• Amena
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Can we use soql in for loop?if yes how can we use? what is difference between standard soql and soqlforloop?is there any governer limits? with example




Hi guys,


I don't wanna use OAuth for authentication. Let's say I haven't a client id and a client secret information to use OAuth...and I just want to ues the REST API from my Mozilla REST Client or soapUI to connect to my account and to create a conversation, or to take the list of friends I have in my account. I know my username and password. Is this possible?





Is there an easy way to copy all the configurations (all objects + settings) from 1 Org to another? I know it's easy to copy from production to sandbox but now I want to copy the production Org to my personal developer Org. How do you go about doing this? Please advise.





Hey all.


I have a custom butten that resides on my opportunity (renamed 'School Contract').


I want it so that once the custom button is clicked, the 'School Contract' Stage field is updated to 'Contract Completed'.


How can I do this? 


Keep in mind I'm not a very strong coder!!


Thanks a ton!



I've got a beforeUpdate trigger on user that is supposed to do some work when the user is deactivated.  However the code seemed to not pass the below condition:


if (i.isactive == false)
   //do some work here


Shouldn't I be detecting for the Isactive field for this?