• t.deepthi05
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I am deploying my code to production and i am getting the below error

My trigger

trigger OpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (after delete, after insert, after undelete,
after update, before delete, before insert, before update) {

    if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert){

and my trigger class is

public static void insertOpp(Opportunity[] o,Set<id> newMapKeySet)

    list<Opportunity> oppsToUpdate =[select id,Encrypted_URL__c from Opportunity where id  IN :newMapKeySet];
    for(Opportunity op:oppsToUpdate){
        if(op.id != null){
            string oppid=op.id;
            Blob dataLead = Blob.valueOf(oppid);
            String b64Data = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(dataLead);
            string oppURL =Label.PWV_FavoriteURL+'oId='+b64Data;
            op.Encrypted_URL__c =oppURL;
    update oppsToUpdate;
    }catch(exception e){
            system.debug('DMl exception'+e);


can i know how to over the soql exception

I am using remote action for displaying records on the visual force page.My remote action method is inside repeat tag when i rerender my repeat my remote action is not functioning.

I am getting the following error."No remoted actions found to resolve"

Can i know how to rerender the panel with repeat tag and i cannot write remote action outside repeat panel.


I am deploying my package into production and i am getting the follwoing error.

Failure Message: "line -1, column -1: Previous load of class failed: ***********_test", Failure Stack Trace: "null"

Can i know why i am getting the follwoing error when i running the test classes it is working fine.

I have list of records displaying with repeat tag in visualforce page.I want intially to show 5 records and then on button click i want display next 5 records along with the current records in the same  page until i have records in the list.

I have https callouts so i want to implemt the above functionality using java script

how to set the repeat size value to 5 intially and incerment it further using javascript

Hi All,

I want to display all the records in single page 

i.e intial when the  Page  load five records have to display and when i click on next button it has load next 5 records with the inital 5 records 
i.e. a total of 10 records 

Can i have any work around for the above requirement.

Using custom controller or javascript

Hi All,

I want to display mutiple records on page using pagination.

i want create a next button and on clicking of this button the want display next set of records along with the current records.

Is there any way that I can append the newly fetched records with previous records?


I am updating my task activity date in lead using a trigger when ever i am creating a new task record on the lead object

but the activity date is wrongly updated in the lead

can i know why and here is my code

             leadsToUpdate = new list<Lead>([Select Id, Name, Activity_Date__c, (Select Id, ActivityDate From Tasks limit 100) From Lead Where Id in : leadIds limit 1]);
            for(Lead l: leadsToUpdate)
                for(Task t : l.Tasks)
                    if (t.ActivityDate > Date.today())
                        l.Activity_Date__c = t.ActivityDate;
        update leadsToUpdate;
I have developing apex class that will send an email with site URL, it's hard coded it's working our org, when I deploy the apex class in another org, It's sending the same URL as it's hard coded.

I need to send the URL dynamically depends on where it's installed.