


Kindly advice.


Many thanks in advance





  • August 31, 2012
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In Data tables(http://datatables.net/) Which Type of List using to query the records in Apex Controller ?


Because I am using Normal List to pass the page datatables told "No records Found".. But I have 5000 records in my List..


How can i display my values in page and which type of list will i use?

HI Everyone,


 I want to add a 5% of amount to the existing amount with triggers like




% is not supported by apex triggers


how can i do this ..



I want to split a string by capital letters.


For example : 


MainString = JanuaryFebruaryMarch;


string1 = January

string2 = February

string3 = March


Please help.





in  Site.createPortalUser "The optional opt_sendEmailConfirmation argument determines whether a new user email is sent to the portal user"


How do I control who this email appears to come from?


I tried going to the email template and changing the author, but the email still appears to come from me (the system admin).




I have a list of records that are returning from class to vf of pageblocktable.


Now, in that list the field status__c contains the values pass or fail.


suppose if the status__c is "fail" then i would like to apply the color as "Red". If it is "pass" i would like to apply the color as "Green" to this value on VF page.


Can any one please give a statement for applying different colors using style class on vfpage?




hi all ,


I am quite new to salesforce . i am just creating a mobile app that can just manage accounts and  Related contacts.

basically i want to add a functionality in my app such that user can be able to create new account by giving their desired value in the form .


now whne i use html tags like  <input id="website" name="website" type="text" /> . jquery process that id easily.


viz var website=$j('#website').val();


but when i try  to use <apex:inputfield id="website" value="acc.website"> or <apex:inputtext id="website" value="{!website}"/>   


where website is defined in controller with proper getter and setter method.



so as to engaage salesforce field . the error arises that this tag can only be used with sfobjects.



can anyone help me out in passing any vf components id to jquery and retrieve that value in jquery  .


any help in this regard would be much appreciated .





Thanks and Regards



Anchal Garg


Hi all,
I try to upgrade my old Util class to api 46 this morning. But I face this issue.

User-added image

I try found this changes in Release Note but anything applied, and I also can found this method at this link:

Did anyone face this issue? Which method can replace UserInfo.isCurrentUserLicensed under API 46.

Best wishes,


Hi Everyone,
Plz tell me how to add child records in sequence.Here is the code.Suppose in 3 contact associated with account (Ex Contact name Contact0,Contact1,Contact2).On Account field Number of Location field value is 3.if i change to 6 then (Contact0, Contact1,Contact3 ) inserting again.I need to add Contact4,Contact5,Contact 6 while Updating.

Here is the code:-

trigger ContactCreation on Account (after insert,after update) {
    List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact>();
    Map<Id,decimal> mapAcc = new Map<Id,decimal>();
    for(Account a : trigger.new){
    if(mapAcc.size() > 0 && mapAcc != null){
        for(Account acc : trigger.new){
            for(Integer i=0;i<mapAcc.get(acc.id);i++){
                Contact con = new Contact();
                con.AccountId = acc.Id;
                con.LastName = 'Contact'+i;
    if(conList.size() > 0 && conList != null){
        insert conList;
    List<Contact> listcon = new List<Contact>([Select Id,Name From Contact]);
    for(Contact c : listCon){

Thanks in Advance !!

Hi All,
I am working in salesfroce past 3.5 years in this time period i have changed two companies 
 because in my first company they hired for salesforce developer but they have just assinged 
 some salesforce admin related tasks and excel related work and for 1.5 years i was working with the 
 company but i have seen that no learning no proper work so i decieded to 
 leave the company and search for the good work on salesforce itself fortunatily 
 i have got job also in a company. in this company i thought i will get good exposer 
 and work and learning as well but bad luck again the same kind of data realted work in salesforce
 no live developemnet project experience and no growth. now aagin i am trying for the 
 another job where i can have live project developemnet experience but now when i attaned the interview 
 with 3+ years experience they ask everything related to developemnet coding and live project realted questions 
 so because of lack of real time project experience i am getting stuck in interview.
 please suggest me how i can move on to my carier and inhance my technical experience to get the job in MNCs. Duw to some personal problem i have to get the job ASAP.
Hi Experts

I need to calculate the Opportunity amount sum based on the Recod type Eg: i have A, B, C three Record types , Now i will create record with the record type B by selecting the parent opportunity Record of Record type A. Now i need to calculate sum of all the records of Record type B which is assicated to the Opportunity Record type of Record type A. simily amount of C record type records on B record type record.

Thanks in advance
Hi All,

In Service Console, if an agent is handling multiple chats for example and therefore has 4 tabs open, can we make it so that when a customer responds to a chat in a tab that isnt in focus, can we make that tab flash green for example? I found an API 'setTabStyle()' but not sure if that will accomplish it? 
I have 4 tables that are associated with my opportunities.  Each of these need an accounting id to populate that increases in value as new records are created.  The format has been descided and can't be changed.  I want to create a APEX class (trigger will fire before/after insert) that will generate the next ID # (Project Agreement #) for that record.  The Project Agreement # must always have 3 digits (example: 001, 002, 003...010, etc)
1) get all records "Project Agreement #" where records match opportunity
2) Sort records decending and get first record
3) pull out string and convert to int
4) add 1 to int and convert back to 3 digit string format

My code is as follows....
Right now I am able to get a decensding list, however I can't pull the "0" record from the list and further just the "project_Agreement__c" field.

public class NewProjectExtension {
    public static void CreateExtension(String Carrier, id OpportunityID){
            List<1Carrier_Sales__c> AgreementList = [SELECT Project_Agreement__c FROM 1Carrier_Sales__c WHERE Opportunity__c =: OpportunityID];
            List<1Carrier_Sales__c> Desc_AgreementList = new List<1Carrier_Sales__c>();
            for(Integer i = AgreementList.size()-1;i>=0;i--){
            system.debug('Check Order -->'+Desc_AgreementList); //prints order of Project_Agreement__c

18:32:43:017 USER_DEBUG [13]|DEBUG|Check Order -->(AT_T_Carrier_Sales__c:{Project_Agreement__c=004, Id=a0B2C0000007XpRUAU}, AT_T_Carrier_Sales__c:{Project_Agreement__c=003, Id=a0B2C0000007XpWUAU}, AT_T_Carrier_Sales__c:{Project_Agreement__c=002, Id=a0B2C0000007XpbUAE}, AT_T_Carrier_Sales__c:{Project_Agreement__c=001, Id=a0B2C0000007XpMUAU})
Hi there,

the apex:column component is calling a text area field. Is there a way to remove the hyperlinks or at least change the color of the links ? 
Thanks for your help guys. 

Greetings Sandra
I know that it's possible to exclude a block of code from being executed with creative use of the following method:
However, I was hoping someone knew of a strategy for excluding a block of code from certain unit tests while allowing it to run in others.  I have portions of a Trigger that I want to run for certain unit tests, but I'd prefer not to run the same portion of the trigger for other tests. Is there a common strategy for doing that?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Many thanks!
I have row values as dates in one object, i.e dates within a given year. I have a second object with field names as Day1__c, Day2__c and so on till Day366__c. I want to assign the dates to the fields in the 2nd object.
Example, if the date in the first object is 2018-01-01 I want to assign a value to field Day1__c in the second object and if the date is 2018-12-31 I want to assign a value to Day365__c.
Thanks for any help.
Hey guys,

have some problems setting up a new workflow. I'm trying to set up a workflow which creates a new task, when a specific date + 28 days is reached. So far so easy but the problem is the opportunitys are already created. My question is if for example the date + 28 days is reached tomorrow, will the workflow trigger on an already created opp without me updating the opp manually?

Best regards

Hello All,

I have written a Trigger to abort creation of new opportunities at a certain condition and send an Email as a report to the admin. I am using a helper class-method to implement this. The trigger works fine (Aborts the process successfully), but i am not able to receive the email, even though the program saves without an error. Please take a quick look at my code:


trigger AmountLimitCheck on Opportunity (Before insert) {



Helper Class:

Public class OpportunityAmountLimitCheck

Public static void Opportunity_records(List <Opportunity> ops)
double Amount_op = 0;

    for(Opportunity op:[select Amount from Opportunity where CreatedDate = today])
    Amount_op = Amount_op + op.Amount ;
    for (Opportunity o: ops)
    Amount_op = Amount_op + o.Amount;
        If (Amount_op > 100000)
        o.addError('Daily Opportunity Amount limit exceeded');
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage sendmail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        List<String> Recepient= new List <String> ();
        String emailbody = 'Dear ' +o.OwnerId ;
                          emailbody += 'Please note that your opportunities has reached daily limit.';
                          emailbody += 'You will now be restricted from creating any more opportunities';
        sendmail.SetSubject('Opportunity Creation Error, Daily limit exceeded');
        Messaging.SendEmailResult[] res = Messaging.SendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {sendmail});


Hi All,

How to remove muliple occurences from a string?say for example if we give input as 'MISSISSIPPI' .I need to get output as 'MISP'.

can anyone please help on this.

I need to create 2 fields:
1) The date the last task or event was logged and completed for contacts
2) How many patients (custom object- child record of contact) from 30 days since that last task was logged

The Salesforce Support team told me to post on here. They said that it requires custom coding. Please let me know if I need to add futher detail. Thank you!
Hi team,

I have designed a trigger to update date__c field of contact on account object Date__c . Now i want to modify code with help of trigger handler class . How can I acheive it ?
trigger LatestDateContact on Contact (after insert,after update,after delete) {    
    List<Account> updAcc = new List<Account>();  
    Map<id,account> mapacc = new Map<id,account>( [select id,name,Date__c,(select id,Date__c from contacts) from account]);
    if(Trigger.isDelete) {
        List<Contact> oldContatcs = Trigger.Old;
        for(Contact con: oldContatcs) {
            Id accID = con.AccountID;
            date latestdate = Date.newInstance(2008, 1, 1);
            Account acc = mapacc.get(accID);
            for(Contact c: acc.Contacts) {
                if(latestdate < c.Date__c ) {
                    latestdate = c.Date__c;
            acc.Date__c = latestdate;
        update updAcc;
    if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate) {
        List<Contact> newContacts = Trigger.New;
        for(Contact con: newContacts) {
            Id accID = con.AccountID;
            date latestdate = con.Date__c;
            if(latestdate == null) {
                latestdate = Date.newInstance(2008, 1, 1);
            Account acc = mapacc.get(accID);
            for(Contact c: acc.Contacts) {
                if(latestdate < c.Date__c ) {
                    latestdate = c.Date__c;
            acc.Date__c = latestdate;
        update updAcc;

Thanks for advance 
I have to Insert a Contact but before inserting a contact I have to check that related account is
there or not if the related account is there then insert a Contact with that account ID only else
insert an account and then insert a contact with that related account ID.     

Nirdesh Bhatt

I have stripped my code back to the bare minumum as I am having lots of trouble trying to make a form with one field.  The field needs to submit the string "submitted" when the user hits the submit button.

My Error in the VFP
<blockquote>Unknown property 'leadershipReadyCon.Leadership_Ready__c'</blockquote>

My APEX Class code
public with sharing class leadershipReadyCon {

	 public final Leadership_Ready__c myLeadershipReady;
	//Constructor function
    public leadershipReadyCon() {
        myLeadershipReady = [SELECT Id, Automated_TP_Status__c FROM Leadership_Ready__c 
                   WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('prodId')];
    Leadership_Ready__c lr = new Leadership_Ready__c();

    public Leadership_Ready__c getLeadershipReady() {
        return myLeadershipReady;

    public PageReference save() {
        //Add your custom logic to update specific fields here 
        //e.g. myLeadershipReady.email = 'xx@xx.com'; 
        update myLeadershipReady;
        return null;

Here is my Visual Force Page code 
<apex:page controller="leadershipReadyCon" tabStyle="Leadership_Ready__c">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock title="Automated Training Plan Status">
            You belong to Account Name: <apex:inputField value="{!Leadership_Ready__c.Automated_TP_Status__c}"/>
            <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="save"/>

Any help would be great, I don't know if this is the best way to submit data to a field in SFDC with APEX so if I am totaly on the wrong track, please let me know.

Hello Everyone, Can I change my site domain http:/test-developer-edition.ap2.force.com/
to something like www.testsite.force.com or any easy format.